Out Of Control Policing?

In Syracuse New York, alleged­ly over a bag of stolen chip.
By Rachel Kiley


A video of police putting a young Black boy in a police vehi­cle over an alleged­ly stolen bag of chips went viral on Tuesday.

The per­son who record­ed the video appeared to have just hap­pened upon the scene, which involved at least three Syracuse Police Department (SPD) offi­cers putting a boy into a squad car, as anoth­er child stood by.

The boy screams, cries, and tries to get away, as the man record­ing asks what is going on and tells the offi­cers to stop.

He look like a baby to me,” the man says.

He’s steal­ing stuff,” a cop says. “Keep walk­ing, dude. You don’t even know what you’re talk­ing about.”

A sin­gle bag of chips is on the ground near­by. The oth­er boy present at one point screams at the cops that the oth­er kid didn’t steal, while the man record­ing offers to pay for the chips if that is the issue. “I’ll pay for them,” the man says.

Another man shows up and tells police that the boy looks too young to legal­ly be arrest­ed, like­ly refer­ring to a recent­ly passed law that pro­hibits chil­dren under the age of 12 from being arrest­ed and pros­e­cut­ed in New York under most cir­cum­stances, bar­ring homi­cide. However, the law doesn’t take effect until next year.

The video ends with the boy scream­ing from the back of the police vehicle.

On Facebook, the SPD said in a state­ment it is review­ing the incident.

We are aware of a video being shared on social media involv­ing sev­er­al of our Officers and juve­niles accused of steal­ing from a store on the City’s north­side. The inci­dent, includ­ing the Officers’ actions and body-worn cam­eras, are being reviewed. There is some mis­in­for­ma­tion involv­ing this case. The juve­nile sus­pect­ed of lar­ce­ny was not placed in hand­cuffs. He was placed in the rear of a patrol unit where he was direct­ly brought home. Officers met with the child’s father and no charges were filed,” it wrote.

It went viral on both Reddit and Twitter Tuesday.

It’s unclear when exact­ly the inci­dent took place, or what hap­pened with the child involved. Attempts doc­u­ment­ed by Twitter users to learn more from the SPD were unproductive.

They trau­ma­tized that lit­tle boy over a bag of chips? Unbelievable,” one Twitter user said.

Redditors also brought up the idea of adul­ti­fi­ca­tion bias, where Black kids are often viewed as old­er, and there­fore “less inno­cent,” than white kids.