PNP Proves Once Again It’s Arguments On (SOE’s) Are Fraudalent

The People’s National Party in Jamaica, the Opposition par­ty to the Governing Jamaica Labor Party took the posi­tion over the last cou­ple of weeks that it would pull its sup­port from the State’s Of Emergency declared in Saint James and parts of Saint Catherine.
The expla­na­tion giv­en by the PNP is that the secu­ri­ty forces, are sim­ply scrap­ing up large num­bers of young men and lock­ing them up and not enough of these young peo­ple are being charged with crimes.

Now, I can tell you per­son­al­ly that that has been one of the Achilles heels of the secu­ri­ty forces when they are giv­en addi­tion­al pow­ers to clamp down on crim­i­nal con­duct, as some­one who spent a decade in law enforce­ment between 1982 and 1992.
There are two inter­twined facts though in that real­i­ty which I would like to quick­ly point to and they are (1) when the secu­ri­ty forces deploy these huge drag­nets they do scrape up some of the vio­lence pro­duc­ers as well as some oth­ers.
Some are inno­cent and some not so inno­cent, if you under­stand Jamaica’s crim­i­nal net­works.
(2) This is a mat­ter which the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion could have approached the admin­is­tra­tion on with a view to find­ing a solu­tion to that par­tic­u­lar sore point the par­ty says it is both­ered by.
Doing so would ren­der oth­er periph­er­al issues moot if the pri­ma­ry issue of over deten­tion was addressed.
Those oth­er points per­tained to (a)the length of time in deten­tion and(b) the treat­ment of detainees while in detention.

Remarkably, the source of the data on which the oppo­si­tion claimed to have for­mu­lat­ed it’s deci­sion large­ly came from the Public Defender and an antag­o­nis­tic anti-police lob­by called Jamaican’s For Justice.
Now, there are sev­er­al issues with these two sources, (a) the infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed to a select com­mit­tee of the nation’s par­lia­ment by the Public Defender Arlene Harrison-Henry has been wide­ly dis­cred­it­ed as inac­cu­rate and vast­ly exag­ger­at­ed by the police, the very source from which the PD stat­ed she received the data.
To date that crit­i­cal issue has not been set­tled, except for a state­ment put out by the PD which stat­ed that she “stands by her state­ments to the com­mit­tee”.
But how can that sim­ply be the end of that? Can a pub­lic offi­cial, paid by tax dol­lars, give an erro­neous account­ing to the peo­ple’s par­lia­ment and sim­ply say that she stands by what she said and that’s it?
Can she sim­ply say “I said what I said” with­out giv­ing clar­i­fi­ca­tion or cor­rect­ing the record and it is sim­ply left at that?
She has done nei­ther to date, yet the Opposition’s claims that peo­ple are being improp­er­ly treat­ed are built on the state­ments of a pub­lic offi­cial who have been caught lying, and who refus­es to retract those lies.
(b) The word of JFJ has no val­ue, it is one-sided biased, anti-law enforce­ment crim­i­nal sup­port­ing lob­by run by igno­rant dem­a­gogues and there­fore JFJ is unde­serv­ing of any fur­ther mention.

There may very well be a case to be made about Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ pol­i­tics, I will leave that to the hyper-par­ti­sans but I do find that as far as Jamaican pol­i­tics goes, he does try to seek con­sen­sus in gov­er­nance.
This is a con­cept com­plete­ly alien to the oppo­si­tion PNP’s track record, which seems to be, my way or the high­way.
And shock­ing­ly it seems to me, that the leader of the PNP, Peter Phillips believes that he is the Prime Minister, or that he has the same degree of lever­age as the PM even as an unpop­u­lar oppo­si­tion leader.
First of all, giv­en the posi­tion of the Opposition on this issue, I would not be try­ing to bring them to the table but I’m not the PM and that is why Andrew Holness is the Prime Minister and I am not.
So the Prime Minister invit­ed the Opposition leader to a sit down to have a dis­cus­sion of the oppo­si­tion’s con­cerns tomor­row.
As I thought would be the case, Phillips wrote to the Prime Minister stat­ing the fol­low­ing.
Given the very short notice, it is not pos­si­ble for our team to meet tomor­row. The ear­li­est the team can be assem­bled is January 7, 2019.” 

PM Andrew Holness

Now because I don’t have any idea what the oppo­si­tion lead­er’s sched­ule looks like, maybe some­one can edu­cate me on what exact­ly Peter Phillips may have to do which ren­ders him unable to meet with the nation’s chief exec­u­tive until January 7th?
In the mean­time, I’m going to assume that he is grand­stand­ing and lever­ag­ing pow­er that he does not have.
As I said in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, the PNP of today is no more inter­est­ed in work­ing to solve this exis­ten­tial crime prob­lem than the PNP under Portia Simpson Miller want­ed to walk the gar­risons with Andrew Holness.
The SOE’s can­not be the admin­is­tra­tion’s crime strat­e­gy, but for want of a bet­ter way for­ward it has saved numer­ous lives last year and that is not up for debate.
The Jamaican peo­ple have to decide for them­selves whether they want the PNP to con­tin­ue to use a tox­ic and dan­ger­ous anti-police out­side lob­by (JFJ) and par­ti­san moles like the Public Defender to help them to sab­o­tage the gov­ern­men­t’s progress on crime?

People are walk­ing away from their homes in places like Mandeville, parish­es like Hanover once con­sid­ered havens of peace and qui­et.
This Opposition par­ty seems quite con­tent for this to con­tin­ue until the Chinese buy up all of these prop­er­ties and Jamaicans are left as sub­servient slaves to for­eign­ers in their own coun­try.
That is the coun­try the PNP wants to gov­ern, a bro­ken dys­func­tion­al, pover­ty-strick­en dystopi­an hell hole.
In fact, that is the modus operan­di of the par­ty. A par­ty which loves squalor, crime and abject pover­ty. A time test­ed strat­e­gy the par­ty has used to attract the worst ele­ments in our coun­try to look to them for lead­er­ship.
In oth­er words, peo­ple look­ing for free­ness across the board.
Free hous­es, free elec­tric­i­ty, free water and free mon­ey to live on. That is not the way to build a coun­try and we have already seen this play­book before.