Obama’s Race Problem:

One thing peo­ple under­stand is when you speak to them in sim­ple lan­guage. Republicans under­stand that. At every lev­el of the polit­i­cal debate Republicans talk to

peo­ple in sim­ple con­cise lan­guage, it mat­ters not that they may be lying. Working class peo­ple gen­er­al­ly do not care too much for elit­ists who talk in super­flu­ous lan­guage, seem­ing to lec­ture them.

This applies to peo­ple in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa,and all across America in so-called work­ing-class neighbourhoods/​blue-col­lar neigh­bor­hoods where peo­ple get up go to work in fac­to­ries, on farms, and in small businesses.

Try telling that to Democrats.

I sim­ply can­not under­stand why those who clas­si­fy them­selves as democ­rats feel that they must show how smart they are by using dou­ble speak; we get it that you have mul­ti­ple degrees from wher­ev­er, but the aver­age vot­er in rur­al Pennsylvania needs to be able to relate to what you are selling.

On the very day he was being inau­gu­rat­ed, a super secre­tive group of right-wing oper­a­tives were meet­ing in an undis­closed loca­tion in Washington DC plot­ting the polit­i­cal demise of Obama.

It mat­tered not that this was a his­toric moment in American his­to­ry, which many would argue, every American should cel­e­brate, if not for Obama, at least for the coun­try they claim to love.

Senate Minority leader Mitch McConell sums up a repub­li­can strat­e­gy that was dis­cussed in that secre­tive DC meet­ing which nei­ther he nor John Boehner were priv­i­leged to attend. QUOTE ” “The sin­gle most impor­tant thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” 

Republicans could not have select­ed a more rep­re­sen­ta­tive repli­ca to nar­rate the cen­tral tenet of their inten­tions, than the old cur­mud­geon from Kentucky.

In McConell’s face is every­thing that America seeks to move away from-hate, dys­func­tion, obstruc­tion, lies,deceit, racism etc.

So lets start with estab­lish­ing what no one wants to say, not even the pres­i­den­t’s sup­port­ers. I will say it however.

None of the dys­func­tion, grid­lock, nas­ti­ness, pet­ti­ness, name-calling,and the inabil­i­ty to get any­thing done in Washington DC is about par­ty polit­i­cal differences.

[The stark real­i­ty is that repub­li­cans wants to ensure that the pres­i­den­cy of Barack Obama is such a dis­mal fail­ure that this coun­try will not con­sid­er elect­ing anoth­er African-American for anoth­er century]

There ladies and gen­tle­men are the facts,and they do not care what harm they do to the coun­try or its inhab­i­tants in the process. John Boehner speak­er of the house , pow­er­less over his own cau­cus has allowed him­self to be a pawn of the lunatic hate fringe that has cat­a­pult­ed scores of so-called Tea-par­ty freaks into rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al politics.

The prob­lem with the vot­ers who vot­ed these lunatics into office is that they get noth­ing in return. None of these idiots are inter­est­ed in get­ting any­thing done except giv­ing tax-cuts to the rich­est of the rich.

All of the fis­cal pru­dence that has formed the foun­da­tion of the tea-par­ty wing-nuts argu­ments (and I dare­say their very exis­tence) was nowhere to be found a few months ear­li­er when Bush was in the White house, where have all of this fis­cal con­ser­vatism come from all of a sud­den? The strat­e­gy is to roll back even the afford­able care act which they them­selves dubbed “Obama-care”. They got out front of the afford­able care act demo­niz­ing it as rad­i­cal and bad for Americans. Many, includ­ing the pres­i­dent say the afford­able care act is not per­fect, still an oppo­si­tion which cares about peo­ple would work with the admin­is­tra­tion to fix it . Despite it’s per­ceived flaws, this leg­is­la­tion has tremen­dous pos­i­tive impact on the lives of tens of mil­lions of Americans.

How smart is a pop­u­la­tion real­ly if it may be manip­u­lat­ed into believ­ing that leg­is­la­tion which allows their chil­dren who are out of a job to stay on their health insur­ance until they are age 26 is some­how a bad thing?

How smart are a peo­ple who insur­ance com­pa­nies can no longer tell they will not insure them because they have pre-exist­ing con­di­tions? yet they beleive the lie that it is a bad thing?

How smart is a pop­u­la­tion if it may be manip­u­lat­ed into believ­ing that a law which does not allow Health Insurance com­pa­nies to refuse to cov­er ill­ness­es for peo­ple insured by them, a bad thing?

This is the bat­tle pres­i­dent Obama faces. Where else would a pres­i­dent who has accom­plished so much in such a short time be in a tight race? Much less be in a tight race with a guy whose par­ty has done noth­ing but stand in the way of eco­nom­ic recovery?

The mat­ter is sim­ply one of race. Republicans of all stripes, on every issue, whether it’s wom­en’s health, immi­gra­tion, enti­tle­ments, you name it, has stat­ed they want to return to the past. The fact is that America includ­ed, and ben­e­fit­ted only some. This dog-whis­tle to their base is lost on no one. When the play­ing field is lev­el all peo­ple ben­e­fit. Republicans wants to take the coun­try back to a time when only white men were afford­ed full cit­i­zen­ship; African-Americans and oth­er minori­ties, women and gays were not allowed to participate.

It is a seri­ous psy­cho­log­i­cal flaw on the part of those who feel they may only be able to com­pete when the odds are stacked in their favor. This coun­try can ill afford to go back to the age of exclu­sion, dis­crim­i­na­tion, recrim­i­na­tions, and exploita­tions. The intel­lec­tu­al élite must do a bet­ter job of com­mu­ni­cat­ing the ben­e­fits of inclu­sion to the blue-col­lar work­ers in the heart-land and those in the south who are still fight­ing the civ­il war, while it repu­di­ate and rub­bish exclu­sion. They must be taught that when one does bet­ter we all do better.

For hun­dreds of years many were allowed to make the rules, every­one else lived in their world and played by their rules. People of all stripes and per­sua­sion are now stand­ing and demand­ing their place in the sun. The pres­i­den­cy of Barack Obama will nev­er be removed from the his­to­ry books. The ascen­den­cy to high office by peo­ple like Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton , Hilda Solis, Susan Rice ‚and many more, blacks, women, those who are gay , straight, Asians, Hispanics, Americans all, rep­re­sents the ever-chang­ing face of the American landscape.

It behoves those who want to turn the clock back that they learn to com­pete with every­one else, this is the face of the future.