Peace Was Never A Part Of Israel’s Plan.…..

Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Palestinian can only look on.
Israeli set­tle­ments on Palestinian land.
Palestinian can only look on.

Over the last three decades American Administrations have sup­pos­ed­ly worked to achieve peace in the Middle east. From Carter to Obama.
We can agree that the United States was nev­er a hon­est bro­ker toward that end, as it was the United States and Britain which cre­at­ed the prob­lem in 1947 with the cre­ation of what we have come to know as the state of Israel.
Yesterday , under pres­sure to pre­serve his polit­i­cal via­bil­i­ty on the eve of nation­al elec­tions, Benjamin Netanyahu declared there will be no Palestinian state on his watch.
This bold, yet unequiv­o­cal state­ment flies in the face of what Israel and it’s sup­port­ers claim has been their goal all along. To have a two state solu­tion with the Palestinians.
Netanyahu made liars of all apol­o­gists, who swore over the decades that Israel was com­mit­ted to peace and a two state solu­tion to the decades long conflict.
American Administrations dat­ing back 3 decades have sup­pos­ed­ly worked fever­ish­ly toward what they char­ac­ter­ize as peace between Palestine and the state they created.
Peace was nev­er attain­able under the con­di­tions on the ground, in fact the Americans have main­tained they sup­port­ed Israel unequivocally.
That means regard­less of the atroc­i­ties Israel com­mits, America has pledged it’s unwa­ver­ing sup­port to defend it.
The Palestinians argue they want a state of their own as the land now occu­pied by Israeli’s are Arab lands, their lands.
Since 1947 Palestinians have lived under sub­ju­ga­tion and rigid Israeli dom­i­na­tion. Some observers argue Israel prac­tices a form of apartheid worse than that which exist­ed in South Africa.

images of white south Africans domination of blacks during the apartheid era
images of white south Africans dom­i­na­tion of blacks dur­ing the apartheid era

I am not sure about the anal­o­gy, hav­ing seen some of the suf­fer­ing of the South African black peo­ple under the bru­tal oppres­sion of the White Apartheid régime which exist­ed there,
On the oth­er hand Palestinians liv­ing in the West Bank and Gaza live and die under incred­i­ble con­di­tions caused by Israeli blockade,occupation and humiliation.

Notwithstanding, Netanyahu’s last ditch des­per­ate con­fes­sion is sur­pris­ing only to dyed in the wool Israeli apologists.
Sure Netanyahu want to hold onto pow­er in Israel’s twist­ed maze of a polit­i­cal sys­tem. In fact even as as I write this Media Houses are report­ing that he has already claimed vic­to­ry , even though the race is sup­pos­ed­ly too close to call.
Now that Netanyahu revealed him­self to be a decep­tive liar to his sup­port­ers the rest of the world which nev­er drank the Israeli kool-aid are vindicated.
Israelis do not want peace with their neigh­bors. If Israel strikes a deal with the Palestinians they will have no more pre­text to keep annex­ing their lands.

We were nev­er fooled by Netanyahu or Israel and it’s sup­port­ers. All it takes is a lit­tle research and an open mind to rec­og­nize that the State of Israel is a land grab­bing cen­ter of trou­ble in the mid­dle east.
No one both­ers to talk about the fact that Israel has scores of Nuclear weapons while sup­port­ers of the Zionist state wants Iran emasculated.
It is not enough that Saddam Hussien is out of the way, Netanyahu wants America to dec­i­mate Iran under the guise that Iran is seek­ing nuclear weapons.
If Israelis are seri­ous about peace why don’t they give up their stock­piles of weapons of mass destruction?
Why don’t they give back the lands they annexed to their right­ful owners ?

Israeli bombs summarily decimate Palestinian neighborhoods , pulverizing everything
Israeli bombs sum­mar­i­ly dec­i­mate Palestinian neigh­bor­hoods , pul­ver­iz­ing everything

These are the ques­tions which intel­li­gent observers must ask , any­thing else is accept­ing with­out chal­lenge man­u­fac­tured Zionist propaganda.
Somehow Israel has made it some kind of crime to crit­i­cize them, or to ques­tion their lies. It is time that the world see this coun­try for what it is, a land-grab­bing war­mon­ger which can­not coex­ist with it’s neighbors.
Netanyahu has to know say­ing there will be no Palestinian state on his watch will be attrac­tive to Jews anx­ious to get their hands on Palestinian lands on the eve of a vote.
That is the rea­son he said it, Obama be damned.
American mon­ey will nev­er dry up, too many pow­er­ful Jews with mon­ey con­trol the politics.