Old Relic Bruce Schroeder Clearly Wants Rittenhouse Exonerated…

Bruce Schroeder, the clown look-alike judge, pre­sid­ing over the mur­der tri­al of Kyle Rittenhouse, can­not help putting his foot in his stu­pid mouth. But what would one expect from a Trump-sup­port­ing stooge who pro­hibits the pros­e­cu­tion from refer­ring to the two peo­ple Rittenhouse mur­dered as victims.
On the oth­er hand, he ruled that it is per­fect­ly fine if they are referred to as ‘arson­ists and loot­ers,’ even though nei­ther of the deceased has even been remote­ly accused of com­mit­ting either of those acts.

Bruce Schroder

Bruce Schroder angri­ly admon­ish­es the pros­e­cu­tion every chance he gets. At one point, he had to silence his cell­phone after it played his ring­tone, “God Bless the U.S.A.,” a song pop­u­lar in con­ser­v­a­tive polit­i­cal cir­cles that have been used as an entrance tune at Donald Trump ral­lies.
But that is not all; clear­ly want­i­ng the world to see his right-wing bona fides, Schroder, for no rea­son, made some com­ments that one could only attribute to an old, out-of-touch racist who is yet to real­ize we are in the 21st century.
In break­ing for lunch, the old rel­ic com­ment­ed, “I hope the Asian food isn’t com­ing … isn’t on one of those boats from Long Beach Harbor.”

Many Asian-Americans found his idea of a joke extreme­ly offen­sive as they should. Clearly, Bruce Schroder believes in his heart that Kyle Rittenhouse is a vic­tim, not a dou­ble homi­cide sus­pect, by his def­er­en­tial treat­ment toward the defense and the mur­der sus­pect and his open hos­til­i­ty toward the prosecution.
And how about that phone ring­ing dur­ing the tri­al with the Donald Trump theme music?
It does­n’t get worse than this.
What chance does a Black defen­dant have in a court­room where this judge is the tri­er of facts?.
The usu­al apol­o­gists will argue that this judge is not a polit­i­cal hack, that he is mere­ly being a strict judge. There is noth­ing wrong with being strict. But when the same judge tells the pros­e­cu­tor that he is not allowed to refer to the two mur­dered vic­tims as -‘vic­tims’; but gives the defense attor­neys free rein to refer to the same two deceased as ‘loot­ers and riot­ers’, please explain how this is not a prej­u­diced judge?





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.