Pay Attention To These Events!

yangtze river in china turns blood red
Yangtze River in China turns blood-red

Events con­tin­ue to hap­pen all over the Globe, yet Main Stream Media con­tin­ue to keep us in the dark. I do not pre­tend to know what their motives are, so I won’t spec­u­late. What I do know is that many events are going under report­ed or not report­ed at all.

Unexplained danc­ing lights in the skies , or UFO sightings.

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Thousands of dead tur­tle and doves rained down on roofs and cars in an Italian town were vic­tims of their on greed, an expert claimed today. Residents in Faenza described the birds falling to the ground like ‘lit­tle Christmas balls’ with strange blue stains on their beaks. Initial tests on up to 8,000 of the doves indi­cat­ed that the blue stain could have been caused by poi­son­ing or hypox­ia. Hypoxia, a lack of oxy­gen, is known to cause con­fu­sion and ill­ness in ani­mals. It is also a com­mon pre­cur­sor to alti­tude sick­ness. It comes after two mil­lion dead fish were found to have washed up on shores in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. That inves­ti­ga­tion comes just days after the deaths of an esti­mat­ed 100,000 fish in north­west Arkansas, which is being blamed on disease.

Cold water stress exac­er­bat­ed by a large pop­u­la­tion of the affect­ed species (juve­nile spot fish) appears to be the cause of the kill.’ Preliminary tests of the water in Chesapeake Bay have shown the qual­i­ty was accept­able, offi­cials said. http://​jowar​rior​.word​press​.com/​2​0​1​1​/​0​1​/​0​9​/​w​h​y​-​a​r​e​-​a​n​i​m​a​l​s​-​d​y​i​n​g​-​a​l​l​-​o​v​e​r​-​t​h​e​-​w​o​r​ld/

In many cas­es when the­ses events occur local author­i­ties quick­ly come up with expla­na­tions as what may have caused the event. Notwithstanding, whether birds die from eat­ing too much, or pol­lu­tion caus­es the death of fish, do these expla­na­tions negate Biblical prophesies?

Irrespective of cau­sa­tion these events are occur­ring just as the Scriptures said they would. Does man’s expla­na­tions and guess­es make these events any less true?

One thought on “Pay Attention To These Events!

  1. This is Really God warn­ing man to change from the ways of the dev­il’s phi­los­o­phy and agen­das. As for me, I rather to be loved by God, than by men. 

    Men are act­ing as if they are God! Especially in this coun­try called United States of America, with the half white man named Barack Obama, who’s the dev­il incar­nat­ed. Now, when men try­ing to cir­cum­vent the laws of God, by ostracise and vil­i­fy­ing those who stand for God’s laws. Eventually, God is going to let them who have eyes to see, see what is happening. 

    There’s no doubt in my heart, that God is going to pun­ish Europe and North America for try­ing to impose immoral­i­ty, unhealthy, ungod­ly, uneth­i­cal and unnat­ur­al lifestyle on the rest of the world.

    Africa and those who are prop­a­gat­ing, pro­mot­ing healthy lifestyle will be reward­ed by the creator. 

    These signs, are the warn­ing signs of what is going to hap­pen. God is not going to nego­ti­ate with men, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, JESSE Jackson, and the European politi­cians. God is the ulti­mate, alpha and omega.

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