How Many People Must Be Maimed Or Killed Before We End The Militarization Of Our Police Forces?

Become a fanSenior coun­sel, Center for Justice, ACLU

Yesterday, a grand jury in Habersham County, Georgia, decid­ed not to bring charges against the police offi­cers who threw a flash­bang grenade into the crib of Bounkham Phonesavanh, known affec­tion­ate­ly as “Baby Bou Bou.” The explo­sion left a hole in the then-19-month-old’s chest, expos­ing his rib, and almost ripped his nose from his face.

How could this hap­pen? Combine sys­temic police mil­i­ta­riza­tion, the war on drugs, and slop­py police work, and you have the per­fect recipe for dis­as­ter. In May, the Habersham County Special Response Team exe­cut­ed a no-knock drug raid on the home of a fam­i­ly friend where Baby Bou Bou, his par­ents, and sis­ters were stay­ing. It was the mid­dle of the night, and even though the fam­i­ly’s mini­van was parked in the dri­ve­way and chil­dren’s toys were in the yard, a squad of SWAT offi­cers decid­ed to throw a flash­bang grenade into the liv­ing room. Acting and look­ing like an invad­ing army, the cops broke down the door, ter­ror­iz­ing the entire fam­i­ly. When Alecia, Baby Bou Bou’s moth­er, tried to go to him, they screamed at her to shut up. They vio­lent­ly threw and pinned Bou, his father, to the ground, injur­ing his shoul­der so bad­ly he can­not take care of his chil­dren alone any­more. Alecia and Bou did not see their son until they arrived at the hos­pi­tal sev­er­al hours lat­er. When they were able to see him, they were devastated.

The explo­sion from the flash­bang tore a hole in Bou Bou’s chest, sep­a­rat­ed his nose from his face, and cov­ered his body in third degree burns. His injuries were so severe that doc­tors placed Bou Bou in a med­ical­ly induced coma. And for what? The man the SWAT team was look­ing for no longer lived in the house and was lat­er arrest­ed with­out inci­dent. There weren’t any guns or drugs in the home either. To add insult to injury, the coun­ty refus­es to pay the Phonesavanh’s med­ical bills, which now total $1 mil­lion, claim­ing the law does­n’t allow it. Read full Article here: http://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​k​a​r​a​-​d​a​n​s​k​y​/​h​o​w​-​m​a​n​y​-​p​e​o​p​l​e​-​m​u​s​t​-​b​e​-​m​_​b​_​5​9​4​8​5​4​2​.​h​tml