Pennsylvania Man Carrying Submachine Gun Reportedly Follows Black Man Around A Store, Asks Him If He Wants To See How It Works.

Police arrest­ed a white male recent­ly for intim­i­dat­ing a Black man. The indi­vid­ual used sub­lim­i­nal threats, thread­ed with racial­ized lan­guage and his flash­ing of firearms.
Bertrand Kleindorfer, a res­i­dent of State College, Pennsylvania, has been charged with a felo­nious count of eth­nic intim­i­da­tion, one mis­de­meanor count each of ter­ror­is­tic threats, sim­ple assault, and dis­or­der­ly con­duct, and one sum­ma­ry count of harass­ment after his alleged vic­tim report­ed him to the town’s police on Tuesday, May 31st.

He was arraigned on Thursday, June 23, by District Judge Allen Sinclair and was released on an unse­cured bond of $25,000. The Black man, whose name was not released, told the State College police offi­cers he stopped by the Uni-Mart on S. Atherton Street, on his way to work when he was approached by Kleindorfer on May 31. In his report, the man said the 59-year-old, wear­ing a mil­i­tary vest with two hol­stered guns, began fol­low­ing him around the store. At one point say­ing, “It’s pret­ty dan­ger­ous being Black around here.” As he com­ment­ed, the man fur­ther observed Kleindorfer also had an auto­mat­ic gun, that SCP lat­er iden­ti­fied as a repli­ca MP 40 sub­ma­chine gun.
The Maschinenpistole 40, the actu­al name for the weapon Kleindorfer’s gun was mod­eled after, is a weapon of ter­ror, with its roots direct­ly con­nect­ed to Nazi Germany in the Second World War. The firearm is a ful­ly auto­mat­ic-only weapon and was cham­bered for the ubiq­ui­tous 9×19 mil­lime­ter pis­tol cartridge.

The crim­i­nal com­plaint stat­ed Kleindorfer held the gun as if he were aim­ing at peo­ple. He is said to have waved it back and forth, as he spoke about mass mur­der. Other wit­ness­es said they saw and heard the same thing, and that he was mim­ing as if shoot­ing peo­ple the entire day. According to the man’s fil­ing, Kleindorfer asked him if he want­ed to see how his gun worked — offer­ing to take him out­side to show him. When the man declined, the gun­man con­tin­ued to fol­low him through­out the store, tap­ping him on his shoul­der mul­ti­ple times. When the man left the store, the gun­man fol­lowed him out. The vic­tim stat­ed that all he could think about is how his par­ents would feel if he had been shot,” the African-American male said. According to the police, the man was also “in fear for his life” and “felt threat­ened due to his skin col­or.” The pres­i­dent of the local chap­ter of the NAACP, Lorraine Jones, said the com­mu­ni­ty is “mor­ti­fied by the details of this inci­dent.” “It is deeply dis­turb­ing that peo­ple with intol­er­ance and men­tal health issues can access guns,” she said via a pre­pared state­ment. “Often these inci­dents of eth­nic intim­i­da­tion go unre­port­ed due to fear of retal­i­a­tion. I can’t imag­ine how trau­mat­ic this encounter has been for the vic­tim, his fam­i­ly, and the store clerk who wit­nessed the inci­dent.” “Our hearts go out to the coura­geous young man who refused to be intim­i­dat­ed and filed a police report. Our com­mu­ni­ty is very for­tu­nate that there were no casu­al­ties,” she con­tin­ued. A pre­lim­i­nary hear­ing for Kleindorfer is sched­uled for Wednesday, June 29, at 8:30 a.m.