Patrick Ewing Hospitalized With COVID-19:

Basketball leg­end Patrick Ewing announced on Friday that he has test­ed pos­i­tive for coro­n­avirus. The bas­ket­ball Hall of Famer, who is now the head coach of Georgetown University‘s men’s bas­ket­ball team, made the state­ment as a way to let the pub­lic know how seri­ous the dis­ease is.

Georgetown coach Patrick Ewing tests positive for coronavirus

I want to share that I have test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19. This virus is seri­ous and should not be tak­en light­ly,” the 57-year-old stat­ed on Twitter. “I want to encour­age every­one to stay safe and take care of your­self and your loved ones.” Ewing, who was the first pick over­all in the 1985 NBA draft, made the for­mal announce­ment through the pri­vate Washington, D.C., institution’s ath­let­ic depart­ment. “Ewing has elect­ed to share his diag­no­sis pub­licly to empha­size that this virus can affect any­one,” Georgetown includ­ed in the statement.