Our Planet Is Slowly Sliding Into The Darkness Of Authoritiarianism.

I real­ly did not think that day would come, “one woman told a reporter at a John Fetterman ral­ly in Pennsylvania yes­ter­day; anoth­er retort­ed, “We fought for this right, dammit.” The women were old­er, gray-haired, and angry, and they were mad at the Supreme Court’s auda­cious deci­sion to over­turn Roe Versus Wade in the Dobbs decision.“
We did the march­ing. We did the talks. We did the ral­lies, and we won. And it has been the law that has been chal­lenged and defeat­ed a cou­ple of times already, and then just to come in with that and take it away, it’s unbe­liev­able to me. It is just unbe­liev­able.”
Only that it isn’t unbe­liev­able, for the forty-nine years that the Supreme Court affirmed the right of women to have an abor­tion, the Republican par­ty has waged a relent­less long-game cam­paign to over­turn it.
Right-wing groups such as the Federalist soci­ety came into exis­tence in 1982 by a group of stu­dents from Yale Law School, Harvard Law School, and the University of Chicago Law School who sup­pos­ed­ly want­ed to chal­lenge lib­er­al or left-wing ide­ol­o­gy with­in élite American law schools and universities.
The truth is that the Federalist Society and oth­er right-wing groups’ sole inten­tion is to use the courts to estab­lish a per­ma­nent right-wing ide­ol­o­gy where the right can­not guar­an­tee con­trol at the bal­lot box.
The exis­tence of Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amey Coney-Barrett, and Samuel Alito on the high­est court exem­pli­fies the pow­er and reach of the Federalist society.
All of the afore­men­tioned Jurists have either been rec­om­mend­ed by the Federalist soci­ety or have had some con­nec­tion to the group.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

One of the things this writer has won­dered aloud is where are the left-wing advo­ca­cy groups that would counter the mas­sive num­ber of right-wing groups that have been sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly push­ing America fur­ther and fur­ther toward the right.
Not only are there no major groups coun­ter­ing the right­ward push there are hard­ly any indi­vid­u­als doing so either.
For its part, the Democratic par­ty seems con­tent to win pres­i­den­tial elec­tions in the most hos­tile envi­ron­ments-envi­ron­ments that the fas­cist Republican par­ty now sees fit to inject polit­i­cal vio­lence. What makes it hard­er each time for the Democrats is that each cycle, they will have to win a much larg­er share of the pop­u­lar vote and a wider spread in the elec­toral col­lege because of ger­ry­man­der­ing and, of course, the archa­ic elec­toral col­lege, one of the guard rails that guar­an­tees white minor­i­ty power.
Latching on to the idea of the great replace­ment the­o­ry, Several European Nations are now pass­ing laws and elect­ing out in the open fas­cists to high polit­i­cal office.
In Italy, Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy polit­i­cal par­ty is described in CNN’s report as “the most far-right gov­ern­ment since the fas­cist era of Benito Mussolini.
The 45-year-old moth­er from Rome won by tar­get­ing Immigration as Donald Trump did before he won, she did the same, and she won in Italy. Right-wing fas­cism is on the rise in Sweden and Hungary, and even in France, the fas­cist right-wing Party of Marie Le Pen has made immi­gra­tion the cen­tral tenet of their agen­da, win­ning them more seats in the par­lia­ment than they ever held before.
Le Pen her­self chal­lenged Emanuel Macron and was defeat­ed by Macron, who was elect­ed on April 24th, 2022.
It is now com­mon to see right-wing fas­cists who would pre­vi­ous­ly be shunned by both polit­i­cal par­ties in the United States as favored speak­ers at the Republican Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). 
Repugnant racists like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, and Italy’s Giorgia Meloni’.
And lest we for­get, the British broke away from the European Union over the sin­gu­lar belief that too many peo­ple from Africa were enter­ing their country.

Giorgia Meloni

Donald Trump waged a racist, fas­cist, xeno­pho­bic cam­paign in the United States that pro­pelled him to the pres­i­den­cy in 2016. His relent­less stok­ing of racial ani­mus has kept him rel­e­vant after he left office in 2020 despite a pha­lanx of crim­i­nal accu­sa­tions that would have land­ed almost any­one else in prison years ago.
For the poten­tial vot­ers in places like Pennsylvania who are shocked that the reac­tionary Right-wing Supreme Court would reverse a 49-year-old prece­dent on prece­dent, I have news for them; this is just the begin­ning. The Republican par­ty is the Dog that chased the car every day and final­ly caught the car. Why would any­one doubt that they would over­turn a deci­sion they have fought tooth and nail since it was hand­ed down in 1973?
It’s not just about abor­tion, but about the idea that politi­cians would take con­trol of your body and decisions.
Black and Native peo­ple who have borne the brunt of white oppres­sion have nev­er had full auton­o­my and agency over their own lives. They under­stand all too well that noth­ing is guar­an­teed in the United States; even when guar­an­tees are memo­ri­al­ized in black and white, they have had those guar­an­tees ripped away from them.

The Salute a Trump ral­ly recently.

I am pained for the white women who are now alarmed that five (5) unelect­ed bureau­crats could sum­mar­i­ly rip away guar­an­tees they have enjoyed for most of their lives.
Thankfully, some of them are now pay­ing atten­tion. While some are get­ting ready to man phone banks and knock on doors to orga­nize, there may be an equal num­ber or more who are orga­niz­ing to push them­selves and the coun­try fur­ther into the dystopi­an hand­maid­’s tale that the Republican par­ty is advocating.
It was only 102 years ago that women were not allowed to vote in the United States or make deci­sions with their own mon­ey inher­it­ed from their fathers. That deci­sion fell to the men they decid­ed to mar­ry, no mat­ter how poor they were.
On June 4, 1919, Congress passed the 19th amend­ment to the Constitution; it was rat­i­fied on August 18, 1920.  The 19th amend­ment grant­ed women the right to vote!!!

When the 14th Amendment passed in 1868, it was intend­ed to give for­mer slaves equal pro­tec­tion and vot­ing rights under the law; it was not meant to pro­tect women. In fact, it spec­i­fied equal­i­ty for male slaves; female slaves were exclud­ed, as were all women, regard­less of race.
A year after the 14th amendment’s pas­sage, Myra Bradwell tried to apply it to women’s rights. Bradwell, who grad­u­at­ed law school with hon­ors and had passed the bar, chal­lenged the Supreme Court of Illinois’ deci­sion pro­hibit­ing her from prac­tic­ing law in the state.
The Illinois Supreme Court had found Bradwell legal­ly “dis­abled:” As a mar­ried woman, she had no sep­a­rate legal exis­tence apart from her husband’s. She could nei­ther own prop­er­ty nor enter into legal agree­ments.
The case went to the United States Supreme Court with Myra Bradwell argu­ing that Illinois vio­lat­ed the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal pro­tec­tion pro­vi­sion. The Supreme Court saw oth­er­wise, rul­ing that the amend­ment did not require states to open the legal pro­fes­sion to women. One jus­tice wrote: “The para­mount des­tiny and mis­sion of women are to ful­fill the noble and benign offices of wife and moth­er.”(erae­d­u­ca­tion­pro­ject)

There are more women vot­ers in the United States than there are male vot­ers; nev­er­the­less, despite their supe­ri­or num­bers and the his­to­ry of where they are com­ing from, white women, in par­tic­u­lar, have closed their eyes and vot­ed Republican-essen­tial­ly putting race over their very freedoms.
Arguably, though white women were treat­ed expo­nen­tial­ly bet­ter than Blacks before the pas­sage of the 19th amend­ment, they had no more guar­an­teed rights than the recent­ly freed blacks. In fact, one could say that had it not been for their col­or, white women would have con­ceiv­ably been below Blacks on the totem pole, at least as far as vot­ing went.
Women should be at the fore­front of the fight to pro­tect American Democracy, not just on the abor­tion front but on all fronts, includ­ing wom­en’s right to vote and female autonomy.
Discrimination was not only reserved for Blacks, Native Americans, and oth­ers; white women were also exposed to dis­crim­i­na­to­ry laws and practices.
It is up to white women to pro­tect Democracy and the gains that have been hard won over the cen­turies, yet it is Blck women who have con­sis­tent­ly orga­nized to save America.
But for Black women and California Governor Gavin Newsome, where are the voic­es that ought to be out in front push­ing back against Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s fas­cist agenda? 




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.