Ohio Deputies Accused Of Texting, ‘I Hate N**gers. That Is All’

Sheriff’s Capt. Thomas J. Flanders (Montgomery County Sheriff's Department)
Sheriff’s Capt. Thomas J. Flanders (Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department)

Five Montgomery County, Ohio, sheriff’s deputies alleged­ly sent racist text mes­sages both on and off duty, spark­ing a sweep­ing inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion, accord­ing to Talking Points Memo, cit­ing reports at WDTN and WKEF tele­vi­sion news stations.


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Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department Capt. Thomas Flanders (pic­tured) and detec­tiveMichael Sollenberger, both sus­pend­ed on paid admin­is­tra­tive leave, were just two names list­ed in a com­plaint filed by the NAACP Dayton, Ohio unit, WDTN report­ed this week. The three oth­er deputies were not pub­licly named, the report says.

Montgomery County Sheriff Phil Plummer addressed the dis­turb­ing texts on Tuesday, which were sent on per­son­al cell phones between November 2011 and January 2013, the news sta­tion writes. Two read: “I hate N**gers. That is all,” and “What do apples and black peo­ple have in com­mon? They both hang from trees.”

He also iden­ti­fied Sollenberger as part of the department’s inter­nal affairs team and Flanders as head of the Montgomery County Jail, the sta­tion report­ed. “I will not tol­er­ate racism in this depart­ment,” Plummer told WTND.

The inves­ti­ga­tion began after Dayton Unit NAACP President Derrick L. Foward received an anony­mous tip about the mes­sages in August, and report­ed it to the depart­ment. Officials said that they con­duct­ed a three-month inves­ti­ga­tion, and met with the NAACP nation­al office before going pub­lic with the alle­ga­tions, Raw Story reports.

Foward expect­ed the deputies to be fired if the inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion con­clud­ed that they sent the messages.

Civil rights lead­ers have long com­plained about police vio­lence against Blacks, espe­cial­ly unarmed men. The texts pro­vide a sober­ing glimpse into the mind­set of some White law enforce­ment offi­cers, an issue that has moved to the fore­front nation­wide as pro­test­ers demon­strate against grand jury deci­sions not to indict two White offi­cers in the arrest­ing deaths of two unarmed Black men.

Widespread and ongo­ing protests broke out last week after a St. Louis County grand jury declined to indict then-Ferguson, Mo., police offi­cer Darren Wilson in the shoot­ing death of Michael Brown. And this week, a Staten Island, N.Y., grand jury refused to indict a NYPD offi­cer Daniel Pantaleo in the choke­hold death of Eric Garner.

The deputies appeared shocked by the alle­ga­tions, but “did not apol­o­gize,” Plummer told WKEF. It’s just anoth­er strik­ing exam­ple of how some White law enforce­ment offi­cers are used to oper­at­ing unchecked as they vio­late and dis­re­spect Blacks. http://newsone.com/3075654/i‑hate-niggers-text-montgomery-county-sheriffs/