Para-military (JCF) Must Go/​Until Military Leader They Like Heads It/​What Hypocrisy.…

The num­ber of rea­sons giv­en for the hir­ing of peo­ple from out­side to lead the police depart­ment is myr­i­ad. As an avid read­er, I have tried to read as many writ­ten opin­ions as I pos­si­bly can even when I am nau­seous­ly opposed to the way some are framed.
A com­mon thread which seems to run through all of the opin­ions seem to be what each indi­vid­ual or enti­ty believes is in their best interest.

For exam­ple, the President of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica Howard Mitchell says “while Anderson comes with an impres­sive record, he will have to demon­strate to the pri­vate sec­tor a com­mit­ment to tear down crime.” 
Oh for ensur­ing that noth­ing stops their money.

The Tourism Industry and oth­ers are no dif­fer­ent and frankly, there is noth­ing wrong with the idea of peo­ple look­ing out for their self-inter­est. Wouldn’t we have a bet­ter coun­try though, if all of the inter­est groups saw their secu­ri­ty con­cerns linked to the larg­er frame­work of the need for greater National security?
The secu­ri­ty of indi­vid­u­als and com­pa­nies can only be real­ized with­in the larg­er secu­ri­ty frame­work of a secure nation.

It was inter­est­ing to hear a for­mer head of the Military and failed inter­lop­ing com­mis­sion­er of police Hardly Lewin argue that Major Anthony Anderson will be suc­cess­ful because he has polit­i­cal support.
It’s clear the polit­i­cal direc­torate has con­fi­dence in Anderson, giv­en his cur­rent job as nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er”, Lewi said.
Hardly Lewin served in the role of police com­mis­sion­er between 2007 to 2009 under anoth­er Labor Party Administration led at that time by Bruce Golding.

Commissioner from 2007 to 2009

Imagine a for­mer Commissioner of Police insin­u­at­ing that dur­ing his tenure he did not receive sup­port from the polit­i­cal directorate.
Isn’t that what this writer speak to in this medi­um almost dai­ly? Why did Hardly Lewin not speak about this dur­ing and after his service?
Imagine the con­cept of a Government not sup­port­ing its pri­ma­ry law enforce­ment agency. Now the Government of the very same par­ty and the poor­ly informed peo­ple who can­not think for them­selves want to blame the police for the state of affairs today.

Imagine a sit­u­a­tion in which the polit­i­cal direc­torate which com­pris­es both polit­i­cal par­ties, not sup­port­ing the rule of law, then won­der why they always seem to come togeth­er when it suits their nar­row interest.
The People’s National Party(PNP) came out in sup­port of Anthony Anderson’s ele­va­tion to Commissioner of Police much the same way it did for the for­ma­tion of INDECOM while also in opposition.
Only under immense scruti­ny does the two polit­i­cal gangs come togeth­er and when they do it usu­al­ly results in neg­a­tive con­se­quences for the country.

It was the People’s National Party (PNP) which first embarked on the fool’s fol­ly of bring­ing an ex-army head, Col. T.N.N. MacMillan, to serve as Commissioner of police from 1993 to 1996. That peri­od was a dis­as­trous peri­od of dis­cord, dis­en­gage­ment, and dis­il­lu­sion­ment for law enforce­ment, the rule of law and arguably the peri­od in which Jamaica lost the war against criminals.

Anderson and Holness

The notion that a per­son who stud­ied war­fare at Sandhurst or wher­ev­er, ris­es through the ranks in a 3000 or so man defense force which can­not even defend “Duppy gate” is qual­i­fied to lead a 12’000 man police force is remark­ably inane.
Throw in the dis­il­lu­sion­ment fac­tor which is bound to resur­face with­in the gazetted corps and we have a kinet­ic mix which can only result in failure.
Now I nev­er grieve for the Police high com­mand, God knows for decades the high com­mand of the JCF has allowed itself to become the lap-dog of the polit­i­cal class.

As a result, the high com­mand has lost the respect of its junior offi­cers result­ing in mas­sive attri­tion from the force while gain­ing noth­ing from it slav­ish obe­di­ence to politicians.
With the excep­tion of a few senior offi­cers if it was up to me I would cer­tain­ly have sent the whole lot of the senior staff home an act which would result in tremen­dous sav­ings for the Jamaican taxpayers.
The high com­mand gam­bled away the lus­ter, shine, dig­ni­ty, and promi­nence befit­ting senior police com­man­ders and lost. Not only have those senior offi­cers gam­bled away their respect they gam­bled away chips which were not theirs to play with.

JCF trainees on the fir­ing line.…

The lure of reach­ing the zenith of their cho­sen pro­fes­sion has informed the aspi­ra­tions of poor young men and women who decid­ed to risk their lives as police offi­cers for decades.
Sure the pay is bad, the work is dan­ger­ous, the work­ing con­di­tions are sub­stan­dard but the idea that hard work, dis­ci­pline, and edu­ca­tion can result in ele­va­tion to the high­est office has been a suc­cess­ful aspi­ra­tional tool for decades.
Like a car­rot in front of a heav­i­ly laden Horse, offi­cers toil when oth­ers sleep, run to the bul­lets when oth­ers cow­er, and give up their hol­i­days while oth­ers revel.

Now only to real­ize that though they have done every­thing they have been asked to do there is actu­al­ly a glass ceil­ing which keeps them away from the prize.
The igno­ra­mus­es who make pol­i­cy fid­dle with this at their own peril.
As my friend said yes­ter­day any per­son who wants to be Commissioner of Police let him join as a con­sta­ble and do the hard work, let him do police work.
Regardless of who those are who are offer­ing con­grat­u­la­tions to Anthony Anderson and the con­niv­ing cadre of com­plic­i­ty which foist­ed him on the police here is an impor­tant fact. Nowhere in the world are sol­diers giv­en com­mand of police departments.

Anthony Harriot

One of the argu­ments prof­fered by the elit­ist class for decades is that the Constabulary is bru­tal, and as such, inca­pable of per­form­ing as a mod­ern police depart­ment. The JCF was formed as a response to the Morant Bay Rebellion of October 11th, 1865.
This most non­sen­si­cal of notions when the coun­try still pledges its alle­giance to a for­eign Monarch, all its sys­tems and func­tions still bear alle­giance to Elizabeth of England who does not give a rats ass about Jamaica.
Yet the very same peo­ple are gid­dy with glee when one of theirs, a for­mer Military leader, (not para-mil­i­tary mind you), is giv­en the reins to the same force they claim is too militaristic.


Which brings us to the sense of hatred Jamaicans seem to have for them­selves and the ele­va­tion of their own kind. That pal­pa­ble belief in their sense of infe­ri­or­i­ty as does the maids, foot­men, and Butler of Downton Abbey.
The defi­cien­cies with­in the law enforce­ment space over the years cer­tain­ly can­not be laid at the feet of the police as I have argued over the years.
Surely as some­one who saw it from the inside for a decade and decid­ed I could not make a dif­fer­ence from the inside and left as a result, the fail­ings have been political.
Hardly Lewin who sat at the pin­na­cle now had the courage to speak out and should at least be giv­en cred­it for acknowl­edg­ing that the gov­ern­ments have not sup­port­ed law enforcement.
This writer has spo­ken to this issue for a long time, it is indeed a shock­ing rev­e­la­tion to those who would embark on the attri­bu­tion of crime fight­ing fail­ures to the police alone.