February 11th.2013 010

Today Jamaica attained another dubious distinction The Jamaican dollar slid to its lowest level yet J$100-US$1.

Technically, it does­n’t mat­ter whether the dol­lar is 98 to one American dol­lar or 100 to one. The larg­er point being that the slide of the Jamaican dol­lar con­tin­ues and the peo­ple entrust­ed to gov­ern has no clue how to stop the destruc­tion.chatt​-​a​-box​.com/​m​y​w​p​b​log

Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller.:

Every day Jamaicans liv­ing in my neck of the woods com­plain about the fact that their loved ones in Jamaica are get­ting less and less Digicel cred­its when they send cred­its to them back home. To a man they all blame Digicel, even though I under­stand how they would blame Digicel for giv­ing less cred­it for their ten, twen­ty or what­ev­er denom­i­na­tion they chose to send, I mar­vel that not one per­son real­ize that the Government is respon­si­ble, they blame the pri­vate company.

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As is the case in Jamaica the peo­ple refus­es to hold this fail­ure of a polit­i­cal party/​Administration account­able. No sin­gle enti­ty has done more harm to our coun­try than the People’s National Party, since it’s incep­tion. Yet the vot­ers return them to pow­er over and over. It may be incom­pre­hen­si­ble to some, as to why they are elect­ed and reelect­ed so many times ‚yet after care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion , I have con­clud­ed that peo­ple opposed, sim­ply leave the country.

There are a lot of argu­ments to be made from my last state­ment but many peo­ple sim­ply do not want to live in a coun­try run by the gut­ter rats in the PNP.

Finance Minister Peter Phillips:

The task at hand is big­ger than the Governing cabal is capa­ble of han­dling. Speaking to friends in Jamaica, who are in Government employ, the mood is somber. They fun­da­men­tal­ly under­stand that their lives and that of their chil­dren are get­ting hard­er by the day, it is a seri­ous cri­sis to which the Administration has no solu­tion. Today as the Dollar reached that dubi­ous mile­stone, the Administration has noth­ing to offer the nation but plat­i­tudes and promis­es of mon­ey it expects to be made avail­able by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The prob­lem with more bor­row­ing is that it exac­er­bate the prob­lems even as it delays inevitable eco­nom­ic collapse.

As I out­lined in my last blog-post the solu­tion to our nations prob­lems will not be solved by the peo­ple who got us into the mess in the first place. This is an Administration which believes in big gov­ern­ment, social­ist con­trol of the econ­o­my, nepo­tism, padding pub­lic pay­rolls with polit­i­cal hacks, mas­sive pork-bar­rel spend­ing to get votes, cor­rup­tion, high crime rates, spend­ing tax­pay­ers mon­ey on lux­u­ry vehi­cles for par­ty big-wigs, raid­ing the pub­lic cof­fers to fat­ten theirs and fam­i­ly mem­bers pockets.

This is a Government so cor­rupt they should be tried for crimes against the peo­ple, but if the peo­ple don’t know they deserve bet­ter , do they? As the Emperor who parad­ed around naked because no one had the guts to tell him he was naked, so too does our coun­try floun­der rud­der­less, tossed and bat­tered by the vicious waves of crime and pover­ty , because no one will tell the Prime Minister and her band of scalawags that they are in over their heads and it’s time to go.