Pay Attention, Yes You!


17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the num­ber of his name.

They have already start­ed the nar­ra­tive. Doctors, Journalists, Media-types, politi­cians, .….….We will nev­er get back to nor­mal.
What does that mean?
They argue, that as it was after September 11th, 2001, when peo­ple were afraid to sit beside cer­tain oth­er Americans on air­planes, or in restau­rants because they were afraid they may have a bomb, peo­ple may want to see that peo­ple are not car­ry­ing the COVID-19 virus when the nation begins the process of claw­ing its way out of this pandemic.


Well, sim­ply put peo­ple may decide they want to see med­ical records that the per­son sit­ting next to them is not a car­ri­er of the virus.
In South Korea restau­rants are already test­ing cus­tomers to see if they have a fever before they allow them entry.
Religious groups are warn­ing that the next step will be that Government will be forc­ing Americans to accept vac­cines which great­ly com­pro­mis­es their right to pri­va­cy.
As influ­en­tial opin­ion lead­ers like Bill Gates con­tin­ue to push the idea of test­ing every­one and ulti­mate­ly inputting a dig­i­tal tat­too into those already test­ed, some reli­gious groups are point­ing to those sug­ges­tions as one and the same as the Biblical proph­esy in the book of REVELATION 13:17, 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the num­ber of his name.

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The United States might nev­er get entire­ly back to where it was before the nov­el coro­n­avirus out­break, espe­cial­ly with­out a vac­cine”.
Well, there you have it. damned if you do damn if you don’t.
Now that the 11-time Grammy win­ner is on the mend, how­ev­er, Babyface announced that the vir­tu­al bat­tle is back on.

I would like to offi­cial­ly accept the invi­ta­tion from the leg­endary Swizz Beatz & Timbaland to par­tic­i­pate with my lit­tle broth­er, Teddy Riley in what I’d like to call a Celebration of Black Music Excellence in – Teddy vs. Babyface,” his let­ter con­tin­ued. “Teddy!!! Let’s show them what Hip Hop/R&B music real­ly means to the world!”
The music bat­tle is now sched­uled for April 18 at 6 p.m. PST/​9 p.m. EST.
Babyface’s face­off with Riley has music fans sali­vat­ing for what’s expect­ed to be a mas­sive dis­play of R&B mega-hits, and it comes after oth­er wor­thy matchups includ­ing Swizz Beatz ver­sus Timbaland and singer Né-Yo ver­sus Johntá Austin, among others.