PNP Gives The Middle Finger To Nation… Again

In a stun­ning yet total­ly prece­dent­ed case of Déjà vu, Jamaica’s oppo­si­tion, People’s National Party(PNP) have once again refused to sup­port proac­tive mea­sures tak­en by the Government to stem the Island’s vio­lent crime wave and loss of life.
What makes this more con­se­quen­tial is the fact that they decid­ed to pull sup­port from the mea­sure right before the Christmas sea­son.
Even though the autho­riza­tion does not expire until January 31, 2019, the sig­nal to the Island’s crim­i­nals could not be more clear.

Opposition leader Peter Phillips gives the Jamaican peo­ple the mid­dle fingers.

In seek­ing to strad­dle the fence by pla­cat­ing the crim­i­nal world while at the same time pre­tend­ing to be a respon­si­ble polit­i­cal par­ty, Opposition leader Peter Phillips said the fol­low­ing.
“Not one police offi­cer or mil­i­tary per­son­nel have to be moved from St James after the expi­ra­tion of the SOE,” the Opposition par­ty said on Twitter “Police can still cur­few, cor­don, search and arrest sus­pects. The only dif­fer­ence is they will not be able to detain indis­crim­i­nate­ly and indef­i­nite­ly.
I find the use of the term [indis­crim­i­nate] slan­der­ous, hyper­bol­ic, inflam­ma­to­ry, igno­rant, incen­di­ary and gross­ly unin­formed.
Let me be clear the PNP does not care about the offi­cers in the field, nei­ther does the par­ty lead­er­ship care about the fact that Jamaicans are dying in alarm­ing num­bers and the SOE is intend­ed to help stop the bleed­ing.
They did the very same thing in 2010 and they were not pun­ished for it.
The PNP wants an issue on which to con­test the next nation­al elec­tions, the econ­o­my is doing pret­ty good, unem­ploy­ment is down and there are reports that as a result of the SOE and ZOSO ini­ti­at­ed by the Government along with oth­er ini­tia­tives the nation is mov­ing in the right direc­tion.
Murders are down 21.7 per­cent, shoot­ings are down 21.4 per­cent, rape down 12.2 per­cent, aggra­vat­ed assault down 11 per­cent. Additionally, there have been sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tions in the year-to-date reports of mur­ders across sev­er­al police divi­sions, the most notable being St. James, where there has been more than a 70 per­cent reduc­tion in mur­ders. accord­ing to the police.” 

These facts are not lost on Peter Phillips and the bunch of PNP thugs who dou­ble as par­lia­men­tar­i­ans.
A sim­ple cost-ben­e­fit analy­sis shows that the incon­ve­niences to a few peo­ple, who are caught up in a drag­net, (though unde­sir­able ) are minus­cule when com­pared to the few­er deaths which result from the SOE’s pres­ence in the affect­ed com­mu­ni­ties.
And most impor­tant­ly the peo­ple in the area are beg­ging the Police offi­cers and sol­diers not to leave.
So the irrefutable con­clu­sion is that the par­ty wants dead bod­ies to run on polit­i­cal­ly, and they are going to get those bod­ies one way or the other.

This par­ty which did not take long to morph into a force anti­thet­i­cal to the good of Jamaica has been respon­si­ble for the degra­da­tion of the Jamaican cul­ture for decades now.
A total destruc­tion of the Island’s econ­o­my in the 1970s and evis­cer­a­tion of the mid­dle ‑class has been the par­ty’s claim to fame. The PNP has been the only polit­i­cal par­ty to sus­pend the rights of cit­i­zens as it jailed all of the major play­ers and politi­cians in the then oppo­si­tion Jamaica Labor Party (JLP) dur­ing the ’70s.
Regardless of the san­i­tiz­ing process being under­tak­en in left­ist aca­d­e­m­ic cir­cles and by the myr­i­ad inter­est groups on behalf of the par­ty, noth­ing has been able to explain or wash away the stench of the many scan­dals of theft, graft, and unabashed cor­rup­tion the par­ty has engaged in since it’s inception. 

The fact that the PNP has decid­ed to play pol­i­tics once again with peo­ple’s lives means that they will be made to own the vio­lence now.
If they decid­ed that this is the strat­e­gy on which they want to hang their hats for the next gen­er­al elec­tions, fine.
But we will do every­thing in our pow­er to make sure they own the results.
For too long this par­ty has played fast and loose with the lives of the police and the nation for polit­i­cal gain.
We will make sure that peo­ple are remind­ed of their strategy.