Paul Krugman: GOP Debate Proves Candidates Are Liars Living In “world Of Fantasy And Fiction”

Paul Krugman (Credit: Reuters/Tim Shaffer)
Paul Krugman (Credit: Reuters/​Tim Shaffer)

New York Times colum­nist Paul Krugman argued Friday that all the GOP debate on Wednesday proved is that the cur­rent field of Republican can­di­dates is dan­ger­ous­ly out of touch with real­i­ty, and is more than will­ing to lie about it in order to win an elec­tion. By way of proof, he not­ed that the only can­di­date who didn’t spout “eco­nom­ic fan­tasies” was Donald Trump, and the only one seemed “remote­ly sen­si­ble” on for­eign pol­i­cy was Rand Paul — both of whom aren’t elec­table for a host of oth­er rea­sons. Indeed, he said, the entire field should be “scary” not just to Democrats, but to mod­er­ate Republicans, because it’s impos­si­ble to tell what they actu­al­ly believe.

The real rev­e­la­tion,” Krugman wrote,

was the way some of the can­di­dates went beyond expound­ing bad analy­sis and ped­dling bad his­to­ry to mak­ing out­right false asser­tions, and prob­a­bly doing so know­ing­ly, which turns those false asser­tions into what are tech­ni­cal­ly known as “lies.”

For exam­ple, Chris Christie assert­ed, as he did in the first G.O.P. debate, that he was named U.S. attor­ney the day before 911. It’s still not true: His selec­tion for the posi­tion wasn’t even announced until December.

Mr. Christie’s men­dac­i­ty pales, how­ev­er, in com­par­i­son to that of Carly Fiorina, who was wide­ly hailed as the “win­ner” of the debate…
Read more here :Fantasies and Fictions at G.O.P. Debate