Philippines President Slams U.S. For “Killing Black People, Shooting Them Down When They Are Already On The Ground”

Stories you did not see in the cor­po­rate US media.
This pub­li­ca­tion has con­sis­tent­ly point­ed to the hypocrisy of the UN and the Human Rights Agencies which seem pow­er­less, deaf, blind and dumb when it comes to the human rights abus­es com­mit­ted by American police.
On the oth­er hand, they are wide-eyed at the slight­est infrac­tion poor devel­op­ing coun­tries com­mit.
The ques­tion is this, why is the UN and the International Human Rights Agencies refus­ing to place a spot­light on the crimes being com­mit­ted on peo­ple of col­or in the United States?
The issue is not whether one agrees with the meth­ods of Rodrigo Duterte.
In fact, this pub­li­ca­tion does not sup­port the arbi­trary killing of human beings, regard­less of what they are alleged to have done.
It is for the courts to decide the pun­ish­ment that should be met­ed out in a uni­formed, fair and just way in which all cit­i­zens are giv­en the very same due process.
That is hard­ly what Rodrigo Duterte is doing in the Philippines. Nevertheless, the par­al­lel he drew regard­ing the killing of unarmed black peo­ple in the United States is indisputable. 

President Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines, has respond­ed to “con­cerns” from the United States and the United Nations about his war on drugs in his coun­try which has so far killed about 1,000 drug lords. But Duterte says he is equal­ly con­cerned about the killings of “black peo­ple” in the U.S.

When asked to com­ment on the issue, Duterte replied: “Here comes the UN, eas­i­ly swayed, and com­ing with a very stu­pid propo­si­tion. Why would the United Nations be so eas­i­ly swayed into inter­fer­ing in the affairs of this repub­lic?” He said that while the UN was quick to crit­i­cize his admin­is­tra­tion, they seem to be “keep­ing silent” on the vio­lence in the Middle East and police bru­tal­i­ty in the United States. He added, “The Philippine gov­ern­ment is wor­ried about what is being done to the Black peo­ple there in America, being shot even while lying down. Why are the blacks being killed on trumped-up charges? There’s a hatred there being sowed by their government.”

Duterte, who is 71-years old, recent­ly won the May elec­tion after promis­ing to wage a war on ille­gal drugs and high crime in the Philippines. He says that there are 3 mil­lion drug addicts in his coun­try, and that mil­lions more are being “dev­as­tat­ed by drugs”. And most Filipinos are huge sup­port­ers of what he is doing. Meanwhile, Black Americans are also applaud­ing him for being one of the few inter­na­tion­al lead­ers that have also spo­ken out against the ongo­ing dis­crim­i­na­tion and police bru­tal­i­ty in the U.S. In 2015 alone, accord­ing to The Washington Post, more than 250 black peo­ple were shot dead in the U.S. by police offi­cers. In 2016, the num­ber of sim­i­lar inci­dents so far are just as high.

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