Officers, Command Staff Resign After South Georgia Police Chief Arrested By GBI

I bet you haven’t seen this in the cor­po­rate-owned so-called main­stream media.
This is how they act when caught, and some­one has the balls to take appro­pri­ate action against them.
They have devel­oped a sense of enti­tle­ment, bol­stered by qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty, cor­rupt pros­e­cu­tors and judges who do their bid­ding, and unions who sup­port them regard­less of the egre­gious crimes they com­mit against citizens.
This is what pass­es for police offi­cers today.

At the heels of an inves­ti­ga­tion, sev­er­al mem­bers of a police depart­ment are turn­ing in their badges after their police chief was arrest­ed and replaced. According to the Clinch County Sheriff’s Office, a spe­cial city coun­cil meet­ing was held on Saturday to appoint the inter­im Homerville police chief, James Herndon. This is after the Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrest­ed the for­mer Chief of Police at the Homerville Police department. 
Dearin “Mack” Drury, 40, was arrest­ed for a Feb. 19 inci­dent where he alleged­ly improp­er­ly han­dled evi­dence at the depart­ment. The Clinch County Sheriff’s Office report­ed the inci­dent to the GBI and then began inves­ti­gat­ing Drury’s alleged mis­con­duct. On Saturday, Homerville com­mand staff and oth­er police offi­cers turned in their resignations.

After the meet­ing was over, Clinch County Sheriff Stephen Tinsley took to Facebook to address the res­ig­na­tion of sev­er­al mem­bers of the police force. In the lengthy post, Tinsley states the new­ly appoint­ed chief Herndon didn’t have the staff or equip­ment avail­able able to answer ser­vice calls for Homerville. “He had nei­ther the staff nor the equip­ment avail­able to han­dle any calls for ser­vice with­in the City of Homerville. I assured Chief Herndon that the Clinch County Sheriff’s Office will answer calls for ser­vice until a res­o­lu­tion can be reached by the city admin­is­tra­tors,” Tinsley said. The sheriff’s office said it will con­tin­ue to serve all of Clinch County and will not affect how they con­duct busi­ness. “We will con­tin­ue to answer calls and enforce the laws through­out the coun­ty, includ­ing the City of Homerville,” the sher­iff said. As for Drury, he is fac­ing charges of theft by tak­ing pos­ses­sion of mar­i­jua­na, false state­ments and writ­ing, and vio­la­tion of oath.