One Community, We Nuh Need INDECOM.. INDECOM A Buil’ A Bagga Gunman Inna Jamaica

We nuh inna di INDECOM busi­ness, straight up!” Said, one Resident.

See da com­mu­ni­ty right now, we nuh need INDECOM.. INDECOMbuil’ a bag­ga gun­man inna Jamaica enuh,” chimed another

[Councillor for the Papine Division Venesha Phillips]

What res­i­dents wit­nessed this morn­ing was as an assault on the police and on the com­mu­ni­ty.

Understand that while we have no dif­fi­cul­ty with INDECOM, we want to make sure that cit­i­zens feel safe. And any­thing that looks like the police will be placed in a sit­u­a­tion where they are going to pull back, for what­ev­er rea­son, then the cit­i­zens are not going to have it,” expressed Phillips.

This com­mu­ni­ty is severe­ly bro­ken and the police must be able to take charge of the ground. So noth­ing that will get in the way of that will be tol­er­at­ed.

Residents were respond­ing to the upsurge of vio­lence in their com­mu­ni­ty of Jungle August Town St. Andrew.
According to pub­lished reports, gun­men invad­ed and opened fire killing 35-year-old David Stewart, a cor­rec­tion­al offi­cer at the Tower Street Adult Correctional Center.

This is what offi­cers face when they go out to make arrests they do need our support.

Two police offi­cers who respond­ed and were engaged in pro­cess­ing the crime scene were attacked by the heav­i­ly armed gang­sters result­ing in injury to one officer.
The police were report­ed­ly forced to retreat from the scene in the face of supe­ri­or firepower.

Guess who showed up?
You guessed it .….…INDECOM! In the face of the peo­ple’s anger and dis­gust the INDECOM agent clear­ly tone deaf at what was being con­veyed he went on to advance the fol­low­ing, ” we are always here to inves­ti­gate impar­tial­ly.”That non­sense train had long left the sta­tion, the agent was clear­ly try­ing to save his own ass.

That drew the ire of the belea­guered now less blink­ered res­i­dents. Seemingly at least some of them are begin­ning to awake to the real­i­ty that INDECOM in its present con­fig­u­ra­tion is a crime enhance­ment agency.
This writer and this pub­li­ca­tion is ded­i­cat­ed to the rule of law as such we want crooked cops in prison.

A recent pic­ture of a young women with a lethal weapon

Nevertheless, as I have main­tained since the act was being debat­ed in 2010 the idea though not lack­ing in mer­it, was being done as a puni­tive redress to the crim­i­nal rights fra­ter­ni­ty, and as such the oper­a­tional tenets of the law were flawed.

Additionally, the Commissioner of INDECOM,Terrence Williams, dis­qual­i­fied him­self as an impar­tial inves­ti­ga­tor, cast­ing his lot with the oth­er rab­ble rous­ing bot­tom feed­ers who pre­tend to be human rights advocates.
As a result, Williams’s can­tan­ker­ous and unnec­es­sar­i­ly con­fronta­tion­al rela­tion­ship with the JCF, the nation’s chief law enforce­ment agency, was uncalled for and should not have occurred.

Brazen images many Jamaicans do not see.

By his actions(meeting and con­fer­enc­ing with crim­i­nal rights activists )while in the role as com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM, Terrence Williams, by his own actions cre­at­ed a tox­ic atmos­phere which could only result in a rapid growth in crime.

Year over year mur­der con­tin­ues to climb, despite calls from the police and sup­port­ers like this pub­li­ca­tion to the author­i­ties that the INDECOM act is oner­ous, unjust and a dri­ver of crime, suc­cess­ful admin­is­tra­tions of both polit­i­cal par­ties have done noth­ing to repeal and redo a com­mon-sense law which we all can be proud of.

To add insult to injury the nar­cis­sis­tic media whore of a com­mis­sion­er Terrence Williams was giv­en a sec­ond term as “a direct fuck you” to the police.
Be it under­stood that there is no sin­gle issue dri­ving crime in our coun­try, there is a cor­nu­copia of issues con­tribut­ing to its growth.
None more than the alba­tross called INDECOM around the neck of the nation’s crime offi­cers in their abil­i­ty to do their jobs.

Maybe, just damn maybe, the peo­ple , the real own­ers of Jamaica, the every man/​woman from up in August Town to every nook a cran­ny in Salt Marsh St James will rise up and say no more.
No more for­eign fund­ed sell­outs to tell us how to police our com­mu­ni­ties with their satel­lites perched in their ivory tow­ers up at Mona and New Kingston.

Is this an awakening ?
Time will tell.…