Operation ‘Tidal Wave’ Reaping Success, Says JCF


The Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) recent­ly launched oper­a­tion ‘Tidal Wave’ has report­ed­ly been reap­ing success.

Tidal Wave start­ed after the JCF con­clud­ed its three-year crime fight­ing strat­e­gy, Operation Resilience on March 18, to make way for this new oper­a­tional phase, which will see a surge in polic­ing activ­i­ties across the island for the next three months. According to the JCF’s Corporate Communications Unit, since the launch of the ini­tia­tive, four per­sons have been arrest­ed and charged for Operation ‘Tidal Wave’ Reaping Success, Says JCF Larceny, 65 Farm Watch meet­ings have been held and the Police have vis­it­ed 12 abattoirs.

Additionally, 273 per­sons have been charged for var­i­ous offences and four want­ed per­sons were held. During the same peri­od, 15 firearms, 96 assort­ed rounds of ammu­ni­tion and 517 offen­sive weapons were seized. In addi­tion, over 95,000 search­es – includ­ing premis­es, vehi­cles and per­sons – were car­ried out, while $200,000 and US$50,000 and cash in oth­er cur­ren­cies were seized. A total of 598.5 pounds of gan­ja, with an esti­mat­ed street val­ue of approx­i­mate­ly J$3 mil­lion was also seized along with, five pounds of cocaine. One point five acres of gan­ja has been destroyed. Police/​citizen rela­tions have also been tar­get­ed under the ini­tia­tive. Since the start of the ini­tia­tive there have been 14 wide­ly pub­li­cized meet­ings, 245 Neighborhood Watch meet­ings and 208 Domestic Dispute Interventions.