Piling On Ray Rice

Ray and Janay Rice
Ray and Janay Rice

A cou­ple years ago I wrote an Article on the issue of Domestic Violence. I sought to bring a lev­el-head­ed dis­pas­sion­ate un-emo­tion­al per­spec­tive to the debate. I found through my own expe­ri­ences that many who debate the issue use it to advance their own Agendas.

Whether it be Feminists, Psychologists, or band-wag­gonists seek­ing to make a name on the back of wom­en’s issues I am con­vinced the issue is not as black and white as many of the most intem­per­ate hyp­ocrites would have you believe.

To be clear men are gen­er­al­ly stronger than women.We should always seek to pro­tect our women. As a Christian I am charged to love and ht_janay_rice_instagram_statement_jc_140909_v5x3_4x3_992cher­ish my wife as the weak­er sex , she is wor­thy and deserv­ing of my love and pro­tec­tion. This pro­tec­tion should spread as the rip­ples in a Brook to oth­er women, hence the pro­tec­tion of all women is guaranteed.

Absent from this debate is the fac­tu­al rea­son­ing that Society has been on a fast track toward elim­i­nat­ing what we were told about women. Girls are now told that they can do any­thing men do, they can have any job men have, they can lift as much weight as men do. As Society seeks to tough­en women, it con­verse­ly does the oppo­site, fem­i­niz­ing men. Men are now stay­ing home out of choice, while their wives go out to work. It is some­times dif­fi­cult to tell the dif­fer­ence between some men from women today. There was always going to be some women who are stronger and bet­ter than some men at cer­tain tasks. Conversely there were always going to be some men who are more girly than the aver­age woman..

The September 20 1973 Tennis débâ­cle between 55-year-old Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King saw King Decimate Riggs: 6 – 4, 6 – 3, 6 – 3. This in no small way, advanced the notion that there was no dif­fer­ence between the sex­es. Additionally dis­parate laws in favor of women in Industrialized Nations like the United States has lit­er­al­ly caused some women to believe they can start fights with men and men are not sup­posed to react.

Throughout my expe­ri­ence as a law enforce­ment offi­cer, when I had to deal with domes­tic vio­lence it was gen­er­al­ly the woman who start­ed hit­ting on her spouse. Society does not want to acknowl­edge this, because it does not advance the fem­i­nist agen­da. So we turn a blind eye when a woman hits on or oth­er­wise abuse a man, we make jokes about him get­ting beat­en, yet as soon as the man reacts he is an abu­sive degen­er­ate wor­thy of being locked away for­ev­er. Women sim­ply can­not have it both ways, if you do not want men to hit you , do not hit men.

Recently Beyonce’s sis­ter Solange was seen flail­ing away at her broth­er-in-law Sean (JZ) Carter in an ele­va­tor. She was even­tu­al­ly restrained by Carter’s secu­ri­ty ‚still kick­ing and flail­ing away. Now grant­ed that Solange’s actions did not rise to the lev­el of Rices dev­as­tat­ing hook which lit­er­al­ly wiped out Janay, where was the out­cry from the fem­i­nist hyp­ocrites now pon­tif­i­cat­ing about the Ray Rice ele­va­tor video. All of them were con­ve­nient­ly silent. If we are going to talk about domes­tic vio­lence we must talk about it in gen­der neu­tral terms. Lorena Bobbitt cut the Penis off her hus­band, she hid behind alle­ga­tions of domes­tic vio­lence and got away with it. The instances of women killing or oth­er­wise muti­lat­ing their spous­es are well doc­u­ment­ed, where is the out­rage. How is it abuse when men does it but com­e­dy when women do it?

The Rice Family
The Rice Family

At a Press Conference Janay Rice pub­licly stat­ed that she apol­o­gized for the part she played in events that night. Ray Rice apol­o­gized to every­one for his thug­gish behav­ior. The firestorm which emanat­ed from her tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty have been vis­cer­al. They ranged from alle­ga­tions that she is scared, to she is just in it for the mon­ey, to ridicu­lous state­ments she was again made a vic­tim because she actu­al­ly took respon­si­bil­i­ty for her part in the events of that night. There are rum­blings that there is addi­tion­al video footage which shows Mrs. Rice attack­ing her spouse and even­tu­al­ly spit­ting in his face. No men­tion is made of that, no one wants to acknowl­edge that.

In the end what the Feminist apol­o­gists want you to believe is that Janay Rice is inca­pable of mak­ing deci­sions for her­self. This reduces Janay Rice to noth­ing more than a talk­ing-point for the fem­i­nist agen­da. The Baltimore Ravens have now fired Rice. The NFL which had giv­en Rice a two game sus­pen­sion as well as a pre-tri­al inter­ven­tion pro­gram has now sus­pend­ed the Running back indef­i­nite­ly. The pil­ing-on has how­ev­er just begun, Rutgers University has pulled murals which were installed in Rice’s hon­or. EA Sports the video game mak­er, Nike which make Billions on the backs of some of world’s poor­est peo­ple has since dropped Rice. How is that for per­spec­tive. Additionally, every lit­tle Joe-blow who have a Rice Jersey has now decid­ed to pon­tif­i­cate by burn­ing the Jersey.

Seem we have seen this before, but where? Oh yeah that Guy was accused of being a part of a dog fight­ing ring. Janay Rice has come out swing­ing in defense of her hus­band, and cor­rect­ly so. What Ray Rice did was atro­cious and despi­ca­ble. Oh my God how do you punch the woman you sup­pos­ed­ly love with such bru­tal­i­ty, such reck­less and wan­ton dis­re­gard, how do you hit her period?

Ray Rice has apol­o­gized to his wife, Janay Rice has agreed to for­give her hus­band. Lets hope they fol­low up with chris­t­ian Counselling. This will offer them intro­spec­tion and help in deal­ing with what­ev­er issues exists between them that result­ed in such explo­sive anger. In addi­tion to oth­er state­ments , Janay Rice said quote: “Just know we will con­tin­ue to grow & show the world what real love is!”.I am root­ing for this cou­ple. I hope and pray they can move past their pre­vi­ous issues and seek God, at the end of all of this the NFL, The Ravens Nike, and the crit­ics are unimportant.The Rice’s can use this defin­ing moment to solid­i­fy their love by seek­ing a Godly solu­tion to their prob­lems. Many of Rice’s most vocif­er­ous crit­ics are doing much worse, they just haven’t been caught. Many of Rice’s crit­ics nev­er cared for him nev­er will. They nev­er cared for Janay Rice , nev­er will.

Janay Rice has every right to for­give her hus­band. She is a human being capa­ble of mak­ing her own deci­sions. Jesus chid­ed the peo­ple who were about to stone the woman who com­mit­ted adul­tery. “He who is among you with­out sin you cast the first stone”.Janay Rice has for­giv­en her hus­band. Ray will have a lot of time to think about what he did. He should use that time to work on his anger. Those who are call­ing for his head does­n’t care that God wants us to for­give. They do not care that their kids are bet­ter off if they work through their prob­lems. None of this is impor­tant to the blood-thirsty hordes, Ray and Jana Rice are mere pawns on the chess-board of their rad­i­cal Feminist agenda.