PM’s Statement A Day Late…

On May 29th I wrote the following :::::
As Police offi­cers and cit­i­zens lives con­tin­ue to be snuffed out in alarm­ing num­bers, the Government is death­ly silent.
In oth­er coun­tries when a police office is killed there is mas­sive push-back from their soci­eties and cer­tain­ly Government.
Under both Political par­ties stew­ard­ship, the ruth­less killing of Police offi­cers illic­it crickets……..
Deafening silence……….
Not Portia, Not Peter Phillips and damn sure not Andrew Holness.
These mis­guid­ed lit­tle morons sit by and make no state­ment, as if the death of police offi­cers is beneath them, the per­rog­a­tive of under­lings to address.
Who the fuck do they think they are ?

I took a lot of flack by sup­port­ers of the Prime Minister who point­ed out that the Honorable Prime Minister had indeed issued a state­ment on the death of con­sta­ble Leighton Hanson and Detective sergeant Thompson anoth­er offi­cer killed albeit days after being shot by hoodlums.
What pains me is that there are police offi­cers and past police offi­cers who are more inter­est­ed in mak­ing the case for politi­cians than they are at lob­by­ing for bet­ter work­ing con­di­tions for them­selves, their col­leagues and for­mer colleagues.

Fact I wrote the Article on April 29th find link here.

Then on Sunday the Prime Minister issued this state­ment a full day lat­er than my Article was published.


I deeply regret and I am sad­dened at devel­op­ments over the week­end which have result­ed in two mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) los­ing their lives due to the vicious actions of crim­i­nal elements.

Police Commissioner, George Quallo, along with the brave and coura­geous men and women of the secu­ri­ty forces have the full sup­port of the Government in their unre­lent­ing fight to pro­tect the cit­i­zen­ry and them­selves against crim­i­nal elements.

Detective Sergeant Thompson and Constable Hanson are heroes. I thank them for their coura­geous actions in con­fronting crim­i­nal ele­ments. Regrettably, they lost their lives. I am deeply hurt at the out­come and our thoughts and prayers are with their fam­i­lies, friends and the JCF at what is a very dif­fi­cult time, not only for the Constabulary but for all well-think­ing mem­bers of soci­ety. Indeed, the loss of life of any inno­cent per­son due to vio­lence and crime should be strong­ly con­demned. Members of our secu­ri­ty forces risk their lives to pro­tect us on a dai­ly basis. We must sup­port them. In a bid to give the secu­ri­ty forces the most suit­able pos­si­ble envi­ron­ment to cau­terise and elim­i­nate crim­i­nal activ­i­ty, the Government of Jamaica renews its com­mit­ment to secure the pas­sage of leg­is­la­tion, includ­ing the zones of spe­cial oper­a­tions and com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment bill which was recent­ly referred to a joint select com­mit­tee of Parliament.

It’s increas­ing­ly clear that deci­sive action must be tak­en by all well-think­ing stake­hold­ers, includ­ing law­mak­ers on both sides of the polit­i­cal aisle, in a bid to thwart crim­i­nal ele­ments who are not bash­ful about tak­ing the lives of inno­cent Jamaicans and con­fronting the men and women of the Constabulary who are tasked to serve and protect.I am urg­ing the Security Forces not to lose heart but to remain pro­fes­sion­al and com­mit­ted to safe­ty and secu­ri­ty in Jamaica. I am also urg­ing all Jamaicans to sup­port the Government in efforts to make the nec­es­sary social and leg­isla­tive inter­ven­tions to sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce crime and violence.

I give the Prime Minister cred­it for at least issu­ing a state­ment albeit late, it was much more than the People’s National Party leader and Prime Minister did while in office.
Nevertheless being shamed into speak­ing out , ought not be the way we treat the men and women of the secu­ri­ty forces who risk all so that we all can sleep at night.
I stand by my state­ment that the Government did not speak out at the killing of Constable Hanson.
He did speak out , but only after we chid­ed the gov­ern­ment for it’s failures.