Only The Things Which Are Of God Are Free;

Politics makes strange bed-fel­lows”. How many times have we heard this state­ment? This say­ing though used a lot, is prob­a­bly a mis­nomer, I believe politi­cians are rather devoid of char­ac­ter, which would rather bet­ter explain why the lat­ter seem to be true.

Portia Simpson Miller Bruce Golding

I will come back to the bed-fel­lows soon but I must lay some foun­da­tion, bear with me please.

Portia Simpson Miller’s pre­de­ces­sor Bruce Golding in an inter­view with the BBC was asked whether he would have Gays in his Cabinet? Golding replied, quote: Not in my cab­i­net> Golding com­mit­ted polit­i­cal sui­cide in that inter­view, only he did­n’t know it then. 

The wheels that would ulti­mate­ly be the undo­ing of Bruce Golding had start­ed turn­ing, Never mind that the Christopher (Dudus) Coke mat­ter would be the prover­bial straw which broke the camel’s back, Golding’s demise start­ed with that BBC interview.

Homosexuals are pow­er­ful , they have pow­er­ful lob­by and they have pow­er­ful friends in high places,some of whom are them­selves Homosexuals. homo­sex­u­als and their friends preach tol­er­ance, how­ev­er they do not sub­scribe to their own doc­trine of tol­er­ance and accep­tance. Those opposed to them are vil­i­fied as out­dat­ed igno­rant Jesus wor­ship­ing relics of the past, who have no place in mod­ern society. 

So much for tol­er­ance and accep­tance.

The die had been cast, Golding had to be defeated.

British Prime Minister David Cameron at the com­mon­wealth heads of gov­ern­ment con­fer­ence in Perth Australia declared that Jamaica and sev­er­al oth­er Commonwealth nations that main­tain anti-gay leg­is­la­tion could be affect­ed by reduced finan­cial sup­port from Britain. Cameron has threat­ened to with­hold British aid from gov­ern­ments that do not reform leg­is­la­tion ban­ning homosexuality.


Golding made the same mis­take Michael Manley had made years before him. They both failed to grasp or under­stand the nuanced and intri­cate com­plex­i­ties of geo-politics. 

Golding cacooned in his lit­tle world 4,411 square miles of pow­er-base, epic cen­ter West Kingston, gross­ly mis­cal­cu­lat­ed the extent to which homo­sex­u­al­i­ty has been pro­mul­gat­ed, pack­aged and shoved down the throats of the world’s peo­ple’s, so much so that it had become almost trea­so­nous to be anti gay. 

Neither the peo­ple in Washington DC nor those in London believe that Portia Simpson Miller is a capa­ble leader. It did not mat­ter, Golding would be replaced and so Portia quite unwit­ting­ly sold her soul to the devil.

Portia Simpson Miller is a pop­ulist , and noth­ing much beyond that, the pow­er bro­kers did not need any­thing else ‚she fit­ted the role per­fect­ly. Jamaicans need­ed to be per­suad­ed, they need­ed to be sold on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, who bet­ter to do so than the matron­ly pop­ulist affec­tion­ate­ly called “Sista P”? It came as no sur­prise then that when asked dur­ing the debates whether she would revis­it Jamaica’s bug­ger laws Miller respond­ed in the affirmative.

Jamaica will nev­er be the same again.

Of courseTIMEmag­a­zine would have the clue­less new Prime Minister as one of the world’s 100 most influ­en­tial per­sons, why not? I have an unso­licit­ed word of cau­tion for Sista P, as you bask in the glow of TIME’S dubi­ous recog­ni­tion, do remem­ber the homo­sex­u­al com­mu­ni­ty is not like the peo­ple of Saint Andrew South West, or the oth­er occultists who wor­ship at the Orange altar of ignorance.

Homosexuals will not be used , you will deliv­er what you promised, fail­ing which your fate will be worse than that suf­fered by Bruce Golding. The Gay, les­bian and trans gen­der com­mu­ni­ty will not be used and cast aside, mark my words.

You made a deal with the dev­il, I sug­gest you find a way to make good on your promise. As my dear grand-aunt used to say ” a nuh ever ting weh glis­ten a gold”

Good luck with the yel­low ser­pent you picked up Portia.

Remember at the out­set I allud­ed to the char­ac­ter of politi­cians? Well this is where the rub­ber meets the road, Portia Simpson Miller is now tied to this homo­sex­u­al issue, whether she wants to or not. Let’s see how this self-pro­claimed God-fear­ing woman from rur­al Saint Catherine extri­cate her­self from this tan­gled web she wove.