Pathetic Megalomaniac Terrence Williams Wants To Sue After Privy Council Loss…

Terrence Williams con­tin­ues to degrade what if any­thing is left of his already severe­ly dam­aged char­ac­ter by hav­ing his lawyers write to the Police Federation Chairman with threats of legal actions over what he char­ac­ter­ized as defam­a­to­ry lan­guage issued by the Federation after INDECOM’s loss in the UK Privy Council.
Williams lost his bid to have the deci­sion of the Jamaica Court Of Appeals quashed. The court held that nei­ther INDECOM, Williams nor his sub­or­di­nates had the pow­er to arrest or pros­e­cute police offi­cers, mem­bers of the JDF, nor the Corrections Department.
Terrence Willams have over the years used some of the most caus­tic lan­guages to describe the police depart­ment, and even the rul­ings of the court. As a pub­lic fig­ure, Terrence Williams seems to expect that he is beyond criticism.

Governor General - Page 11 of 29 - Jamaica Information Service
Patronage, & pol­i­tics, guid­ed this appoint­ment and it was a total dis­as­ter from the get go.

Terence Williams has now demon­strat­ed that he is far worse than I have char­ac­ter­ized him over the years.
Egomaniacal, nar­cis­sis­tic, mega­lo­ma­ni­ac, pow­er-hun­gry- Napeolonic, inse­cure, stu­pid, dumb, he has nev­er come after me.
Of course, he con­tin­ues to pur­sue the police with threats of court actions, under the guise of defama­tion.
No one could ever defame Terrence Williams more than he has already defamed him­self.
He is now a sor­ry shell of a lit­tle man who was not sat­is­fied with the pow­er he was giv­en spent his entire tenure fight­ing with every­one rather than doing the job he was paid to do.
In the end, he will demit that office a pathet­ic lit­tle fail­ure who wast­ed bil­lions of Jamaican dol­lars under the guise of over­sight.
The Jamaican peo­ple are left hold­ing the bag and for what?
This inse­cure, pathet­ic lit­tle man was so obsessed with pow­er that he will have an extreme­ly dif­fi­cult time being tak­en seri­ous­ly by anyone. 


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We appre­ci­ate your response to the pod­cast we did after the deci­sion of the UK Privy Council affirm­ing the deci­sion of the Jamaica Court Of Appeals rul­ing that denied INDECOM the pow­er to arrest & pros­e­cute mem­bers of the JCF, JDF,& the Department of Corrections.