Glendon Harris the Mayor of Montego Bay, Jamaica’s second City , has issued an impassioned appeal to criminals operating in his city, to cease and desist from their criminal ways. Harris’ appeal came against the backdrop of a 7% increase in homicides in the parish of Saint James over the corresponding period last year, which saw 123 people murdered.

Crimes against women also seem to be on the increase in Saint James , recent­ly 5 females includ­ing an eight (8) year old child was bru­tal­ly and vicious­ly raped in the com­mu­ni­ty of Irwing.

The Editorial page of the Jamaica Gleaner was very pre­cise in telling the Mayor to give what­ev­er infor­ma­tion he has to the rel­e­vant author­i­ties, the police, along with sworn affi­davits. On these blogs there is not much in com­mon between us and the Editorial Page of the Gleaner, but on this we agree.

What is evi­dent in the case of Montego Bays Glendon Harris, is a Mayor who has infor­ma­tion crit­i­cal to law enforce­ment but does not give that infor­ma­tion to the police.Harris takes it onto him­self to beseech crim­i­nals to quote:“stop it”.

Even as Harris begs crim­i­nals to stop com­mit­ting crimes there is news of 3 more peo­ple shot in Ewarton Saint Catherine, includ­ing two Police Officers .

As a for­mer law enforce­ment Officer I am deeply offend­ed that peo­ple elect­ed to lead can be this juve­nile with the pow­ers vest­ed in them.

From our expe­ri­ence, the Mayor of any city is at the top of the food-chain on all issues which affect the city. he/​she is the chief exec­u­tive officer.

Law enforce­ment strate­gies are planned and the Mayor is briefed, he/​she has their input and the plan is executed.

I am not sure that in the case of Jamaica, includ­ing a politi­cian into secu­ri­ty mat­ters is a good idea but in oth­er juris­dic­tions the may­or is in the loop as to what hap­pens in his/​her city.

The plea by Glendon to crim­i­nals to sim­ply stop what they are doing is a slap in the face of hard-work­ing law enforce­ment offi­cers , decent law-abid­ing Jamaicans and every­one not involved in crim­i­nal behav­ior. Begging crim­i­nals to stop com­mit­ting crimes ignores the crimes they already com­mit­ted, it belit­tles and negates the hurt and pain they already inflict­ed on oth­ers needlessly.

It is not up to the Mayor to extend Amnesty to criminals.

It’s not up to any­one to offer Amnesty to crim­i­nals, crim­i­nals who com­mit crimes must pay for their crimes.

Begging crim­i­nals to cease and desist from com­mit­ting crimes is not a strat­e­gy that works. Those pre­dis­posed to com­mit­ting and engag­ing in crim­i­nal activ­i­ty must be made painful­ly aware that if they so choos­es, there will be seri­ous con­se­quences for their actions, period.

Jamaica depends heav­i­ly on tourism, if Glendon Harris do not under­stand the impli­ca­tions to the city if tourists stop com­ing, how can he lead that city?

Of course, Glendon Harris’ is the Mayor who stood before a polit­i­cal­ly altered Jamaican flag and took the oath of office, with­out protest­ing the low-class deface­ment of our most rec­og­niz­able and sacred nation­al symbol,by imbe­ciles in his own party.

That was a defin­ing moment as it relates to the judge­ment , integri­ty, and intel­lect of Harris.