Officers Are Stressed Out …


One of the argu­ments we hear from Jamaica’s self pro­claimed Elites is “oh we need a pro­fes­sion­al police force” . Noble indeed and we all would like that but lets look at some facts. I live in the United States which has thou­sands of police depart­ments and oh boy I cau­tion you peo­ple who claim to know every­thing about what a great police force should be, be care­ful what you ask for . I pose this ques­tion to you against the back­drop of low­er police shoot­ings, high­er inci­dences of homi­cides and oth­er seri­ous crimes and police suicides.

Under what cir­cum­stances would you be com­fort­able with police offi­cers in Jamaica killing unarmed cit­i­zens claim­ing they are in fear for their lives and have those killing be ruled juatified?
Be care­ful what you ask for .
Under no cir­cum­stance would a Jamaican offi­cer be deemed in the right if he or she was to shoot an unarmed sus­pect despite the lev­el of dan­ger posed by that sus­pect. I should know I was a police offi­cer on the mean streets of Kingston and across the coun­try. At best dur­ing my ser­vice years I was at the rather intim­i­dat­ing height of 5 feet 8 inch­es tall and weigh­ing a max­i­mum of 145 pounds. Literally every­one was big­ger than me , yet as impos­ing as most of these peo­ple were I would not be able to legit­i­mate­ly use lethal force against any­one despite the fact that the law implic­it­ly gave me that right. That right to use lethal force if my life or the life of anoth­er is in dan­ger is inter­pret­ed dif­fer­ent­ly in Jamaica. In order for an offi­cer to make that claim with any degree of suc­cess the assailant must have a gun or a large machete. Even if a dan­ger­ous assailant is armed with a knife and pos­es a direct threat to offi­cers lethal force by offi­cers are deemed excessive.
For the most part many with­in the Jamaican soci­ety would rather see a dead cop than a dead criminal.

Constable Stephens and his girlfriend, Kayden Hunter
Constable Stephens and his girl­friend, Kayden Hunter

Despite the fact that a much big­ger indi­vid­ual has the pow­er to cause seri­ous bod­i­ly harm with his bare hands and may poten­tial­ly turn any inan­i­mate object into a lethal weapon the laws are not inter­pret­ed that way in favor of police offi­cers , not by the anti-police judges who dis­pense their brand of jus­tice on the Island and cer­tain­ly not in the court of pub­lic opinion.
Bear in mind that Jamaican crim­i­nals are par­tic­u­lar­ly vio­lent. Is there any won­der Police offi­cers are stressed out and are tak­ing out their prob­lems on those close to themselves?

Let me qual­i­fy two things before the cyn­ics pounce. (1) I am not advo­cat­ing the killing of unarmed civil­ians . I mere­ly made the point metaphor­i­cal­ly for the ben­e­fit of those who pre­tend to know how American Police Departments oper­ate and yearn for their oper­a­tional pro­ce­dures. And (2) I am not sug­gest­ing that it’s okay for offi­cers to bring home prob­lems and make their fam­i­ly mem­bers pay for what they are going through.
It’s impor­tant to note how­ev­er that in the United States Police offi­cers do get accused of being involved in phys­i­cal vio­lence against their spous­es. I must has­ten to add that being a police offi­cer in Jamaica is far more stress­ful than it could ever be any­where in the United States.

Police corporal Tyrone Thompson... Died from supposed suicide.. To date the Police has not said definitively what the actual cause of death is. From another photograph of Corporal Thompson's dead body  many officers past and present theorized that he was murdered... The family still do not know how their loved one lost his life...
Police cor­po­ral Tyrone Thompson…
Died from sup­posed sui­cide..
To date the Police has not said defin­i­tive­ly what the actu­al cause of death is. From anoth­er pho­to­graph of Corporal Thompson’s dead body many offi­cers past and present the­o­rized that he was mur­dered…
The fam­i­ly still do not know how their loved one lost his life…

I am not equat­ing the two . I am aware of the vast dis­par­i­ty in wealth between the two coun­tries. Again I mere­ly use the United States because the peo­ple who debate these issues tend to see the United States as the ulti­mate met­ric by which all oth­er coun­tries should be judged. As some­one who have lived in the United States for over two decades I see things dif­fer­ent­ly than those who see things from their tele­vi­sion screens.
I am par­tic­u­lar­ly mind­ful of these truths about a few of the ills fac­ing Jamaican cops.
Low wages. The dan­gers asso­ci­at­ed with the job. Internal pres­sures with­in the job. Lack of sup­port from the polit­i­cal direc­torate. And now anoth­er Agency to sec­ond guess and Monday morn­ing quar­ter-back every action they take .
I humbly sug­gest that the lev­els of sui­cides and mur­der-sui­cides being com­mit­ted by mem­bers of the JCF will be just the tip of the ice­berg com­pared to whats to come.

Over the last month and a half sev­er­al offi­cers have been killed in the line of duty. One Corporal is alleged to have com­mit­ted sui­cide. And just recent­ly a con­sta­ble is alleged to have killed his girl­friend and turned his weapon on him­self. One does not have to be a psy­chol­o­gist to under­stand that there is a cri­sis with­in the police department.
Everyone needs a word of com­fort and a pat on the back some­time no mat­ter how old and griz­zled we are. One of the char­ac­ter­is­tics a leader should pos­sess is the abil­i­ty to empathize. Leaders cry with their peo­ple , grieve with fam­i­lies , their empa­thy is sup­posed to lift a nation.
As Winston Churchill was able to do amidst the ruins of London dur­ing world war two, great lead­ers inspire peo­ple to rise and accom­plish great­ness amidst dev­as­ta­tion ruin and despair.

Unfortunately Jamaica has no leader . What we have is some­one bare­ly lit­er­ate. Someone who lacks the basic under­stand­ing that her posi­tion requires her to show sol­i­dar­i­ty with the people,particularly those in her employ. But how can she? She is pos­sessed with the desire nev­er to talk her­self out of the job she should nev­er have been allowed to hold in the first place.
Many of the offi­cers now suf­fer­ing went into vot­ing booths and elect­ed this incom­pe­tent to office and they will live or die with their decisions.

One thought on “Officers Are Stressed Out …

  1. [8/​23, 10:34 PM] Christopher Porter: So, there’s no doubt or hes­i­ta­tion that men/​women who have seri­ous men­tal ill­ness such as over­ly jeal­ousy, inse­cure, and
    Predominant over the oth­er per­son. When the men/​women can’t con­trol the oth­er men­tal­ly or their actions; either one would use threats as a means of con­trol­ling the oth­er or phys­i­cal vio­lence of hurt­ing or killing the oth­er. And the worst part about their think­ing in their crazy minds is that they love the oth­er per­son. If that’s love, I would­n’t want that love. 

    The Detective Constable from Hunts Bay Police Station who mur­dered his child’s moth­er is/​was a sick, self­ish, evil and heart­less piece of human waste. 

    I would like to know which man on earth, nev­er expe­ri­enced his girl­friend cheat­ing on him, dur­ing some­time of his life. Even the rich­est, bright­est, and smartest men, girl­friend, baby mon­i­tor or wife cheats on them. 

    If any man claims that they have nev­er expe­ri­enced a woman cheat­ing on them is either he is a liard or a homo­sex­u­al. Choose one? 

    When you love anoth­er per­son, you’re able to let them go. If you were meant to be togeth­er, he/​she will come back to you! Why would any­one or a mat­ter of fact, a man thinks he can’t live with­out the woman he claims he loves? 

    I know Detective I used to work with, was on the road and decid­ed to leave out of our zone to go to his house. When he reached his home the woman who he was liv­ing with have a man in his own home. He was furi­ous, holds his com­po­sure and kick them out that night. That night could turn out ugly, but the train­ing of deal­ing with stress­ful sit­u­a­tions pre­vail. That night we went to “Chris” besides Hunts Bay Police Station and the team had a great par­ty. To date, not even Ashman or John Gause know of that incident. 

    When you are in a rela­tion­ship, don’t crowd or try to con­trol the oth­er per­son. The mon­keys are more loy­al to their spous­es than human beings. 

    Let’s be hon­est, real­is­tic, pru­dent, and prag­mat­ic, remem­ber being in a rela­tion­ship or mar­riage don’t give you the right to the per­son­’s life. Whether or not you want to believe it, at times peo­ple will do things to hurt the one per­son whom they claim to love. The right thing to do is to let the per­son get out of your life, because if they love you that much, they would not do any­thing to hurt you. 

    Broken heart, is not a won­der­ful feel­ing. If your girl­friend or spouse hurts you, it’s bet­ter to let them go, because you love them. Every human being is going to expe­ri­ence bro­ken heart, take it and man up! You don’t own the oth­er person!
    [8/​23, 10:59 PM] Christopher Porter: Sometimes the out­er appear­ances get the bet­ter of oth­ers and not the con­tents of the char­ac­ter. It’s very impor­tant, refresh­ing when you can see the warn­ing signs before you get too deep into any rela­tion­ship. It’s best for you to run for the high­est moun­tain or hill; if not your life will becomes a prob­lem, liv­ing hell and tor­tur­ous because of the jeal­ousy, inse­cu­ri­ty, and con­trol­ling fac­tors by the oth­er person. 

    Love your­self first! Be con­fi­dent! Be indus­tri­ous! Be proac­tive, instead of reac­tive because some peo­ple don’t live to react in a way that would pro­tect their lives. 

    Keep the faith and con­tin­ue to trust and love God! All the best to everyone!

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