Officer On Video Tells Black Man: ‘You’d Be The First One I’d Shoot’

A British police offi­cer is now being inves­ti­gat­ed after being cap­tured on video jok­ing about shoot­ing a Black man.

West Midlands Police removed the offi­cer from duty after they received a com­plaint about a Facebook video that showed the officer’s racial remarks.

You would be the first one I’d shoot if I had a gun, def­i­nite­ly,” the offi­cer can be heard to say in the video.

According to a news release, the com­ments were made while police were search­ing a res­i­dence in Coventry.

At the begin­ning of the video, the offi­cer can be heard ask­ing the man why he did not open the door for the search, to which the man responds, “Because I was f‑‑‑ing half-asleep. … I didn’t know who you was.… You were climb­ing up the win­dow like thieves.”

When one of the offi­cers says that they are police, the man says, “That’s even worse,” and adds that he has seen “all kinds of videos.”

You’re going to go Black Lives Matter on us, are you?” the offi­cer says.

Yeah!” the man responds. Both he and the offi­cers laugh.

That was when the offi­cer makes the joke about shoot­ing the man.

Oh, f‑‑‑ing hell,” the man replies as a woman can be heard laugh­ing in the background.

Assistant Chief Constable Alex Murray said on Wednesday that the offi­cer has since apol­o­gized for his com­ments, which Murray said were “not right.”

We expect the high­est stan­dards of behav­ior from all our offi­cers and staff, and we will always take com­plaints from mem­bers of the pub­lic seri­ous­ly,” Murray said in a statement.

Officer on video tells Black man: ‘You’d be the first one I’d shoot’