Oprah Reveals Stedman Is Self Quarantining In The Guesthouse

The coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic has the world on pause and celebri­ties are includ­ed in the swift lifestyle changes. On Monday, Oprah Winfrey revealed that she and long­time part­ner Stedman Graham are tak­ing the coro­n­avirus man­dates seri­ous­ly. While shar­ing her quar­an­tine habits dur­ing an Instagram live ses­sion with OprahMag​.com Digital Director Arianna Davis, Winfrey said Stedman has been quar­an­tined in their guest house since return­ing from out-of-town.
Due to his recent trav­els and her health con­di­tions, the pair sees it best to remain in sep­a­rate quar­ters for the time being. 
“’ I don’t see what everybody’s get­ting so upset about!’ That’s what Stedman was saying…and that’s why Stedman’s at the guest house!” she said.

Winfrey admits that ini­tial­ly, Graham did not take the threat of coro­n­avirus seri­ous­ly. During his trav­els, he flew on mul­ti­ple flights and hit mul­ti­ple air­ports. Due to the social dis­tanc­ing man­dates, Winfrey decid­ed to fol­low pro­ce­dures imme­di­ate­ly upon his return. Despite his pri­or thoughts and opin­ions on the pan­dem­ic, Stedman glad­ly agreed to quar­an­tine for Winfrey’s safe­ty. “Stedman did not arrive from Chicago until Thursday, he had been speak­ing in St. Louis…he’d been on planes, so Stedman is like ‘What’s the pro­ce­dure for com­ing home?’ The pro­ce­dure is…you ain’t com­ing and sleep­ing in my bed!” Winfrey said.

And lit­er­al­ly, he goes, ‘I’m not?’ And I go, ‘Have you not been pay­ing atten­tion to the news? Social dis­tanc­ing does not mean you go and sleep in the same bed with the per­son! When you just got off American Airlines!’” Winfrey want­ed to make it clear that Stedman does not have the coro­n­avirus or dis­play any symp­toms. The quar­an­tine is a pre­cau­tion­ary effort in case Stedman became unknow­ing­ly exposed to the virus. She cites her com­pro­mised res­pi­ra­to­ry sys­tem as a cause for con­cern. Last year, Winfrey came down with pneu­mo­nia for which she just end­ed her course of antibi­otics last week. While in quar­an­tine, Winfrey and her girls drop off meals to Stedman dai­ly and vis­it the guest house to chat from a safe dis­tance. Although Stedman is locked down in the guest house, Winfrey said she’s remained busy. She has been enjoy­ing tele­vi­sion shows with her girls, read­ing books from Oprah’s Book Club and stay­ing enter­tained with social media. She even made tequi­la shots for DJ D‑Nice’s vir­tu­al par­ty host­ed on Instagram live. This sto­ry orig­i­nat­ed @the grio​.com.