Peoria Police Sergeant Resigns After Altercation With Female Officer

It is safe to assume he will turn up in another department nearby with his rank and most likely, a larger salary regardless of what he did wrong.

A Peoria police sergeant has resigned fol­low­ing an “alter­ca­tion” with a female offi­cer, the depart­ment announced.

There was an alter­ca­tion on Dec. 15 between Sgt. Nate Adams and an unnamed female offi­cer, police said. The loca­tion of the alter­ca­tion and what hap­pened was not giv­en, only that it occurred at a “local establishment.”

In a state­ment, police Chief Eric Echevarria said he met with Adams lat­er that day and Adams resigned from the depart­ment. A request for more infor­ma­tion was not imme­di­ate­ly answered by city officials.

Adams was pro­mot­ed to sergeant, which is a super­vi­so­ry posi­tion, in July 2021, accord­ing to the depart­men­t’s Facebook page. In 2021, Adams made $109,923 in total pay with $18,425 com­ing from over­time. In 2022, his salary was $134,292. He had been hired in February 2014 so he had just under nine years of ser­vice with­in the department.
“Illinois State Police is han­dling the inves­ti­ga­tion. The City will not com­ment on any per­son­nel mat­ters,” the chief said in his statement.