Organic Reporting…Fighting Back…


This cou­ple is rumored to be respon­si­ble for the killing of Nile Brown the for­mer Burger King employ­ee who was alleged­ly mur­dered and stuffed into a bar­rel and dumped.

The alleged killers of Burger King employ­ee, Nile Brown.

Anyone with infor­ma­tion on this cou­ple , or may have infor­ma­tion which may assist law enforce­ment to bet­ter pre­pare an air­tight case against the per­pe­tra­tors of this crime, are encour­aged to speak to the police in con­fi­dence ‚through the var­i­ous medi­ums which have been set up to allow for the relay­ing of infor­ma­tion in strict confidence.


Please tell law enforce­ment what you know .
In order to break this cycle of vio­lence we must first break the cul­ture which says “infama fi ded”.
Over the last sev­er­al decades Jamaica has lost tens of thou­sands of it’s peo­ple for no good rea­son oth­er than to sat­is­fy the blood-lust of the Island’s killers.
Our coun­try has been engaged in a kind of unde­clared civ­il war . A war that the Island’s killers are all to proud to talk about and one the Island’s polit­i­cal and self appoint­ed elites have stu­pid­ly refused to acknowledge.
It is up to every well mean­ing Jamaican to look out for them­selves and their neigh­bors by assist­ing decent good police offi­cers who are not cor­rupt­ed by whats happening.
Hopefully by then the self appoint­ed elites and the polit­i­cal lead­er­ship will have extract­ed their heads from their own ass­es long enough to rec­og­nize the danger.

What has the aver­age Jamaican gained but heartache, pain , and dis­tress from allow­ing the pop­u­lar cul­ture to dic­tate that they should not tell what they know?
The crim­i­nal under­world has metas­ta­sized expo­nen­tial­ly because of that tac­it acqui­es­cence and def­er­en­tial treatment

We have main­tained for years that both polit­i­cal par­ties thrive in the chaos of crime and corruption.
Nevertheless the peo­ple can work with their Police to set the exam­ple, toward the out­comes they seek.
Ultimately the cor­rupt judi­cia­ry which has been col­lud­ing with the crim­i­nal defense fra­ter­ni­ty, will come to real­ize that throw­ing out, and draw­ing out good cas­es under ridicu­lous guis­es must come to an end.