Please, I Don’t Want To Die.’ Elk Grove Police Body-cam Video Captures Fatal Shooting

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Here again, is a situation in which a little more talking and a little less bravado would have potentially resulted in a far better outcome. Instead, a [female cop], and it’s usually how it gets started, decided to show that she can do the job, so she escalates a situation in which the man experiencing an episode is surrendering to police from all accounts.
But she decided to deploy a taser on a complying subject, and that is where things fell apart.
Not only is the episodic man dead they almost killed an innocent person in a narrow hotel hallway.
Why would a police officer in his right mind be so reckless with a firearm? Maybe it is time that the guns are taken away from them.
How reckless is this?(mb)
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Newly released body­cam footage shows that Booker T. Pannell III put his hands up and said, “Please, please, I don’t want to die” before Elk Grove police offi­cers chased him down a hotel hall­way and shot him Feb. 21. Pannell was pro­nounced dead at a hos­pi­tal lat­er that night. He was 40. In a brief phone con­ver­sa­tion, his father — who shares his son’s name — said, “He was a good per­son. He was a good man. That’s all I can say right now.” The Elk Grove Police Department on Friday night released footage from body-worn cam­eras and a hotel secu­ri­ty cam­era. An inves­ti­ga­tion into the offi­cers’ use of force is ongo­ing. Pannell died dur­ing a con­tin­ued local and nation­al reck­on­ing with polic­ing prac­tices fueled by fatal encoun­ters with law enforce­ment. In January, the death in Memphis, Tennessee, of Tyre Nichols, a Black man who grew up in Sacramento, renewed scruti­ny of police vio­lence; five offi­cers face sec­ond-degree mur­der charges for Nichols’ beat­ing death.
Mapping Police Violence and local news cov­er­age show that police killed six peo­ple in use of force inci­dents in Sacramento County last year. Internal and out­side inves­ti­ga­tors have not deter­mined whether offi­cers fol­lowed prop­er pro­to­cols the night Pannell died.

What led up to Booker Pannell’s death?

According to the video, some­one called police Feb. 21 to report a car­jack­ing near Shana Way and Whitelock Parkway. Dispatch received the report at 10:32. In the 911 excerpt in the video, the caller asks police to come to her house. “My hus­band had an alter­ca­tion with his friend, and the friend took our car,” the caller says. “And he pulled a gun out on my hus­band.” An offi­cer went to the house to take a state­ment from the hus­band. In the footage, the hus­band calm­ly emerges and speaks to the offi­cer. He explains, “My friend and his girl­friend came by, and I was asleep. And long sto­ry short, he was hav­ing some type of side effects or what­ev­er — I think he was on meth. So he was out here with his girl­friend … he’s been para­noid, say­ing the cops is look­ing into drones, stuff like that. So I said, look, let me take you to the hospital.
He said he was start­ing to dri­ve to the hos­pi­tal with his friend, Pannell, and turned on his blink­er to make a left turn on Whitelock when the friend said, “You in on it, too.” He said his friend start­ed scream­ing, and said, “They’re com­ing to get me.” He said Pannell pulled out his gun, point­ed it at him, and then point­ed it at his own head. The hus­band fled the car. He told the offi­cer, “I thought he was gonna kill me.” Around 11:40 p.m., the video says, offi­cers went to the Holiday Inn Express on Stockton Boulevard and Laguna Boulevard, right off Highway 99. A hotel employ­ee had report­ed a dis­tur­bance. A very short clip of secu­ri­ty footage from the Holiday Inn shows a man in the lob­by lean­ing over the front desk; that footage has no audio. When police arrived, they saw the car that had been report­ed stolen sit­ting emp­ty in the Holiday Inn park­ing lot. They deter­mined Pannell was the man in the lob­by. In the video, four offi­cers walk through the auto­mat­ic slid­ing doors of the lob­by and three imme­di­ate­ly raise their guns. One hol­sters her weapon and switch­es to a taser. Body-worn cam­era footage shows the offi­cers shout­ing at Pannell: “Hands up.” He puts his hands up. Multiple offi­cers then yell, “Get on the ground” mul­ti­ple times, and one of the offi­cers directs them, “One per­son talk.” Pannell says some­thing inaudi­ble, then seems to say, “There’s peo­ple try­ing to kill me.” A female offi­cer shouts, “You will be tased; get on the ground.”

Taser fired, then shots

Multiple offi­cers shout more com­mands at Pannell. He keeps his hands stiffly raised out in front of him. Pannell says, “I don’t want to die. Please, please. I don’t want to die. Listen, please. Please.” In response, the female offi­cer shouts, “Taser, taser, taser,” and deploys it. The inter­ac­tion from the moment that the slid­ing door opened to the moment that the offi­cer deployed her taser last­ed 35 sec­onds. It’s unclear whether the taser actu­al­ly hit Pannell. In the video, he runs away from the offi­cers and they chase him down a hall­way. In the footage from the chase, it’s dif­fi­cult to see what hap­pens. One offi­cer says, “He’s run­ning, he has a gun.” An offi­cer fires his weapon five times down the hotel hall­way. The video says offi­cers saw Pannell hold the gun to his own head as he was run­ning away. By the time the offi­cer fires the first shot, a lit­tle over a minute has elapsed since they entered the hotel. “Stop mov­ing!” one offi­cer shouts down the hall­way. Outside the exit door, which has shat­tered glass like­ly caused by the gun­fire, a bystander is lying on the ground. Officers shout, “Let me see your hands! Hands!” Pannell is lying on the ground, a few feet far­ther away. The bystander shak­i­ly rais­es his hands. “Are you shot?” an offi­cer asks the bystander. (The video says the bystander was not hit by a bul­let.) When the offi­cers approach Pannell, they see that he has two gun­shot wounds — in the leg and the head. As a male offi­cer holds one of Pannell’s arms, the female offi­cer takes away his gun. The video says that police offi­cers found one spent shell cas­ing out­side the hotel that matched the ammu­ni­tion in Pannell’s gun; they con­clud­ed that he fired only one shot, out­side the hotel, after police start­ed shoot­ing at him. Text in the video says it is uncer­tain whether the head wound was from the police officer’s gun, or whether Pannell killed him­self as police were chas­ing him. A coroner’s report is still pend­ing. The Elk Grove Police Department said it released the video before the inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent was con­clud­ed “in the inter­est of trans­paren­cy with the com­mu­ni­ty we serve.” They pub­lished the video on YouTube Friday evening, post­ing a link to Twitter at 7:15 p.m.