Ohio Cops Fired More Than 90 Bullets Killing Unarmed Black Man, He Was Hit More Than 60 Times…

From time to time, we talk about American exe­cu­tion squads that go around com­mu­ni­ties wear­ing police uni­forms. Sadly, these killer squads are pro­tect­ed by the high­est pow­ers in the coun­try, speak­ing of the Supreme Court.
Almost dai­ly this medi­um delves into the many cas­es of the vic­tims of America’s state-spon­sored mur­der squads, which are truth­ful­ly paid for by peo­ple like you and me.
Try as we may, how­ev­er, the voic­es that sup­port these death squads, over 18,000 of them, are expo­nen­tial­ly loud­er than the voic­es of those of us who want to live in a soci­ety gov­erned by the rule of law, not one gov­erned by a police state enforced by squads of uni­formed killers.
At the risk of sound­ing repet­i­tive and redun­dant, I con­tin­ue to direct atten­tion to the Supreme Court, which cre­at­ed on its own a pol­i­cy called qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty for police and oth­er state actors that has mor­phed into qual­i­fied impuni­ty by police.
We can legit­i­mate­ly argue that no cat­e­go­ry of work­ers should have qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty. We could also legit­i­mate­ly argue that the Supreme Court, which is not a leg­isla­tive body, had no busi­ness carv­ing out a leg­isla­tive frame­work that pro­tects gov­ern­ment work­ers from account­abil­i­ty when it was not leg­is­lat­ed or has any basis constitutionally.
But we would be bang­ing our heads against a wall in mak­ing the legit­i­mate point that the court itself is ille­git­i­mate based on the way it has been pop­u­lat­ed using polit­i­cal chi­canery and that some of the play­ers on the court actu­al­ly lied dur­ing their inter­views for the job.
Any ordi­nary per­son seek­ing a job who lied would be fired, but that is a con­ver­sa­tion for the future.


A num­ber of Ohio police offi­cers are on paid leave fol­low­ing a chase that led to the fatal shoot­ing of 25-year-old Black man Jayland Walker on Monday. Officers tried to pull Walker over in a traf­fic stop, and he led offi­cers on a chase by car — and lat­er by foot — pri­or to a con­fronta­tion, accord­ing to Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett. The chase last­ed four-and-a-half min­utes and reached speeds of up to about 80 mph, police said.
Officers used “tasers” and lat­er “fired bul­lets” mul­ti­ple times at Walker before his death, the Akron Beacon Journal report­ed.
The offi­cers involved in the fatal shoot­ing have been put on paid leave, an action described as a “stan­dard prac­tice” by the Akron Beacon Journal.
Mylett declined to answer ques­tions regard­ing the num­ber of offi­cers that fired at Walker, the news­pa­per said.
Seven of the eight offi­cers report­ed­ly involved in the shoot­ing are white, Ohio news out­let WKYC-TV report­ed.

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Police claimed that Walker “shot a gun” dur­ing the chase and a Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office report described a weapon “recov­ered” from his car, accord­ing to the Akron Beacon Journal. Walker wasn’t armed when he was shot by offi­cers, sources told WKYC-TV, and autop­sy records revealed he was hit “dozens of times by a bar­rage of more than 90 shots.” Autopsy records revealed shots caused over 60 wounds to Walker’s body, the news out­let report­ed, with a “large major­i­ty” appear­ing in the front of his body. “Use of force cas­es are always ugly. This case is ugly times 10,” a police source with knowl­edge of the shoot­ing told WKYC-TV. Walker’s aunt Lajuana Walker-Dawkins, in a press con­fer­ence on Thursday, expressed her hopes that her late nephew wouldn’t be “por­trayed as some thug.” “We want hon­or and dig­ni­ty at any cost,” Walker-Dawkins said. “We don’t know what hap­pened. And we’d like to know.” The Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office, in a press release ear­li­er this week, announced Walker’s death was a homi­cide, and he died from gun­shot wounds. The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation also plans to inves­ti­gate the death per the Akron Police Department’s request, the Akron Beacon Journal said. Walker’s death has led to protests in the Ohio com­mu­ni­ty, WKYC-TV report­ed. The city of Akron can­celed a Fourth of July week­end event amid the demon­stra­tions. “Independence Day is meant to be a cel­e­bra­tion and a time of gath­er­ing with friends and fam­i­ly. Unfortunately, I feel strong­ly that this is not the time for a city-led cel­e­bra­tion,” Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan said in a state­ment. (Huffpost​.com)

It has become rou­tine for these armed gangs of states spon­sored killers to mur­der Americans of col­or and receive paid vaca­tions, after which we are told that they fol­lowed policy.
We must clear­ly under­stand from those state­ments that their pol­i­cy is to mur­der us; noth­ing else is to be said about those comments.
The oth­er BS they feed the pub­lic is that when their killers assas­si­nate unarmed Americans, the inves­ti­ga­tions are con­duct­ed fair­ly by inde­pen­dent agencies.
This is the most laugh­able bull­shit that they feed the pop­u­lace, and they get away with it. In real­i­ty, those cas­es are usu­al­ly inves­ti­gat­ed by police agen­cies the next coun­ty over by police offi­cers who are afford­ed the same pow­ers to kill with­out accountability.
Yet they can con­vince a will­ful­ly igno­rant pop­u­la­tion that those inves­tiga­tive agen­cies will do a fair inves­ti­ga­tion when the next inves­ti­ga­tion may be direct­ed at their agency and include their murderers.
American police offi­cers across the coun­try are trained to oper­ate the way the very con­cept of polic­ing was con­strued and for­mu­lat­ed. That is as a slave-catch­ing enti­ty that is allowed to use what­ev­er means nec­es­sary to cap­ture Black bod­ies and return those chat­tels to the slave-own­ers. There are no more indi­vid­ual enslavers any­more; the states now under­take that role.
Any per­son oper­at­ing a motor vehi­cle on any road­way any­where in America is sub­ject to the same treat­ment as any black per­son dur­ing slav­ery was exposed. This is the 21st cen­tu­ry, and the fourth amend­ment to the con­sti­tu­tion pro­tects all Americans from unlaw­ful search­es and seizures by state agents; the Supreme Court has whit­tled away those pro­tec­tions paving the way for the police state to oper­ate out­side the walls of the constitution.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.