What do we look for in our elected leaders? Are political leaders role models? Are our children supposed to read about our Presidents, Senators, Congress-persons and other leaders with awe and aspiration?

I say you betcha (sic) our chil­dren not only look to these lead­ers with admi­ra­tion and awe but they look to peo­ple less deserv­ing, sports and rap stars, actors , their own peers ‚what­ev­er, why would we expect that our elect­ed polit­i­cal lead­ers are not viewed in the same light by our kids? Are we con­tent with the air brush­ing of his­to­ry? Is it hon­esty when we make his­to­ry, his sto­ry, rather than the real sto­ry? Or are we pre­pared to heap praise on those who were less than decent because it suits the nar­ra­tive we want to advance for posterity?

Which brings me to the upcom­ing elec­tions, many peo­ple ‚Republicans and Democrats will tell you frankly that most if not all politi­cians stretch­es the truth. In fact politi­cians with the best char­ac­ter will evade rather than tell the truth and suf­fer the con­se­quences. It is just not good pol­i­tics to always be truth­ful in that line of work.

So elec­torates in democ­ra­cies have baked that knowl­edge into how they view polit­i­cal aspi­rants, what that means is that they know that all politi­cians will stretch and or evade the truth, so they cut them some slack to a cer­tain degree. Electorates will also cut polit­i­cal aspi­rants some slack when they do not out­right con­demn sup­port­ers who say and or do sil­ly things, they under­stand how crit­i­cal each and every sup­port­er or group of sup­port­ers are, if the aspi­rant is to be elected.

Some Politicians have strate­gi­cal­ly denounced cer­tain sup­port­ers when it serves their inter­est, they cal­cu­late it gives them broad­er appeal or legit­i­ma­cy to a larg­er audi­ence, or a larg­er pool of voters.

Bill Clinton had his Sister moment.

The term orig­i­nat­ed in the 1992 pres­i­den­tial can­di­da­cy of Bill Clinton. In a Washington Post inter­view pub­lished on May 13, 1992, the hip-hop MC, author, and polit­i­cal activist Sister Souljah was quot­ed as say­ing, “If Black peo­ple kill Black peo­ple every day, why not have a week and kill white peo­ple?”[3] The remark was part of a longer response to the 1992 Los Angeles riots. The quo­ta­tion result­ed in crit­i­cism. In June 1992, Clinton respond­ed both to that quo­ta­tion and to some­thing Souljah had said in the music video of her song “The Final Solution: Slavery’s back in Effect” (“If there are any good white peo­ple, I haven’t met them”)[4] while giv­ing a speech to Jesse Jackson Sr.‘s Rainbow Coalition, say­ing, “If you took the words ‘white’ and ‘black,’ and you reversed them, you might think David Duke was giv­ing that speech.”(Wikipedia).

As a can­di­date for the Republican nom­i­na­tion for pres­i­dent in 2000, Texas Governor George W. Bush spoke before the con­ser­v­a­tive Manhattan Institute in October 1999 say­ing, “Too often, on social issues, my par­ty has paint­ed an image of America slouch­ing toward Gomorrah,” quot­ing the title of a book by con­ser­v­a­tive jurist Robert Bork. Bush’s com­ments were seen as a repu­di­a­tion of the reli­gious right and an attempt to appeal to mod­er­ate vot­ers; com­men­ta­tor Charles Krauthammer called it “an ever-so-sub­tle Sister Souljah on Robert Bork.”(Wikipedia).

Also in the 2000 cam­paign for the Republican nom­i­na­tion, Arizona Senator John McCain stat­ed, “Neither par­ty should be defined by pan­der­ing to the out­er reach­es of American pol­i­tics and the agents of intol­er­ance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton on the left or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right.” This was sim­i­lar­ly seen as a repu­di­a­tion of the reli­gious right; colum­nist Jacob Weisberg called it “a pun­gent Sister Souljah moment.”

During the 2008 United States pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, Democratic Party nom­i­nee Barack Obama received much crit­i­cism for his asso­ci­a­tion with his long­time Pastor Jeremiah Wright, and Wright’s pat­tern of provoca­tive state­ments. On April 29, Senator Obama dis­tanced him­self, in a well-received speech on racism, call­ing some of Wright’s state­ments “out­ra­geous” and “a bunch of rants that aren’t ground­ed in truth.”[6][7] South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn said of the speech, “This, I think, offers Barack Obama his Sister Souljah moment”;[7] the speech was also described as “more than a Sister Souljah moment” by colum­nist Maureen Dowd.[8]

On July 10, 2008, pri­or to a tap­ing of Fox and Friends, civ­il-rights activist Jesse Jackson was unwit­ting­ly caught by an open micro­phone whis­per­ing to a fel­low inter­vie­wee, say­ing that then-can­di­date Barack Obama was talk­ing down to black peo­ple and that he, Jackson, want­ed to cut Obama’s “nuts off”.[9] Jackson’s son, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois — co-chair of Obama’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign — pub­licly blast­ed his father’s com­ments. Dan Balz called the com­ments “acci­den­tal Sister Souljah moment” for Obama, since Jackson had dis­tanced him­self from the can­di­date, with­out Obama hav­ing to take a stand.[10](Wikipedia)


Not only had John McCain spo­ken out against the most stri­dent in both par­ties as he saw them, he also cor­rect­ed a woman at one of his cam­paign events dur­ing the 2008 cam­paign who accused then can­di­date Barack Obama of being an Arab, a Muslim and God knows what else.http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llef8ZRTWQo&feature=related.

These are just some of the instances I ref­er­enced, polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy or char­ac­ter, you be the judge. With all that I have said it brings us to the present Republican Candidate for President Mitt Romney . I have writ­ten a lot of blogs crit­i­ciz­ing this guy, the truth is I don’t like him , that much is obvious.

I have a tremen­dous dis­like for Romney not because he is Republican, I like Chuck Hagel, I like Colin Powell, I like Steve Schmidt. I don’t dis­like Romney because of his race, many of our friends are white , and are tremen­dous­ly decent and nice peo­ple. I do not dis­like Romney because he is run­ning against the first black President, Barack Obama.

I have a tremen­dous dis­like for Mitt Romney because he is a patho­log­i­cal liar. I was raised to always tell the truth, I have suf­fered because of liars. That makes me very intol­er­ant of liars.

How does the American pub­lic rec­on­cile tol­er­at­ing a poten­tial pres­i­dent who lies the way Romney does, are the American peo­ple will­ing to trust this great exper­i­ment to a man who straight-faced lies about every­thing he does? Without the patho­log­i­cal men­dac­i­ty, Mitt Romney is already and still is a dan­ger­ous­ly flawed can­di­date, he has said he does­n’t care about the poor, most Americans are mid­dle class or poor. He said 47% of the American peo­ple are moochers who refus­es to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for their lives, these are the very peo­ple he is now ask­ing to elect him so he can car­ry out the wish­es of the 1%.

Are the American vot­ers will­ing to elect Mitt Romney and allow him to destroy the coun­try then seek to resus­ci­tate his image for pos­ter­i­ty? I am dumb­struck at the men­tal­i­ty of vot­ers, what does it say about the moral com­pass of a peo­ple who from poll to poll inti­mate through their sup­port for Romney, that they are will­ing to cast their vote for a man whose cam­paign mantra is “We will not allow fact-check­ers to decide the direc­tion of our campaign”.

If Mitt Romney is elect­ed what kind of pres­i­dent does the American peo­ple expect him to be? Does any­one expect him to be a leader who gov­ern with truth, integri­ty, honor,or dig­ni­ty, or will he sim­ply be anoth­er Richard Nixon? Why would elec­tors who cast their votes for a patho­log­i­cal liar expect a pres­i­dent who will hon­or their sacred trust? Doesn’t truth mat­ter? I say it does, we get the Government we deserve, we get the Government that rep­re­sents who we are.

If we are big­ot­ed igno­rant racists we will pre­tend that Barack Obama is a bad President, we will pre­tend that the deficit and par­ti­san­ship is his fault. We will act as though the ills that plague America are of his mak­ing, after all he’s black how could it not be his fault? You see the elec­tion of Obama did not show America to have grad­u­at­ed from hun­dreds of years of racial ani­mus, an ani­mus that has eat­en away at the inner core of American soci­ety through­out her history.

The ele­va­tion of Obama instead, revealed the deep igno­rant hatred, which exist in peo­ple gen­er­a­tions removed, from their ances­tral pur­vey­ors of the most vile type of racial big­otry, but who them­selves still har­bor the same unin­tel­li­gent stereo­typ­i­cal big­ot­ed animosity.

In many coun­ties in many States despite the out­pour­ing of love and admi­ra­tion for Obama in 2008 , he bare­ly received above sin­gle dig­its of the white vote, remem­ber­ing of course that he should at least have won the white vote in his own par­ty. Those sin­gle dig­it votes in those parts of this coun­try , means that Democrats vot­ed for John Mc Cain or elect­ed not to vote at all, rather than vote for a black candidate.

Many would rather see their coun­try fail rather than be saved by a black man, they have said so. Many would rather see Osama Bin Laden alive that know he was tak­en out by Barack Obama, the very pres­i­dent they label a Muslim an Arab and a ter­ror­ist sympathizer.

Led of course by the genius(sic) for­mer Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the most igno­rant of ignoramuses.

On the ques­tion of Muslim or Arab, labels they use to deride Barack Obama, nei­ther of which he is, it is instruc­tive that the very Constitution they claim to love, the Bible of their very American exis­tence, lays out two sim­ple steps for some­one to be President of this beau­ti­ful land.

(1) The per­son must be native-born American.

(2) The per­son must have reached the age of thir­ty-five years old (35).

If the Constitution is as impor­tant to them as they say it is, if the words are sacro­sanct as they claim they are, how then can they deny a Muslim or Arab the Presidency, which the very same Constitution clear­ly does not?

And if they are will­ing to label an hon­est decent and upright man, Arabic and Muslim , which he clear­ly isn’t, does it not make sense that they will elect a soul-less liar who has cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly lied with­out fear, of con­se­quence? Where there is no vision the peo­ple per­ish, in their blind hatred the peo­ple demand­ed that Pontius Pilate release the mur­der­ing thief Barabas to them and cru­ci­fy the just and decent Jesus Christ, Barack Obama is not Jesus Christ , nei­ther is he Barabas,but as it was then, so is it today. Hatred is pal­pa­ble, it is con­ta­gious, it is dan­ger­ous, they killed Jesus based on a cam­paign of lies , false accu­sa­tions and defama­tion, they could not kill him with­out build­ing a case of lies, he was sin­less. Both Herod king of the Jews and Pilate the Roman Governor want­ed no part of the cha­rade, but the hate­ful throng would not have it any oth­er way, they would not allow truth to change their men­da­cious blood-lust.

Barack Obama is a decent man, one does not have to agree with his pol­i­tics, it’s ok to dis­agree, his record is there for all to see, it is one of ser­vice, always look­ing to change the lives of his fel­low-man for the bet­ter, they can­not jus­ti­fi­ably vote him out of office based on his record, so they have to change his record, and that’s what Mitt Romney set out to do.

Mitt Romney did not stop run­ning for pres­i­dent in 2008 after he endorsed John Mc Cain, he wrote a book titled “no apol­o­gy ‚the case for American great­ness” , he went around the coun­try try­ing to get repub­li­can can­di­dates elect­ed to office, in effect it was just a con­tin­u­a­tion of his failed run and a pre cur­sor to his present run. That run began with lies and dis­tor­tions, on Tuesday November 6th we hope it will end in ash­es , a foot­note in the annals of his­to­ry, a tes­ta­ment that in the end men­dac­i­ty will nev­er be reward­ed with ulti­mate power.

Mitt Romney decid­ed he would run a cam­paign of lies, he knew he would have to build a case against Obama, he real­ized he could not do so against Obama the man, he would have to prove that. He cal­cu­lat­ed that for the racists and the truth deniers and there are many, he could turn pos­i­tives into neg­a­tives, that is what he has done , on the Auto bailout, on the stim­u­lus, on Obama-care, on the killing of Osama Bin Laden. On issue after issue Romney has twist­ed the facts, sup­port­ed and helped by a huge cadre of neo con­ser­v­a­tive hate mon­gers. Pair that with illit­er­ate, hate­ful, and unin­formed peo­ple and it’s clear to com­pre­hend why this elec­tion is close.

There is still time for vot­ers to take anoth­er look at Romney and not be fooled , vot­ers have a chance yet , not to fall for the sales pitch of a slick snake oil sales­man who will do any­thing for pow­er under the guise of fam­i­ly and reli­gion, while wrapped in the flag.

On Wednesday November 7th, the entire world will see what America did on the 6th, the deci­sion of vot­ers will tell them whether America is seri­ous about turn­ing the cor­ner , or whether she had vot­ed for a black man once, sim­ply to ease her bur­dened conscience.

Go out and exer­cise your right to vote , Republicans want to take it away from you, because it is the sin­gle most pow­er­ful tool you and you and you and you have to deter­mine your des­tiny, it is yours not theirs.

When you do not vote you empow­er them to fur­ther abuse you, take advan­tage of your right, many in the repub­li­can par­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly white men believe your right to vote is a priv­i­lege, it isn’t , it becomes a priv­i­lege if you make it so.

Excercise your right, boot them all from office.