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President Barack Obama is the Jackie Robinson of the American Presidency . Obama under­stands as Robinson did, what his place in his­to­ry will be. He knows his trail-blaz­ing sprint to the top was not going to be with­out hur­dles. He under­stands well, that those who erect bar­ri­ers in his way will be mere foot-notes when the pages of his­to­ry are writ­ten. Like oth­er American patri­ots before him , he under­stands the igno­rance of intel­lec­tu­al cave-dwellers will only make his sto­ry that much more interesting.

Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia in 1919 to a fam­i­ly of share­crop­pers. His moth­er, Mallie Robinson, sin­gle-hand­ed­ly raised Jackie and her four oth­er chil­dren. They were the only black fam­i­ly on their block, and the prej­u­dice they encoun­tered only strength­ened their bond. From this hum­ble begin­ning would grow the first base­ball play­er to break Major League Baseball’s col­or bar­ri­er that seg­re­gat­ed the sport for more than 50 years. Jackie Robinson’s life and lega­cy will be remem­bered as one of the most impor­tant in American his­to­ry. In 1997, the world cel­e­brat­ed the 50th Anniversary of Jackie’s break­ing Major League Baseball’s col­or bar­ri­er. In doing so, we hon­ored the man who stood defi­ant­ly against those who would work against racial equal­i­ty and acknowl­edged the pro­found influ­ence of one man’s life on the American cul­ture. On the date of Robinson’s his­toric debut, all Major League teams across the nation cel­e­brat­ed this mile­stone. Also that year, The United States Post Office hon­ored Robinson by mak­ing him the sub­ject of a com­mem­o­ra­tive postage stamp. On Tuesday, April 15 President Bill Clinton paid trib­ute to Jackie at Shea Stadium in New York in a spe­cial cer­e­mo­ny.http://​www​.jack​ier​obin​son​.com/​a​b​o​u​t​/​b​i​o​.​h​tml.

During his major league car­rear Robinson endured the sear­ing heat or racial igno­rance in ball-parks all over America as well as from many with whom he shared a lock­er-room. Robinson was ridiculed, jeered and even spat upon. Today Robinson’s con­tri­bu­tion to his coun­try is incal­cu­la­ble. Many who today invoke Robinson’s name should hang their heads in shame. They use Robinson’s name as they do Doctor King’s to fur­ther their own agen­das. It is the con­tin­ued shame of America to eat it’s great­est lead­ers and cel­e­brate it’s worst dem­a­gogues. Lincoln, Kennedy, Kennedy, King, Malcolm X, Evers , the list of dis­tin­guished Americans sac­ri­ficed is long and var­ied . In the same breath Jefferson Davis, Bull O’Connor, George Wallace and Strom Thurmond Joe Arpio are heroes.

Obama is part­ly to be blamed for the pick­le the coun­try is in, just not in the way some would like to explain it. The pre­vi­ous occa­sion on which the con­fed­er­ate Republicans took the Nation hostage he nego­ti­at­ed with them. This embold­ened them to again adopt this dan­ger­ous, regres­sive, tac­tic as bar­gain­ing lever­age. Here’s the rub, why would the pres­i­dent nego­ti­ate with the Confederate/​Republicans on his sig­na­ture domes­tic achieve­ment ? What prece­dent would he be set­ting for future pres­i­dents by cav­ing to extor­tion? This hostage tak­ing is by one fac­tion, of one house, of one branch of Government. Their job is to fund the Government. How dare they take the entire coun­ty hostage?

Why would Democrats nego­ti­ate with the Confederate/​Republicans after they have closed the Government down to extract what they want from the pres­i­dent? John Boehner the confederate/​Republican Speaker of the house, act­ing like a thug, demands the President nego­ti­ate an end to the impasse he cre­at­ed. Really ? His and his cronies actions are tan­ta­mount to a hostage tak­er who calls the police demand­ing that the cops nego­ti­ate with them so they may extract a ransom.

If ever there was a case of pow­er going to the head of politi­cians this is it. This is the most egre­gious case of abuse of pow­er I have ever seen in my life­time. It is craven, arro­gant, it bor­ders on sedi­tious. In law, sedi­tion is overt con­duct, such as speech and orga­ni­za­tion, that is deemed by the legal author­i­ty to tend toward insur­rec­tion against the estab­lished order.‎The sad thing is, the Confederate/​Republicans don’t even know what they want out of this dan­ger­ous , regres­sive gam­bit. Quote :” We will not be dis­re­spect­ed We have to get some­thing out of this. And I don’t know what that even is.”

downloadRep. Marlin Stutzman (R‑Ind.)


Don’t for­get that this is a man­u­fac­tured cri­sis which is hurt­ing the nation’s econ­o­my and affect­ing the lives of hun­dreds of thou­sands , if not mil­lions of Americans. The anar­chis­tic confederate/​Republicans sim­ply don’t care. This has been their tac­tic for decades, when they don’t have their way, they sim­ply shut the gov­ern­ment down. Remember this car­toon dur­ing the Clinton Administration? These mis­fits should be run out-of-town but they won’t be, these are the elect­ed lead­ers who rep­re­sent spe­cif­ic ger­ry­man­dered con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts in red states. The only cri­te­ria to get­ting elect­ed it seem, is absolute rabid stu­pid­i­ty. Elected Representatives mir­ror the vot­ers who elect them. We have seen and heard some of the things some of these vot­ers say and do, it is no won­der dur­ing the boon years of the Clinton Administration most of the peo­ple liv­ing in cer­tain geo­graph­i­cal areas would ask what boon? They sim­ply refuse to open their minds to new pos­si­bil­i­ties . Racism is one of the cor­ro­sive ten­ta­cle still stran­gling them. These are the same peo­ple who wrap them­selves in the Flag and try to con­vince you they are patri­ots. They are not, they have sold their votes to spe­cial inter­est, coun­try be damned. They are the ones who have the nerve to ques­tion the nation­al­i­ty of oth­ers , they are frauds.