Plouffe Among Corps Of New Advisers To Harris Campaign

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Terrific move my VP Harris…

Kamala Harris’ pres­i­den­tial cam­paign is bring­ing on a new ech­e­lon of senior advis­ers, most promi­nent­ly David Plouffe, the for­mer top polit­i­cal advis­er to Barack Obama. The per­son­nel move fol­lows weeks of spec­u­la­tion — and lob­by­ing from some Harris allies — to inject a fresh set of eyes into the cam­paign appa­ra­tus she inher­it­ed from President Joe Biden after he dropped his reelec­tion bid last month Plouffe was Obama’s 2008 cam­paign man­ag­er and in 2012 served a sim­i­lar role in Obama’s reelec­tion from his perch as a White House senior adviser.

In his new role, Plouffe will be halt­ing his week­ly pod­cast, The Campaign Managers, co-host­ed with for­mer Trump cam­paign leader Kellyanne Conway. He will be per­mit­ted to keep exist­ing pri­vate sec­tor clients but he will end his advi­so­ry rela­tion­ship with TikTok. Plouffe is the most high-pro­file addi­tion in a slate of new oper­a­tives announced by the Harris cam­paign today as senior advis­ers, includ­ing pol­i­cy advis­er Brian Nelson, mes­sage guru Stephanie Cutter, orga­niz­ing strate­gist Mitch Stewart, poll­ster Terrance Woodbury and com­mu­ni­ca­tions advis­er Jen Palmieri, who will work for first gen­tle­man Doug Emhoff. Most had pre­vi­ous roles in Obama’s cam­paigns or admin­is­tra­tion. The cam­paign also con­firmed POLITICO’s pre­vi­ous report­ing that it expects GMMB, the media firm head­ed by for­mer Obama admak­er Jim Margolis, to be added to Harris’s paid media team.

There were con­flict­ing accounts inside Harris’s oper­a­tion about Plouffe’s role, with some aides play­ing down how broad his port­fo­lio will be and oth­ers empha­siz­ing this as a major posi­tion. “There will be sev­er­al new roles/​assignments,” accord­ing to a source famil­iar with the changes afoot. “He is the biggest one.” But a cam­paign offi­cial sought to play down the impor­tance of the Plouffe hire, empha­siz­ing that the wide­ly respect­ed oper­a­tive, like the oth­er new hires, will report to cam­paign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon. “He’s com­ing in for a very spe­cif­ic role,” the offi­cial said. “He’s not senior-advis­ing the whole cam­paign. He’s senior advi­sor on 270 stuff.” Despite its out­ward suc­cess over the last two weeks, inter­nal­ly the Harris cam­paign is under­go­ing a bumpy peri­od of tran­si­tion as the can­di­date tries to bal­ance main­tain­ing con­ti­nu­ity with the exist­ing cam­paign oper­a­tion while also plac­ing her own trust­ed oper­a­tives in key roles The Washington Post first report­ed some of the new hires Friday.
(Credit Politico for this story)

While the Harris cam­paign is empha­siz­ing con­ti­nu­ity, the fate of Mike Donilon, the campaign’s chief strate­gist under Biden, was not announced and a cam­paign offi­cial did not respond to a request for com­ment about what Donilon’s new role would be. But Plouffe’s role is expect­ed to ease con­cerns among some promi­nent Democrats about a poten­tial lack of strate­gic direc­tion at the top of Harris’ cam­paign. “There is no one you’d rather have in a fox­hole with you in a bat­tle like this,” said David Axelrod, Plouffe’s long­time part­ner dur­ing the Obama era. “He’s sea­soned. He’s bril­liant. He’s seen it all.” He not­ed that Dillon and Plouffe have a long his­to­ry of work­ing togeth­er. “Anytime you mar­ry new per­son­al­i­ties into an exist­ing orga­ni­za­tion there’s a peri­od of feel­ing out how roles are going to be defined,” he said. “I think he’s going to be like a con­sigliere to Jen and the cam­paign. She will fig­ure out how to use him, but he’s not going to be any­thing but a team player.