Patriot Or Just Poppy-show?

There is a cer­tain strain of some­thing which binds the polar oppo­site eco­nom­ic and social class­es in Jamaica.
That some­thing is the protes­ta­tions of love Jamaicans claim to have for their coun­try. Love of coun­try which caus­es many to say they would nev­er leave Jamaica to live else­where in the world.

Love of coun­try is not some­thing Jamaicans invent­ed. Across the Globe, peo­ple are inex­orably tied to their places of birth. People lay down their lives for their country.
God, fam­i­ly, Country, you chose your order.
So it’s not out of the ordi­nary that Jamaicans would be in love with the lit­tle bit of rock we affec­tion­al­ly refer to as “Yaad”.

Interestingly, it is a known fact that despite the protes­ta­tions of the north­ern tier of the Jamaican social caste you may find only a small per­cent­age who aren’t dual nation­als between Jamaica and the United States, Canada, or the UK. Others pos­sess Green cards or visas which allow them to fly out at a momen­t’s notice.
On the Southern Tier of the spec­trum, it is the same for those blessed with the abil­i­ty to trav­el. In fact, in 2015 a Gleaner-com­mis­sioned Bill Johnson poll con­clud­ed that more than four out of every 10 Jamaicans har­bor a burn­ing desire to get out of Jamaica.
Forty-three per cent of Jamaicans inter­viewed in the poll con­duct­ed by Johnson said that either they or person/​s in their imme­di­ate fam­i­lies hoped to migrate to anoth­er coun­try with­in the next five years or so.

It’s fair to con­clude from that poll that the major­i­ty if not all of those polled were peo­ple who did not have green cards or visas.
Those with the abil­i­ty to leave when­ev­er they want to are either gone trav­els abroad fre­quent­ly or are between trips.
Having the abil­i­ty to leave if they chose to is a safe­ty net many will not relin­quish freely.

People migrate in search of bet­ter eco­nom­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties and for secu­ri­ty reasons.
Between crime and the hor­ri­ble eco­nom­ic con­di­tions, peo­ple are inclined to look else­where for their safe­ty and for oppor­tu­ni­ties to feed their families.
It is the most basic sur­vival instincts of all species. Not con­vinced, turn your tele­vi­sion to the NATGO channel.

Why then are Jamaicans who decide to live at home, whether by choice or lack there­of make it seem that peo­ple who live in the dias­po­ra are unpatriotic?
Oh, wait before we delve into the ques­tion I must ask how about that bar­rel which just arrived with the for­eign goods?
Hope you got the full amount in Jamaican cur­ren­cy that Uncle John sent from America.
And oh, the com­put­ers and things the great group of Patriots sent back for the school, they will be send­ing more as soon as they can.

Look you are no more a patri­ot than any­one else because you nev­er left. If any­thing you may be more parochial, myopic than patri­ot­ic, so save us the bull.
Many of you nev­er had a chance to leave, if you did you would have been gone.
Long ago!
Many of you nev­er joined the Police Department or the Military. You com­plain about police cor­rup­tion yet you are the one offer­ing the young cop on the beat a bribe after you broke the law.
The Elitists on the north­ern tier of the spec­trum who are above every­one else please do not give that enve­lope to that senior offi­cer to have his men pass by your busi­ness place every 1/.2 hour.

You want to stop cor­rup­tion vol­un­teer for some­thing. You wan­na pro­file as a patri­ot stop lit­ter­ing the streets, vote, stop brib­ing pub­lic offi­cials, report crime and give infor­ma­tion to the police.
Join the line at the rear, stop at the stop sign/​light, not only when there is a cop there.
How about obey­ing law­ful orders giv­en by agents of the state?
Offer a help­ing hand to some­one less for­tu­nate, pre­serve your com­mu­ni­ties and infrastructure.
That’s patriotism!

Lawrence W Reid President of the Foundation for Economic Education and the author of the book Real Heroes: Inspiring True Stories of Courage, Character and Conviction apt­ly said ask one cit­i­zen after anoth­er what patri­o­tism means and with few excep­tions, you’ll get a pas­sel of the most self-right­eous but super­fi­cial and often dead-wrong answers.
I sub­scribe to a patri­o­tism root­ed in ideas that in turn gave birth to a coun­try, but it’s the ideas that I think of when I’m feel­ing patri­ot­ic. I’m a patri­ot­ic American because I revere the ideas that moti­vat­ed the Founders and com­pelled them, in many instances, to put their lives, for­tunes, and sacred hon­or on the line.

People in every coun­try and in all times have expressed feel­ings of some­thing we flip­pant­ly call “patri­o­tism,” but that just begs the ques­tion. What is this thing, any­way? Can it be so cheap and mean­ing­less that a few ges­tures and feel­ings make you patriotic?

Do what you do, wave your flag, be proud, vote but don’t ever con­fuse the fact that because you live in Jamaica for what­ev­er rea­son, it means you are a patriot.
Give me a man/​woman who moved away and work to help make life bet­ter for all who stayed over some loud mouthed pompous fool who believe patri­o­tism is defined by where they live.