Palin In Drag:

Lies, racial coding, and dirty tricks, like voter suppression are nothing new to the American Political system. Like any other place on earth the United States is not exempt from crooked, unscrupulous people, as such as Republican Politicians run around throwing around the term American Exceptional-ism they may be reminded that their own party is as we speak mounting a concerted battle to keep certain categories of people from voting, how exceptional is that?One would have thought that with virtually all fact checkers panning Paul Ryan’s speech as littered with lies , exaggerations and coded racial language, Mitt Romney at the top of the Republican ticket would exert some degree of leadership, and if he cannot control Ryan, at least ensure that his utterances are unimpeachable.

Paul Ryan

During the 2008 cam­paign which saw Barack Obama elect­ed pres­i­dent of the United States, John McCain ran an hon­or­able cam­paign, one many believe to be the real char­ac­ter of the man him­self. John McCain is cer­tain­ly not per­fect we have seen how dis­as­trous his first exec­u­tive deci­sion was , in select­ing Sarah Palin to be his run­ning mate, but I’ll get back to that. Steve Schmidt is now a MSNBC con­trib­u­tor , Steve ran John McCain’s cam­paign, it is fair to say that mis­ter McCain is an hon­or­able man if we are able to infer any­thing from the way Steve Schmidt has con­duct­ed him­self. Contrarily we have seen the bel­li­cose rhetoric in Republicans as their par­ty lurch­es dan­ger­ous­ly to the right , so much so that many peo­ple from cer­tain seg­ments of the soci­ety con­clude they are unwel­come in that par­ty. Gays, Women, Blacks, Latinos, and the list con­tin­ues to grow as the repub­li­can par­ty purges itself of all except white men , and in some regards they don’t want cer­tain white men ‚unless they are rad­i­cal lunatics.

Where did this nastiness come from ?

Democrats were angry when the Supreme Courts stopped the count and hand­ed the elec­tions of 2000 to George Bush, despite sig­nif­i­cant evi­dence that Al Gore had won the elec­tions. Yet they got behind the new pres­i­dent who to this day they still believe assumed the pres­i­den­cy ille­git­i­mate­ly. such is the pow­er of fam­i­ly and influ­ence when your broth­er is the Governor of the State where the foul-up occurred, and the state which would decide the pres­i­den­cy that year. Bush went on to win a sec­ond term four years lat­er, after two wars launched by Bush, one a war of choice, an econ­o­my bleed­ing 4 mil­lion jobs the last year of his pres­i­den­cy and in tat­ters, the coun­try’s image abroad in ruins,the Constitution shred­ded with laws like the Patriot Act. Pariah sta­tus for the United States as a result of tor­ture, ren­der­ing pris­on­ers of war to vile rogue states so they are tor­tured. The out­ing of CIA Operative Valerie Plame, as polit­i­cal pay-back for her hus­band Joe Wilson’s prin­ci­pled stance against the Bush Administration’s lies on their march to an ille­gal war with Iran.Despite all of these acts some of them out­right crim­i­nal, Democrats went along with Bush out of fear of being called unpatriotic.

Remember “Either you are with us or you are against us”? What short mem­o­ries some of us have ! The events of September 11th set off a chain of events that have changed the United States for­ev­er, and most of it is for the worse, many Democratic law-mak­ers went along with Bush Administration impeach­able actions out of fear of being labeled unpa­tri­ot­ic, as well as want­i­ng to share in Bush’s brava­do. Not only were Bush’s actions impeach­able , we all saw a Democratic President impeached for hav­ing oral sex with an intern but Democrats went along hook,line and sinker.

Paul Ryan the so-called Deficit Hawk and the Tea Party did not yet grow talons or beak, so the Tea Party and Ryan went along with every spend­ing excess of the Bush Administration. I under­stand that with­out Talons and Beaks the young upstart Paul Ryan could not have been much of a preda­tor under the Bush Administration. He damn sure acquired them rapid­ly after Obama took over the dis­as­ter, both he and the reac­tionary frauds called the Tea Party

Mitt Romney

The nas­ti­ness we see in the last cam­paign was intro­duced unwit­ting­ly or per­haps cal­lous­ly cyn­i­cal by John McCain in the form of Sarah Palin.

What Palin lacked in intel­lect, or com­mon sense she cer­tain­ly over-com­pen­sat­ed with vit­ri­olic, racial nas­ti­ness, this woman who could not name a sin­gle pub­li­ca­tion she had ever read to Kathie Couric , cer­tain­ly knew how to hate and fan racial hatred, to this day I see noth­ing endear­ing or redemp­tive in this woman except that she was cre­at­ed by the same God who cre­at­ed all of us.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is from the Tea Party, so is a lot of the Obstructionists in the United States Congress, and soon guys like Texas’ Ted Cruz will be sit­ting in the United States Senate, these are peo­ple who do not want Government even while they jock­ey for posi­tions with­in said Government.

Sarah Palin brought nas­ti­ness to the cam­paign that we had nev­er seen in our life­time, she came to nation­al atten­tion throw­ing around terms like “palling around with ter­ror­ists” Jeremiah Wright, Rezko, she also fur­ther threw around the non­sen­si­cal birther crap , it was then that intel­li­gent peo­ple came to the real­iza­tion that John McCain had made a ter­ri­ble mis­take in select­ing this woman to be his run­ning-mate. It became clear then, that the so-called mam­ma griz­zly, the Pitt-bull in lip­stick was noth­ing more than arguably a pret­ty face dressed up in cloth­ing paid for by Campaign funds a gor­geous pair of glass­es and not much else except an emp­ty head.

Palin’s approach would become the tem­plate for repub­li­cans from top to bot­tom, Republicans unleashed a nasty brand of pol­i­tics that was not even evi­dent dur­ing the tumul­tuous Clinton years. The Karl Rove play-book was out in full frontal mode for all to see. Despite cat­a­stroph­ic finan­cial signs which caused both Obama and McCain to leave their cam­paign and head to Washington DC to address the cri­sis, Republicans like Newt Gingrich Mitch McConnell , and Paul Ryan the can­di­date for vice pres­i­dent this cycle had ded­i­cat­ed them­selves to stand­ing in the way of any­thing the new pres­i­dent would do to res­cue the coun­try from the failed eco­nom­ic poli­cies of repub­li­can George W Bush.

That makes Paul Ryan the oppo­site of what he would like you to believe he is, Ryan is no deficit hawk, he vot­ed for every big gov­ern­ment pro­gram of the Bush Administration. He begged for stim­u­lus mon­ey even while he lied,and argued that the stim­u­lus did not work. When con­front­ed with the facts he feigned mem­o­ry lapse, he lat­er agreed that he did ask using some flim­sy dis­claimer that is so sil­ly I won’t even list it here.

Ryan lies so much that it is no won­der Romney the senior liar chose him to be his run­ning-mate, Romney has decid­ed­ly used lies as part of his cam­paign, it’s easy to see how he would choose Ryan who lies that the pres­i­dent closed a plant even before he became pres­i­dent, when con­front­ed with the facts the argued that it was part of a larg­er strat­e­gy to show Obama’s failures.

The truth is, it end­ed up show­ing the larg­er truth that the Romney/​Ryan cam­paign is an integri­ty-free zone.

The speech giv­en by Paul Ryan was panned by Democrats and Republicans alike as full of holes and down­right filled with lies, yet paul Ryan and Mitt Romney con­tin­ues with the bla­tant lies about Medicare, Welfare, and Obama’s record.

Ryan mean­while, lack­ing the ener­gy of Sarah Palin and crowd appeal, but for what comes out of his mouth, has turned out to be noth­ing more than Palin in drag.