Officers Suspended Without Pay, Accused Of ‘White Power’ Hand Gestures In Photo


These cops show­ing what are clear white pow­er signs received a slap on the wrist,.
They are still cops.
The may­or sus­pend­ed four Jasper offi­cers who played the “cir­cle game” dur­ing a pic­ture for their local newspaper.

Jasper, AL – Four Jasper police offi­cers have been sus­pend­ed with­out pay after they made a cir­cu­lar “okay” hand ges­ture in a pho­to­graph that appeared in a local newspaper.

Jasper Mayor David O’Mary said that some peo­ple claimed the ges­ture was a racist sym­bol for “white pow­er,” WBMA reported.

The pho­to was intend­ed as a way to rec­og­nize the Jasper drug ter­ror­ism task force offi­cers’ hard work in con­nec­tion with a recent gun and nar­cotics bust in the area, said Mayor O’Mary, who had arranged to have the image taken.

After the pho­to was pub­lished in the Daily Mountain Eagle, some peo­ple com­plained that the four Jasper offi­cers were mak­ing a racist hand ges­ture. (‑w/)