On the lies about name brand cops: and the escalation of crime.... - mikebeckles.

On The Lies About Name Brand Cops: And The Escalation Of Crime.…


Dr. Peter Phillips the man who went to the scene of death of the late Willie Hoggart as well as to his funer­al once stat­ed that name brand police offi­cers made crime in Jamaica worse.
What a lie, it is “fake news” his rhetoric was dis­hon­est, disin­gen­u­ous and at best stu­pid., Phillips is one of those politi­cians who hates mem­bers of the Jamaican Constabulary Force for var­i­ous reasons.
As a for­mer mem­ber of the Jamaican Constabulary Force and a Detective Constable whose last divi­sion was St. Andrew South, Hunts Bay Police Station, to be exact. I am one of the hap­pi­est ex-mem­bers I have no regrets about leav­ing the force. My only regret not leav­ing ear­li­er and wast­ed about nine more years of my life in the organization.

Mr. Reneto Adams and many Jamaicans do not know or under­stand that the “Jamaican Labor Party gov­ern­ment and the oth­er politi­cians” in Jamaica have declared “war” on the Jamaican Constabulary Force mem­bers from May 2010.

After, the secu­ri­ty forces incur­sion into Tivoli Gardens, to arrest and exe­cute the extra­di­tion war­rant on “Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke” politi­cians declared war on these Patriots.
The cur­rent Jamaican Labor Party gov­ern­ment is not inter­est­ed in reduc­ing crime in Jamaica they are the par­ty which “lob­bied” the American gov­ern­ment not to extra­dite one of their strong men.

The days of name brand police cer­tain­ly now seem like the good old days. Officers like1).Toney Hewitt (deceased). (2) Douglas Guthrie. (3) Tom Levine. (4) Isiah Laing. (5). Bigga Ford. (6) Donovan O’Connor o/​c Hucks. (7) Dadrick Henry. (8) Derrick Knight o/​c Cowboy.(9). Reuben Gunter o/​c Rambo. (10). Bobby Reds. (11). Brown Laing from Westmoreland. (12). Karate Georgie.(13). Bag and Pan. (14).


Troubles from Linstead.(15). Errol Thompson o’/c Gatta. (16). Roy ‘Denzil” Boyd (deceased)(17). Leroy Nicely (Deceased). (18). Faggoty. (19). Linroy Edwards o/​c Eddie. (20) Calvin Lewis o/​c Dibble. (21). Wayne Josephs. (22). Clive Coleman.(23). Errol Welby o/​c Captain from Kingston Central.(24). Hydol from Spanish Town.(25). Tony Frye. (26).Dalphi Graveny. (27).

Ivanhoe Thompson. (28). Dave Daley (Deceased). (29). Charlie Mendez. (30) Ludlo Mowatt (deceased). (31). Parro Campbell. (32) Mug from Radication Base. (33). Oswald Ayre. (34). Mevral Smith. (35).Mike Beckles and a pletho­ra of tal­ent­ed and feared detec­tives that dri­ve fear into the hearts of criminals.

Isiah Laing

Now, crim­i­nals are phys­i­cal­ly beat­ing up offi­cers because there are no laws that make it manda­to­ry for the offend­er to go to prison like in America. Criminals can shoot at the police, and they know that if they escaped and caught lat­er. Whenever they are brought before the courts, they are going to be acquitted.

Only a fool would want to serve in the Jamaican Constabulary Force espe­cial­ly when the gov­ern­ment is not a fan of those who are will­ing to risk their lives for the peo­ple of Jamaica.
It’s only a mat­ter of time before Jamaican crim­i­nals begin doing the things which the ter­ror­ists are doing over­seas. It may be only then that the politi­cians will feel the heat when it comes to the shore of Jamaica in that degree.

Last year offi­cers were attacked by gang­sters who lobbed grenades at them.
The inci­dent did not even move the [idiot, crim­i­nal lov­ing] Prime min­is­ter to act in the best inter­est of the Jamaican people.
If I were a man of crim­i­nal intent and look­ing for a place to set up my orga­ni­za­tion, Jamaica would be the ide­al loca­tion, the place to set-up my crim­i­nal organization.

The Jamaican government’s poli­cies are more favor­able to the crim­i­nals than to the law enforce­ment offi­cers. It is like Somalia and Mexico! Where I am liv­ing at this time, mem­bers of the local, city, state, and fed­er­al law enforce­ment agen­cies are treat­ed like Gods. Do you think that a politi­cian could sur­vive or even have a career here if he is known “anti-police and pro-crim­i­nal politician?”

Altamoth (par­ro) Caampbell
Retired DSP

That could nev­er happen.
Most Jamaicans are miss­ing the big­ger pic­ture when it comes to crim­i­nals: It is big busi­ness, and the play­ers who are mak­ing mon­ey are not your friends.
The peo­ple who live in the afflu­ent com­mu­ni­ties are the ones who are behind this mon­ster, and they are reap­ing mon­ey like rain, and the politi­cians know this.

In every­thing, there are cause and effect. The effect is that the best and bright­est will get fear­ful and migrate to Europe or North America and make those con­ti­nents and coun­tries bet­ter while Jamaica is uninhabitable.

Uninhabitable to live, work, or raise a family.
One mes­sage for the mem­bers of the Jamaican Constabulary Force, resign and migrate, and your lives will be much, much bet­ter, and your stress lev­el will be per­fect. Imagine your blood pres­sure 118/74…that’s more than per­fect. Why are will­ing to give away your life to a sys­tem that is designed to crim­i­nal­ize you and pro­tect criminals?

Your best bet is to leave the police force. I have left and had zero regrets. Every day when I read what the gov­ern­ment is doing, I know that I made the right, best deci­sion in my life. Resign!!!

Dr. Phillips is not a friend of the police, and he would like to treat the force as if it is per­son­al secu­ri­ty firm employ­ees. He is a char­la­tan, fraud, and .an oppres­sor of the police force.
Holness is no better.
Finally, the name brand police offi­cers are the thing of the past in Jamaica because the gov­ern­ment would make sure that they find some­thing to arrest and charged them with.

In America, in every com­mu­ni­ty, espe­cial­ly the “hoods” there is name brand police offi­cers in every precinct. Bad boys know them and are scared of them. The Jamaican Politicians have done away with name brand cops and now the coun­try is a criminal’s par­adise in the Caribbean Sea.

The views of our con­trib­u­tors are their own they do not nec­es­sar­i­ly reflect the opin­ions of chatt​-​a​-box​.com nor it’s own­ers and publishers.

One thought on “On The Lies About Name Brand Cops: And The Escalation Of Crime.…

  1. I respect the police in Jamaica because it is a respectable job as the teacher, nurse and garbage men these reound peo­ple are our siv­el ser­vants, the court is the head then you have the gov­ern­ment and the low­er house That is giv­en pow­er by the.people. This cir­cle includ­ing church­es and civic organization .
    Why I use The above pro­fes­sion­als in my state­ment tell me where a police is not involved mind of the way we treat our ser­vants by dis­cred­it­ing them in any form care you will find that we are Jamaicans first thank you.

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