Oregon Man Who Threatened To Kill Black Teen Ordered To Write An Apology

Multnomah County, OR — After threat­en­ing to “blow the head off” of an unarmed African American teen, Michael James Black from Oregon, who is white, has only been ordered to write an apol­o­gy to the teen. He will not spend time in jail, but instead will just under­go three years of pro­ba­tion and 150 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice, anger man­age­ment and diver­si­ty training.

The case stemmed from an inci­dent in May 2018 when Black was sit­ting alone in a lawn chair in his garage and he saw a 14-year old Black teen, who was unnamed, rid­ing a bicy­cle about 50 feet away from his home.

The teen then report­ed­ly pulled into the cul-de-sac and drove around with his bike. Black told him that he was on pri­vate prop­er­ty and began shout­ing racial slurs.

When the teen con­tin­ued bik­ing, Black yelled out, “I’ll blow your head off” before going inside his home. The teen then rushed home as he thought the man was going to get a gun.

Meanwhile, the teen told the police that he thought that the cul-de-sac where he pulled into was pub­lic and he was just there to wait for his friends after bas­ket­ball prac­tice. There were two “no-tres­pass­ing” signs in the cul-de-sac but were “not vis­i­ble from the street,” accord­ing to the police who responded.

Deputy District Attorney BJ Park claimed that Black threat­ened to shoot the teen and his friends “sim­ply because they walked by his house and he didn’t like that and because of the victim’s race.”

Black was recent­ly found guilty of men­ac­ing and sec­ond-degree intim­i­da­tion, which is con­sid­ered to be a hate crime. However, he was only ordered to write an apol­o­gy to the teen and com­plete 150 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice. He is also pro­hib­it­ed from pos­sess­ing weapons.