Our Country Is Infected With A Pro-criminal Cabal Of Leftist Moles Burrowed Deep In The Infrastructure Of Every Part Of The Public Sector. 

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One of the essen­tial prin­ci­ples of crim­i­nal law is that the state or peo­ple must prove their case beyond a [rea­son­able] doubt; it is a dif­fer­ent prin­ci­ple than that which applies to civ­il cas­es with a low­er bur­den of proof. I placed the word ‘rea­son­able’ in brack­ets because when defen­dants are brought before the courts, the ver­dicts must be just, whether the defen­dant faces a jury or *a bench trial*(*trial by a judge).
The word rea­son­able is intend­ed to ensure that a defen­dant receives a fair tri­al when a com­pe­tent tri­er of facts, be it a judge or jury, con­sid­ers the full pre­pon­der­ance of the evi­dence and makes a ratio­nal deci­sion of inno­cence or guilt.
Though crit­i­cal to the equi­table and fair dis­pen­sa­tion of jus­tice, the word “rea­son­able” was nev­er intend­ed to be insurmountable.
It was not intend­ed to be a get-out-of-jail-free card for mass-mur­der­ers or to be used by left or right-wing judges to ful­fill their polit­i­cal agen­das instead of their sworn oaths to be impar­tial tri­ers of facts and to dis­pense sen­tences that are com­men­su­rate with sen­tenc­ing guide­lines set out in law by the peo­ple’s representatives.

Jamaica’s high­ly left­ist judi­cia­ry has been pulling the wool over the eyes of the Jamaican pub­lic for decades as it relates to this issue, and it must stop. Let me reit­er­ate for those who are quick to crit­i­cize what they haven’t under­stood because they are ser­i­al crit­ics; the impor­tance of ensur­ing that a guilty ver­dict is beyond a rea­son­able doubt can­not be over-empha­sized, nev­er­the­less; it is not an impen­e­tra­ble fortress to shield the guilty from being convicted.
Us Jamaicans have always been known to be a lit­tle extra and pre­ten­tious. We are deeply enam­ored with things over peo­ple. We indulge celebri­ties, even ticky-ticky Z‑list celebri­ties. We wor­ship at the altar of degrees and sta­tus while den­i­grat­ing the aver­age work­ing joe.
This mind­set glo­ri­fies fak­ery over orig­i­nal­i­ty and hon­ors and respects thieves and mur­der­ers, over hon­est work and decency.
It cre­at­ed a per­fect breed­ing ground for the kind of coun­try we have today in which gang­sters are heroes while teach­ers, police offi­cers, and farm­ers are treat­ed with zero respect. It is a prime breed­ing ground for exploita­tion by those with pow­er in both the polit­i­cal and legal fraternity.
It cre­at­ed the men­tal­i­ty that we can have a first-world twen­ty-first-cen­tu­ry coun­try on an anti­quat­ed, out­mod­ed 20th-cen­tu­ry infra­struc­ture. Jamaicans are indoc­tri­nat­ed into believ­ing that we can use white gloves on dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals and attain the kinds of soci­ety that exist in Scandavanian or some Asian societies.

Today the essen­tial prin­ci­ple of *beyond a rea­son­able doubt* that ought to pro­tect the inno­cent from wrong­ful con­vic­tion is being used sur­rep­ti­tious­ly to pro­tect the guilty from con­se­quences right before our eyes. The guid­ing prin­ci­ples that ought to engen­der trust and con­fi­dence in our jus­tice sys­tem have been hijacked by the very peo­ple we appoint­ed to be stew­ards of our trust.
Our coun­try is infect­ed with a pro-crim­i­nal cabal of left­ist moles bur­rowed deep in the infra­struc­ture of every part of the pub­lic sec­tor. It is chal­leng­ing to wean Jamaicans off the ideas their left­ist indoc­tri­nat­ed lead­ers all gain from a sin­gle insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing. Those left­ist ideas have been prop­a­gat­ed and pro­mul­gat­ed through­out the Caribbean to the detri­ment and impov­er­ish­ment of the peo­ple forced to live under those policies.
The one thing stand­ing in the way of Jamaica going the way of Venezuela, or sub-Saharan Africa, is Bustamante’s par­ty. Even it is infect­ed with the destruc­tive left­ist ide­ol­o­gy that has destroyed once bur­geon­ing soci­eties. It took a life­time for Andrew Holness, the present JLP Prime Minister, to real­ize that crime is an exis­ten­tial prob­lem that can­not be remind­ed with finesse and soft touch. So it is not just the oth­er side that is infect­ed with this stupidity.
We must con­tin­ue to reori­ent and edu­cate the mass­es that a soci­ety in which crim­i­nals hold sway over the mass­es is a soci­ety stuck in pover­ty and want.
A soci­ety in which white-col­lar crim­i­nals exist at the top and gun-tot­ing blue-col­lar crim­i­nals at the bot­tom is a soci­ety where those in the mid­dle get squashed.
It is the very def­i­n­i­tion of Jamaican soci­ety today in which politi­cians, judges, tri­al lawyers, and their friends at the top and gun-tot­ing hood­lums at the bot­tom devour every­one else.
It is a Jamaica in which left­ist bureau­crats on the courts release the most dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals into soci­ety and then blame the police using the very prin­ci­ple in law designed to pro­tect the innocent.
Beyond a rea­son­able doubt.”\.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.