Over To You PM Holness , In Mombasa Grass Saga…

The fol­low­ing is the full text of the inau­gur­al address by Prime Minister Andrew Holness at his swear­ing-in cer­e­mo­ny on (March 3, 2016).
Your Excellencies, the Governor General, the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen and Lady Allen
Leader of the Opposition the Most Honorable Portia Simpson Miller
Former Prime Ministers:
The Most Honorable Edward Seaga and Mrs Seaga
The Most Honorable PJ Patterson
The Honorable Bruce Golding and Mrs Golding
My fel­low Jamaicans
Good afternoon.
I rec­og­nize that I stand here today only by the Grace of God. It has not been an easy jour­ney to this podi­um, but earnest labour and fer­vent prayers con­quer all. To God be the glory.
It is with a deep sense of grat­i­tude, hon­our and humil­i­ty that I took the Oath of Office moments ago, ful­ly con­scious of the mag­ni­tude of expec­ta­tions and respon­si­bil­i­ty I have assumed, but equal­ly ener­gized and opti­mistic about a pros­per­ous future for Jamaica. I pledge to serve the peo­ple of Jamaica faith­ful­ly, with all of my ener­gies, all of my heart, mind and soul.
I stand here today hap­py to be rep­re­sent­ing the voice, vision, vote and vic­to­ry of Jamaica.
We may have dif­fer­ent voic­es and dif­fer­ent votes on a sim­i­lar vision, regard­less of our dif­fer­ences, Jamaica was vic­to­ri­ous at the General Elections. It is not per­fect, but we can all be proud of the peo­ple, sys­tems and insti­tu­tions that make up our democracy.
Meaning of the Mandate
On the day of Election, I wit­nessed a young man car­ry­ing, cra­dled in his arm, an obvi­ous­ly bed-rid­den elder­ly man from a polling sta­tion. I was touched by the sight. In the bus­tle of the busy school yard, as they passed, the elder­ly man point­ed his ink stained fin­ger at me and said, “Andrew, do the right thing!”
I stand here hum­bled by the awe­some pow­er of you, the peo­ple, and I com­mit to doing right by you. The peo­ple are sov­er­eign and their views and votes must nev­er be tak­en for granted.
The peo­ple of Jamaica did not vote in vain. They expect a gov­ern­ment that works for them and by the same expec­ta­tion, an Opposition that is con­struc­tive. This his­toric elec­tion deliv­ered the small­est major­i­ty but also the clear­est man­date: Fix Government!
With this mandate:
There is no major­i­ty for arrogance.
There is no space for selfishness.
There is no place for pettiness.
There is no room for com­pla­cen­cy and,
There is no mar­gin for error.
I am under no illu­sion as to the mean­ing of this man­date. We have not won a prize. Instead, the peo­ple are giv­ing us a test.
There is no absolute agency of pow­er. This means that the win­ner can­not take all, or believe we can do it alone.
Leading Partnerships for Prosperity
To achieve the vision of shared pros­per­i­ty through inclu­sive eco­nom­ic growth and mean­ing­ful job cre­ation, now more than ever, Government must lead, acti­vate, empow­er and build real part­ner­ships. I intend to lead a Government of part­ner­ship. The solu­tions to our prob­lems do not rest with Government alone.
The sum total of our poten­tial exceeds our prob­lems; our col­lec­tive capa­bil­i­ties are greater than our chal­lenges, but it is only through part­ner­ship that these capa­bil­i­ties and this poten­tial can be seized, har­nessed and real­ized for the good of Jamaica.
Partnerships require trust, clear assign­ment of respon­si­bil­i­ty and an ele­vat­ed sense of duty.
There is only so much trust that pledges and state­ments of com­mit­ment can buy. I under­stand that the Jamaican peo­ple now want to see action in build­ing trust. This is part of fix­ing government.
Everyone who will form the next gov­ern­ment must be seized of this expectation.
From the politi­cian mak­ing pol­i­cy to the civ­il ser­vant pro­cess­ing an appli­ca­tion, we must act duti­ful­ly to ful­fill our responsibilities.
Trust requires the actu­al­iza­tion of our com­mit­ments. We will ful­fill our commitments.
Our actions can achieve so much more if they are coör­di­nat­ed. We will bring greater coör­di­na­tion, ratio­nal­i­ty and focus to the role of gov­ern­ment so that the objec­tives of part­ner­ship can be clear.
There is no doubt that sig­nif­i­cant num­bers of Jamaicans have lost hope in our sys­tem, but I am encour­aged that a far larg­er num­ber main­tains faith, keeps hope and con­tin­ues to pray that Jamaica will grow and prosper.
I am ener­gized by the expres­sions of will­ing­ness to work with our new Government in the inter­est of Jamaica. The sense of duty is alive and well. There is more hope than despair and this cre­ates a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to form part­ner­ships for prosperity.
Partnership with Families
You know, I am now joined in Parliament by my life part­ner Juliet. Family is the ulti­mate part­ner­ship. And that is why my Government will focus resources on sup­port­ing families.
By increas­ing the income tax thresh­old we will restore the eco­nom­ic pow­er of house­holds to par­tic­i­pate in not only grow­ing our GDP but more impor­tant­ly grow­ing the gen­er­al well­be­ing of the society.
Here’s how the part­ner­ship with fam­i­lies, and the work­ing heads of house­holds will work.
Our gov­ern­ment will ease your tax bur­den, but you must spend and invest wise­ly, use the addi­tion­al mon­ey to acquire a house for your fam­i­ly or improve the house you already have, or buy Jamaican-made goods.
This how we will increase local effec­tive demand in hous­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and agri­cul­ture. This is how you can play a part in cre­at­ing in jobs while sat­is­fy­ing your well-being.
We will con­tin­ue our pol­i­cy of tuition-free edu­ca­tion and no user fee access to health care. However, will enable you to save in an edu­ca­tion bond for your chil­dren’s edu­ca­tion and in a nation­al health insur­ance scheme your healthcare.
We will enhance our social safe­ty net for vul­ner­a­ble fam­i­lies, and will pro­vide sup­port for par­ents in cri­sis, but you must be respon­si­ble and send your chil­dren to school. Our men must take care of their chil­dren, and cou­ples must be respon­si­ble in hav­ing the chil­dren they can afford.
Our gov­ern­ment com­mits to cre­at­ing the envi­ron­ment in which fam­i­lies can flour­ish and form com­mu­ni­ties of social mobil­i­ty from which every ghet­to youth can be star. However, every fam­i­ly mem­ber must do his or her part by being per­son­al­ly, social­ly and eco­nom­i­cal­ly responsible.
I am sure Juliet will under­stand if I seek to build anoth­er part­ner­ship in Parliament. Leader of the Opposition, Portia Simpson Miller has giv­en long and ded­i­cat­ed ser­vice to the coun­try and I believe the man­date is say­ing, we may not be on the same side of the road, but as much as pos­si­ble we should hold hands in coöper­a­tion to over­come obsta­cles for the good of the country.
We have evolved with­out for­mal struc­ture a very good part­ner­ship in edu­ca­tion and we intend to con­tin­ue our infor­mal col­lab­o­ra­tions in this area and pur­sue oth­er such areas of coöper­a­tion between Government and Opposition members.
I still believe it is a use­ful sym­bol of nation­al uni­ty for the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to appear togeth­er in zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions. I again extend the invitation.
Partnership for Growth with Private Sector
The pri­or­i­ty of this Government is to grow the econ­o­my and cre­ate mean­ing­ful jobs. In so doing, we will more rapid­ly and sus­tain­ably reduce debt. I am sure we all agree that much of Jamaica’s devel­op­ment has been achieved with­out growth, which has left us with much debt. This is unsustainable.
Going for­ward, Jamaica’s devel­op­ment must rest on its abil­i­ty to cre­ate propo­si­tions of val­ue and attract invest­ments to con­vert the val­ue into wealth. In this mod­el, Government is not the main investor, it is the Private Sector whether they be large enter­pris­es or small busi­ness. In the eco­nom­ic part­ner­ship with the Private Sector, Government’s role, among oth­ers, is:
To ensure the rule of law.
Create a safe, secure, and fair envi­ron­ment for business
Make mar­kets where none exist
Ensure trans­paren­cy and access to infor­ma­tion ‑and cre­ate an effi­cient and sup­port­ive pub­lic sec­tor bureaucracy
In exchange, we want the Private Sector to unleash invest­ments in the local econ­o­my. We want to see the return of the pio­neer­ing dri­ve to cre­ate new indus­tries, the entre­pre­neur­ial will­ing­ness to take risk, and the inno­v­a­tive insight to do things bet­ter. I am heart­ened by the sig­nals com­ing from the Private Sector. I believe they have got the mes­sage about the part­ner­ship for growth and job cre­ation. Now is the time for growth.
Partnership with inter­na­tion­al partners
We are not naïve about the chal­lenges we face regard­ing our debt and the need to main­tain fis­cal dis­ci­pline. This is why we will con­tin­ue with the prin­ci­ple of joint over­sight of our Economic Programme and performance.
We rec­og­nize the impor­tance of, and val­ue our rela­tion­ship with our bilat­er­al and mul­ti­lat­er­al friends. These rela­tion­ships have been crit­i­cal in secur­ing sta­bil­i­ty. We believe in pre­serv­ing sta­bil­i­ty, but we must now build up on this in a pro­duc­tive part­ner­ships with them to achieve inclu­sive growth and job creation.
There are many more areas of part­ner­ships that we must for­mal­ly pur­sue for nation­al devel­op­ment and as our gov­ern­ment is installed over the com­ing days these will become evident.
The Role of the Prime Minister
In all these part­ner­ships for pros­per­i­ty, there must be coör­di­nat­ed effort. That is my role. I will ensure that:
Government is coör­di­nat­ed and strate­gi­cal­ly directed.
Decisions are tak­en quickly.
Targets are set.
The nation is informed and that.
Everyone under my appoint­ment is held to account for their action or lack thereof.
Institutional Reform
There is a sense of expec­ta­tion of change. It is not lost on me that I am the first of the Post-Independence gen­er­a­tion to lead Jamaica. More than any­thing else we want to see Jamaica take its true place as a devel­oped coun­try in the next 50 years. The strug­gle is not so much polit­i­cal inde­pen­dence as it is eco­nom­ic inde­pen­dence. It is through our eco­nom­ic inde­pen­dence that we secure real polit­i­cal independence.
However, after 53 years of inde­pen­dence, there is need for insti­tu­tion­al review of the Jamaican State both in terms of mod­ern­iza­tion of the insti­tu­tions of the State, and the struc­ture of the State. Government has to improve its busi­ness process­es and become more effi­cient as a reg­u­la­tor and a ser­vice provider.
There is need for us to have a say in the fun­da­men­tal insti­tu­tions that define Jamaica, the rights we secure for our cit­i­zens and how we want Jamaica to be. We will give form to that voice in a ref­er­en­dum to decide on the con­sti­tu­tion­al mat­ters and social matters.
Independent Jamaica must remove the cul­ture of depen­den­cy from our midst. We must teach our chil­dren that there is no wealth with­out work, and no suc­cess with­out sac­ri­fice. We must remove the belief from the psy­che of our chil­dren that the only way they can step up in life is not by how hard they work, but by who they know.
As Prime Minister I have a duty to align our incen­tives and reward sys­tems for those who work and fol­low rules. We must cre­ate a Jamaica where the man who plays by the rules is rewarded!
It is impor­tant that the cit­i­zens of Independent Jamaica have a sense of enti­tle­ment to good ser­vice from their coun­try. However, increas­ing­ly this is not being bal­anced with a duty of ‘giv­ing back’. Jamaica has ben­e­fit­ed sig­nif­i­cant­ly from the civic pride and sense of nation­hood that drove so many to give gen­er­ous­ly of their tal­ent and trea­sures to build our great nation.
The spir­it still exists, to a great extent, local­ly and in our Diaspora. However, we have to be more active in pro­mot­ing civic respon­si­bil­i­ty, vol­un­teerism and ‘giv­ing back’, par­tic­u­lar­ly among our youth. And we have to inte­grate the incred­i­ble tal­ents and assets of the Jamaican Diaspora in local devel­op­ment. Too often I hear com­plaints from the Diaspora that they expe­ri­ence dif­fi­cul­ty in giv­ing to Jamaica. Giving should be easy, as part of our Partnership for Prosperity which includes the Diaspora, we will make it eas­i­er for you to con­tribute to the devel­op­ment of your homeland.
Jamaica is too rich in peo­ple and tal­ent to be a poor coun­try. With good gov­er­nance and a prospec­tive out­look, Jamaica, with­in a decade or less, could emerge as a boom­ing econ­o­my and a pros­per­ous society.
Jamaica is geo­graph­i­cal­ly cen­tral in the Caribbean. My vision is to turn Jamaica into the cen­tre of the Caribbean. A cen­tre of finance, trade and com­merce, tech­nol­o­gy and inno­va­tion, and the cen­tre of arts, cul­ture, and lifestyle region­al­ly. This is all pos­si­ble with­in our life­time. Despite any neg­a­tives, Jamaica still has a pow­er­ful and allur­ing brand ampli­fy­ing our voice and influ­ence in the world.
We can­not be sat­is­fied with things as they are. My dream is to ful­fill your dream. We must cre­ate a Jamaica where there is hope and oppor­tu­ni­ty. Where we can encour­age our chil­dren to dream big and be opti­mistic about their life chances. We must cre­ate a Jamaica where our young peo­ple can find mean­ing­ful work. A Jamaica where you feel safe to live, work and raise your chil­dren. A Jamaica that is boom­ing and investors and entre­pre­neurs can have a con­fi­dent out­look on the econ­o­my. A place where we can retire and tru­ly enjoy as paradise.
All of this is pos­si­ble. We must start now. Time for a part­ner­ship. Time for action!

Prime Minister Andrew Holness being sworn in as PM on March 3rd 2016.


Samuda pays for his Mombasa grass.

Carl Samuda Agricultire Minister

MINISTER of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries Karl Samuda informed the House of Representatives yes­ter­day that he has now paid up $546,000 for the Mombasa grass plant­ed on his prop­er­ty in Knollis, St Catherine, by the Jamaica Dairy Development Board (JDDB).Samuda also told the House that he has the names of oth­er major farms, some polit­i­cal­ly linked, which have also ben­e­fit­ed from the 500 acres of the grass already plant­ed across the coun­try to boost dairy production.

However, he said he cur­rent­ly has no inten­tion of releas­ing those names.

Similar treat­ment was offered and avail­able to all diary, beef and small rumi­nants farm­ers,” Samuda told the House, in an impromp­tu response to the alle­ga­tions made by Opposition spokesman on agri­cul­ture Dr Dayton Campbell in Parliament last week Wednesday.

Samuda said that, unlike claims made by the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP), the project was not restrict­ed to small farm­ers and many of the major farms had received “a con­sid­er­ably larg­er con­tri­bu­tion” of grass than he had, and were not required to pay for the service.

I do not wish to name them now, and I will not. The fact of the mat­ter is that per­sons who have par­tic­i­pat­ed in this pro­gramme were not only relat­ed to non-polit­i­cal fig­ures. But I have no inten­tion what­so­ev­er to match like with like,” he said.

I would not seek to strength­en my pre­sen­ta­tion by draw­ing ref­er­ence to any­one that it might even­tu­al­ly hurt, because I am sat­is­fied that any­one who took advan­tage of this pro­gramme did so in the earnest belief that it would improve their con­tri­bu­tion to the devel­op­ment of the coun­try through agri­cul­ture,” he added.

He said that he was aware that the pro­gramme does not cater to receiv­ing pay­ment for the cur­rent plant­i­ng process, which is pri­mar­i­ly to pro­mote the ben­e­fit of the grass to the dairy indus­try. However, he said that he felt more com­fort­able now, hav­ing doing that.Samuda also took the blame for the con­tro­ver­sy which devel­oped around Campbell’s rev­e­la­tion in the House.

Had I thought of it more care­ful­ly, and if the oppor­tu­ni­ty should ever arise again, I would not have gone the route that I did. It rais­es ques­tions, it gives rise to spec­u­la­tion and, in that regard, it is unques­tion­ably an error on my part not to have safe­guard­ed myself appro­pri­ate­ly,” he said.

He said that, ini­tial­ly, he was reluc­tant to accept the sug­ges­tion, which came from act­ing CEO of the JDDB Byron Lawrence.

I did not ini­ti­ate this sug­ges­tion and, in fact, was pre­vailed upon to accept”.

As I have said before, I regret not hav­ing tak­en appro­pri­ate mea­sures to pro­tect my integri­ty in the whole process,” Samuda stated.

He said that since the con­tro­ver­sy he had insist­ed on get­ting a bill, and that what­ev­er was done on his farm be cost­ed, and a state­ment sent to him.

I received that state­ment, and I have here the receipt for my pay­ment for all the work done at my farm, for $546,000, that I paid today,” Samuda told the House of Representatives.

Why? Because I knew I was com­ing to this House and I did not want to promise to pay. I paid it, know­ing ful­ly well that there is no pro­vi­sion under the pro­gramme for any par­tic­i­pant to pay for the ser­vices that they have received,” he admitted.

Last week, the PNP called on Contractor General Dirk Harrison to inves­ti­gate the cir­cum­stances in which Samuda ben­e­fit­ed from the grass-plant­i­ng programme.

According to the PNP, Samuda, a cat­tle and dairy farmer, was able to ben­e­fit from a 15-acre demon­stra­tion plot of Mombasa dairy-feed­ing grass at his farm by the dairy board.

The tri­al project was aimed at assist­ing dairy farm­ers in Jamaica to explore the poten­tial of the grass, as a com­po­nent in dairy farm­ing. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​s​a​m​u​d​a​-​p​a​y​s​-​f​o​r​-​h​i​s​-​m​o​m​b​a​s​a​-​g​r​a​s​s​_​9​9​2​0​7​?​p​r​o​f​i​l​e​=​1​373

There is a crit­i­cal com­po­nent which must be con­sid­ered when we con­sid­er some­one’s character,whenever there are ques­tions, or whether a crime has been committed.
That com­po­nent is ‚did he know what he was doing was wrong/​Did he inten­tion­al­ly and pre-med­i­tat­ed­ly engage in an unlaw­ful act?
In law it is called guilty mind, or ( mens rea.) the inten­tion or knowl­edge of wrong­do­ing which con­sti­tutes part of a crime.
Our Nation’s brief his­to­ry as a self ruled state has been fraught with incred­i­ble cor­rup­tion and graft .
This has caused some of the most patri­ot­ic Jamaicans to won­der whether we can gov­ern ourselves.
It is remark­able that with the lev­el of cor­rup­tion which has per­me­at­ed the 22 years of PNP rule out of 26, that a mem­ber of the Governing Jamaica Labor Party would not do every­thing in his pow­er to shun any impres­sion of impropriety.

How can the Minister of Agriculture , him­self a farmer, ben­e­fit from a 15-acre demon­stra­tion plot of Mombasa dairy-feed­ing grass at his farm by the dairy board to the tune of $546’000, and did not see it is wrong and problematic?

Paying for the work is not a solu­tion to this incred­i­ble breach of trust.
You don’t get to wave a receipt in the Parliament after you are caught and expect this mat­ter to go away.
If that was the stan­dard , every per­son who breaks the nation’s laws and are caught could sim­ply say I’ll pay and that would have been the end of it.Saying that oth­ers have done it is not an excuse either .
The fact that Samuda paid for the work done on his prop­er­ty should not be excul­pa­to­ry , it ought to be a crit­i­cal piece of evi­dence against him in a detailed , com­pre­hen­sive and exhaus­tive crim­i­nal proceeding.
Whatever infor­ma­tion he has regard­ing oth­er peo­ple who received Mombasa grass on their farms with­out pay­ing ‚should be extract­ed from him in a crim­i­nal Investigation and the appro­pri­ate puni­tive rem­e­dy applied.
The American President seem­ing­ly believ­ing he is above the laws is about to see what it ‘s like to have a Special Prosecutor do an exhaus­tive inves­ti­ga­tion into his behavior.
Jamaica a small devel­op­ing nation of 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple has no mech­a­nism to ensure that cas­es of cor­rup­tion like these do not go unpunished.
It can­not be that the very peo­ple who are trust­ed with the lead­er­ship of the coun­try are the very ones who engage in this type of behavior.
“Had I thought of it more care­ful­ly, and if the oppor­tu­ni­ty should ever arise again, I would not have gone the route that I did. It rais­es ques­tions, it gives rise to spec­u­la­tion and, in that regard, it is unques­tion­ably an error on my part not to have safe­guard­ed myself appropriately,”
The fore­gone should not be a grand state­ment of self righteousness.
It should be a state­ment for lenien­cy made before a crim­i­nal court judge after trial .
Our coun­try sim­ply can­not con­tin­ue to func­tion this way in which some peo­ple flout the law and when caught sim­ply make resti­tu­tion and con­tin­ue as if noth­ing happened.
Mister Prime Minister over to you, I urge you to re-read your address to the nation on March 3rd 2016.