Pamela Moses, The Black Woman Jailed Over Voting Error, Speaks Out:‘It’s A Scare Tactic’

The Longtime activist who still faces the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a retri­al tells the Guardian she believes she’s being ‘per­se­cut­ed’ for being outspoken

Pamela Moses, the Memphis woman who was sen­tenced to six years in prison for try­ing to reg­is­ter to vote, says she is grate­ful to be released – but believes the case against her was a “scare tac­tic” to dis­cour­age oth­er peo­ple from cast­ing a bal­lot. Moses was released from prison on bond on 25 February after a judge unex­pect­ed­ly grant­ed her request for a new tri­al, cit­ing evi­dence, obtained by the Guardian, that had not been dis­closed to Moses’ defense.
In her first inter­view since being freed Moses recalled the moment in the court­room when Judge W Mark Ward decid­ed to grant her a new tri­al – and said she was “over­whelmed with joy”. Video shows Moses near­ly in tears and scream­ing in excite­ment when Ward ruled he was grant­i­ng her a new trial.
She knew that judges rarely reverse them­selves and grant requests for new tri­als, but she had been pray­ing Ward would see beyond her crim­i­nal record. “I was very grate­ful that God had allowed him to cor­rect his own mis­take, and that’s what you need in the crim­i­nal jus­tice system.”

But Moses, a long­time activist con­nect­ed to the Memphis chap­ter of Black Lives Matter, still faces the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a retri­al. Moses says she was unaware she was inel­i­gi­ble to vote, and state offi­cials acknowl­edged they made an error in indi­cat­ing to her that she was eli­gi­ble. Her case has brought renewed focus to the prac­tice, com­mon in many US states, of depriv­ing peo­ple con­vict­ed of cer­tain felonies of their vot­ing rights for wide­ly vary­ing lengths of time, but some­times for life.
Read the full sto­ry here.….https://​www​.the​guardian​.com/​u​s​-​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​2​2​/​m​a​r​/​1​1​/​p​a​m​e​l​a​-​m​o​s​e​s​-​b​l​a​c​k​-​w​o​m​a​n​-​j​a​i​l​e​d​-​o​v​e​r​-​v​o​t​i​n​g​-​e​r​r​o​r​-​s​p​e​a​k​s​-​out