Obama’s Presidency

Obama and Bush
Obama and Bush

Barack Obama will be crit­i­cized and dis­re­spect­ed by prob­a­bly half of America irre­spec­tive of how well he does on any giv­en sub­ject. On September 11th 2001 planes crashed into the twin tow­ers in low­er Manhattan killing over 3,000 peo­ple. George Bush who was President at the time was alert­ed by his chief of staff Andy Card as he sat in a Florida class-room. Bush sat trans­fixed for a good five min­utes as if unsure how to react.

Bush waged America’s longest war in Afghanistan. Not sat­is­fied he waged an ille­gal war in Iraq killing that Country’s leader and splin­ter­ing Iraq’s eth­nic tribes the Sunnis, Shiite and oth­er eth­nic minori­ties leav­ing them to wage war against each oth­er. Unable to cap­ture or kill Osama Bin Laden whom they blamed for the attacks on the twin Towers Towers and the Pentagon , Bush shift­ed his rea­son for being in Iraq to Nation-building.

obama addresses marines at camp lejeune
Obama address­es marines at camp Lejeune

There was no talk of Nation Building when he ille­gal­ly invad­ed a Sovereign Iraq. The lie then was that Saddam Hussein had what was coined as weapons of mass destruc­tion. Never mind that America, it’s European Allies and Israel pos­sess enough weapons of mass destruc­tion to destroy the Earth sev­er­al times over. Bush’s Cowboy atti­tude with America’s mil­i­tary pow­er, the Neocons world view and Donald Rumsfeld’s incom­pe­tence in han­dling the Iraq war cre­at­ed a smol­der­ing caul­dron of Militancy in the Middle East. At the cen­ter of Middle East ani­mos­i­ty toward the west is the Palestinian peo­ple’s con­tin­ued oppres­sion at the hands of Israel , aid­ed and abet­ted by America and some west­ern nations.

Bound at the hip in Military mus­cle-flex­ing with America was Britain, which was still act­ing like a world pow­er. Recent events includ­ing the newest Militant group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS emerged from the hor­nets nest Bush and his Neocon friends stirred up. Between the wars and incom­pe­tence Bush wrecked the Economy caus­ing mil­lions their jobs and homes. The crash of the American Economy in 2008 was rivaled only by the great depression.

Obama talks Immigration
Obama talks Immigration


Under Obama, the econ­o­my has added 9.425 mil­lion jobs and lost 4.887, for a net gain of 4.538 mil­lion jobs. That’s a 3 mil­lion advan­tage over Bush. accord­ing to the Daily beast Michael Tomasky. 


Obama has wound down the Iraq war which he opposed from the start. In fact some argue he was elect­ed President pri­mar­i­ly because of his oppo­si­tion to that ille­gal, illog­i­cal war. The Afghan war is in it’s final throes. Obama did as he promised he would.


on the green
on the green

Many Liberals are miffed at Obama for the num­ber of peo­ple deport­ed on his watch. Every week thou­sands of peo­ple are deport­ed from the United States for the flim­si­est of rea­sons. This process rips fam­i­lies apart, usu­al­ly it’s the par­ents who have breached US laws. Notwithstanding the chil­dren are made to suf­fer. The entire notion sur­round­ing the stat­ue of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your hud­dled mass­es yearn­ing to breathe free”,now a colos­sal lie. Republicans have stead­fast­ly blocked Immigration reform claim­ing that Immigrants are Democratic vot­ers. Every attempt at reform is labeled an Amnesty. Of course their Conservative Hero Ronald Reagan grant­ed amnesty to peo­ple in the shad­ows dur­ing his presidency.


This speaks for itself, Bush could­n’t get him, Obama did.

President Barack Obama was rejected by several New York golf courses over Labor Day weekend
President Barack Obama was reject­ed by sev­er­al New York golf cours­es over Labor Day weekend


Affordable Care Act the law of the land

Obama has out per­formed George Bush by every met­ric in less than 6 years , com­pared to Bush’s two terms. So there is no log­i­cal claim to be made against Obama as it relates to com­pe­tence, as it has been dur­ing Bush’s tenure. I won’t both­er to talk about the fact that despite Government lock-downs and across the board dis­rup­tion of the econ­o­my, Republicans, are slat­ed to retake the sen­ate and make fur­ther gains in the House. You decide on what that says about the voters.

Recently President Obama was exco­ri­at­ed for going back to play Golf after address­ing the Nation on the exe­cu­tion of an American Journalist by ISIS. The ver­bal assault is noth­ing new from those on the right. Their hatred for this President because of his

Donnie the clown
Donnie the clown

race is pal­pa­ble . It also makes them irrel­e­vant as seri­ous objec­tors. In response the pres­i­dent said he should have been more aware of the optics! You think?

Which leads me ask this of the President. Why would you want to play Golf at a Country Club owned by the Racist smut Donald Trump? Mister President there is an old Jamaican proverb which says “you lie with dogs you rise with fleas“No dis­re­spect to my Lab “Bud”. President Obama did not catch fleas from this Mutt. He end­ed up hav­ing to con­tend with the snide remark attrib­uted to him below.

Mister President you are a smart man but I believe the fact that you were raised on the Hawaiian Islands have total­ly cre­at­ed a false sense of America in you. On learn­ing that major Clubs in Westchester New York have rebuffed the President’s attempt to play Golf on their cours­es, I was embar­rassed for him, but most­ly I was embar­rassed for America, just not sth (20)urprised

This is the kind of thing one would expect from states such as Mississippi Alabama Texas and oth­ers where intel­li­gence is a rar­i­ty, and where igno­rance flour­ish­es. Obviously the back­lash against Barack Obama is far deep­er than just the KKK mem­bers who now don Police Uniforms under the guise of law enforce­ment offi­cers. The chick­ens are indeed com­ing home to roost.