Outrage/​Galveston Mounted Police Lead Handcuffed Black Man By Rope

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GALVESTON, Texas — The Galveston Police Department is apol­o­giz­ing for the way offi­cers arrest­ed a man over the week­end in down­town Galveston.
The depart­ment says two offi­cers arrest­ed a 43-year-old man for crim­i­nal tres­pass at 306 22nd Street. The man was hand­cuffed and a rope was clipped to the hand­cuffs before he was led to walk down the street by the two offi­cers on horseback.

Police say he was being led to 21st Street and Market Street where the Mounted Patrol Unit was stag­ing from.
A pho­to of the arrest was tak­en and shared on social media. It shows the man walk­ing between the hors­es and the offi­cers with his hands behind his back and one of the offi­cers hold­ing the blue rope. “While this tech­nique of using mount­ed hors­es to trans­port a per­son dur­ing an arrest is con­sid­ered a best prac­tice in cer­tain sce­nar­ios, such as dur­ing crowd con­trol, the prac­tice was not used cor­rect­ly in this instance.” the depart­ment said.

The offi­cers involved were appar­ent­ly famil­iar with the man and were told that he had been warned against tres­pass­ing at the loca­tion sev­er­al times. The depart­ment sent out a press release about the sit­u­a­tion on Monday.
“First and fore­most I must apol­o­gize to (the man arrest­ed) for this unnec­es­sary embar­rass­ment. Although this is a trained tech­nique and best prac­tice in some sce­nar­ios, I believe our offi­cers showed poor judg­ment in this instance and could have wait­ed for a trans­port unit at the loca­tion of the arrest. My offi­cers did not have any mali­cious intent at the time of the arrest, but we have imme­di­ate­ly changed the pol­i­cy to pre­vent the use of this tech­nique and will review all mount­ed train­ing and pro­ce­dures for more appro­pri­ate meth­ods.” said Galveston Police Chief Vernon L. Hale, III “We under­stand the neg­a­tive per­cep­tion of this action and believe it is most appro­pri­ate to cease the use of this tech­nique. The police chief has tak­en imme­di­ate action to sus­pend this tech­nique of trans­porta­tion dur­ing arrests.” the depart­ment said. https://​www​.wcnc​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​n​e​w​s​/​l​o​c​a​l​/​g​a​l​v​e​s​t​o​n​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​c​h​i​e​f​-​a​p​o​l​o​g​i​z​e​s​-​f​o​r​-​p​h​o​t​o​-​o​f​-​m​o​u​n​t​e​d​-​o​f​f​i​c​e​r​s​-​l​e​a​d​i​n​g​-​h​a​n​d​c​u​f​f​e​d​-​m​a​n​-​b​y​-​r​o​p​e​/​2​8​5​-​c​7​4​a​c​b​3​0​-​8​248 – 42e2-a53f-7074b81056f6?fbclid=IwAR34Ue9K9fvaliP9ThnnLTilPTa5Pxwz8w47VTrFtT3ua2-


Image result for drawing of slave being pulled behind horses

Editors note..
New Information from the arrest­ed man’s fam­i­ly revealed that he is men­tal­ly ill and home­less.
One of the rea­sons for the out­rage is the still raw scabs of racism in which black peo­ple remem­ber their ances­tors, shack­led and dragged behind hors­es rid­den by white men who had kid­napped them.