Barack Obama had his A** handed to him last night, by a slick used car salesman. Mitt Romney once again reinvented himself as a center-left moderate, a complete 180 degree turn from the severe conservative he said he was before.

I watched the debate in stunned silence,as Barack Obama stood there and allowed The lying bas­tard to lie time and again with­out chal­leng­ing him. Mitt Romney and his han­dlers knew what they had to do and they did it.

It was no sur­prise that before the last words were uttered in the debates , the rabid right ultra par­ti­san hate mon­gers were out sali­vat­ing at what they saw as total dom­i­na­tion by their can­di­date the snake oil salesman.

Leading the charge was the Rabbit tooth race-bait­ing Rudolph Giuliani and the twist­ed mouth George Pataki, inter­est­ing­ly enough , both New York Republicans who man­aged to be elect­ed to office in that State despite total dis­dain and hate for black people.

But this is not about these two morons, this is about Obama and his colos­sal debate flop, there are no cov­er­ing this up Barack Obama seemed like a total wuss, period.

Barack Obama 

Mitt Romney

I have had the occa­sion pre­vi­ous­ly, to state clear­ly, if Barack Obama does not want to be pres­i­dent any­more he should say so. That per­son who showed up did not seem to want to be pres­i­dent of the United States.

Liberal com­men­ta­tors Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz blast­ed Obama for not show­ing up pre­pared to debate. At best Obama seemed chas­tened, unprepared,and even unsure what facial expres­sion to wear.

Obama seemed clear­ly care­ful, overt­ly care­ful, not to project the image of the angry black man. News flash to Barack Obama, there is not a sin­gle American who do not already know you are a black man, and guess what they know you do not like Mitt Romney. What the hell was up with you act­ing all friend­ly with Romney?

Here’s a clue to Obama try look­ing at the Powell doc­trine, if it’s a fair fight do not engage, if you have to go to war take all your weapons use them , kick ass and go home.

Barack Obama went into the first debate with a can­di­date that was los­ing, Mitt Romney had no momen­tum , his cam­paign lacked cohe­sion or focus. The pri­ma­ry thing that could be said for Romney’s cam­paign was that they were throw­ing s*** at the wall hop­ing that some­thing would stick.

All Obama had to do was to put his foot on the neck of this patho­log­i­cal liar Mitt Romney and win the pres­i­den­tial race, he failed and he failed dis­mal­ly. If Barack Obama los­es this race he need look no fur­ther than the first debate.

If Obama is wor­ried about not look­ing like the angry black man at this stage of the game, then he has no idea what the hell is hap­pen­ing out in the coun­try. Anyone who would cast Obama as such, Democrat, Republican, or so-called Independent, were not going to vote for Obama anyway.

And by the way if there is any­one in this coun­try who has a moral right to be angry it is the black man.

For all intents and pur­pos­es, the pres­i­den­tial race was sup­posed to be con­clud­ed last night, Obama pro­longed it he failed to stomp Romney into a pulp, this rabid dog will come back to bite Obama in the ass.

(1) On the ques­tion of the 716 Billion Dollars that Romney alleges the pres­i­dent strips from Medicare, Obama failed to chal­lenge Romney on it, Romney’s run­ning mate Paul Ryan’s bud­get does the exact same thing, the same bud­get Romney said he would sign into law.

(2) On the ques­tion of rais­ing tax­es on the mid­dle class Obama allowed Romney to lie that he would not give the rich­est Americas a 5 Trillion dol­lar tax cut , on top of 2 addi­tion­al Trillion to the Military which the Pentagon does not want, that is 7 Trillion Dollars Romney said he would pay for with clos­ing loop­holes. Of course he will not say what loop­holes he would close, except to tell Moderator Jim Lehrer he would cut fund­ing to pub­lic tele­vi­sion, essen­tial­ly Romney only had strength for Big Bird.

I could go on and on about how Obama let the snake oil sales­man off the hook but I must also ref­er­ence John Sununu in these blogs again.

John Sununu

This mag­got called the pres­i­dent of the United States lazy on MSNBC Thursday with Andrea Mitchell. It is not the first time this deranged Mongrel referred to the President of the United States in that deroga­to­ry way. It is one thing to dis­agree with some­one, it is quite anoth­er thing to use racial lan­guage to describe him.

John Sununu has con­tin­ued to show him­self as a despi­ca­ble gut­ter rat that ought not be tak­en seri­ous­ly,. Andrea Mitchell called him out on it and rather than back away he dou­bled down , cit­ing the President’s words when he jok­ing­ly said quote: “They are mak­ing me do my home work”, the pres­i­dent made the com­ment after he deliv­ered Piazza to his staff at one of his cam­paign offices in Colorado.

Within the group of slime balls out there , angry at a black man in the White House this degen­er­ate Sununu has exem­pli­fied him­self as among the worse.

But back to Obama he did not men­tion Romney’s 47% comment.

He did not men­tion Romney and repub­li­cans war on women.

He did not bring up Romney and repub­li­can’s war on immi­grants, and self-deportation.

He did not bring up that Romney said he was severe­ly con­ser­v­a­tive, even though Romney is on record say­ing he was not a Reaganite, but an Independent.

He did not bring up any of the mul­ti­plic­i­ty of posi­tions Romney has tak­en on every issue over the years , or over the course of this campaign.

He did not men­tion Bain Capital.

He did not men­tion Romney’s off­shore accounts.

He did not men­tion Romney s lies on his China Policy.

He did not men­tion Romney’s war mon­ger saber-rat­tling, toward Iran.

I will stop here I’m real­ly too angry at this performance.