August 31st 2015 I wrote a lengthy Article titled TRUMP’S RISE A CONTINUATION OF WHAT PALIN BROUGHT TO THE PROCESS…
In that article I spoke at length of the frightening rhetoric which had all of a sudden crept into the political discourse with a degree of anger we had not heard before.
I went on to say it was during the election period of 2008 and the introduction of Sarah Palin onto the American political scene that the filthy racist underbelly of America’s race problem came to the fore. For the first time a certain segment of the American population believed that the citadel of white supremacy they built was about to be taken over by a black man with a funny sounding name.
Whether McCain was pushed to select Palin a rabid divisive racist we may never know. Whether McCain knew just how rancid and corrosive her rhetoric would be toward the African-American Democratic candidate we may never know either. But note the time the Tea-Party rose to prominence and judge for yourself.
I believe those old enough to remember the 2008 Elections doesn’t need a reminder of the Xenophobic, ignorant, Racist campaign Sarah Palin waged on behalf of John McCain’s candidacy.
John McCain’s decision to chose Sarah Palin unleashed a brand of racially polarized politics no one in my generation or younger had ever seen before .
In a document titled Partisan Polarization and the Rise of the Tea Party Movement Professor Alan I. Abramowitz Department of Political Science Emory University wrote .
The Tea Party movement has attracted enormous attention from journalists, candidates, and elected officials since it first appeared on the U.S. political scene in early 2009. However, there has been considerable disagreement among political observers about the numbers and motivations of those participating in Tea Party protests, the prevalence of racist sentiments among Tea Party activists, the role played by wealthy individuals, conservative groups and media figures in fomenting these protests, and the potential long-term impact of the movement (Judis 2010; Crabtree 2010; Parker 2010; Scarborough 2010).
In a rather revealing Article published in the New York Daily news Monday October 3rd, President Barack Obama spoke to exactly this truth.
Said the President.
“I see a straight line from the announcement of Sarah Palin as the vice presidential nominee to what we see today in Donald Trump, the emergence of the Freedom Caucus, the tea party and the shift in the center of gravity for the Republican Party,”.
“Whether that changes, I think, will depend in part on the outcome of this election, but it’s also going to depend on the degree of self-reflection inside the Republican Party,” “There have been at least a couple of other times that I’ve said confidently that the fever is going to have to break, but it just seems to get worse.”
“It might not have been representative of Republicans across the country, but it meant that John Boehner or Mitch McConnell had to worry about that mood inside their party that felt that, ‘No, we shouldn’t coöperate with Obama, we shouldn’t coöperate with Democrats.’ That it represents compromise, weakness and that the broader character of America is at stake, regardless of whatever policy arguments might be made,”
The President is correct, we believed this to be true from the moment Senator McCain chose Palin. It’s as if someone had opened up a pandora box releasing an evil Genie emerging with it, a swarm of destructive Locusts none of which could be put back into the bottle.
The President has consistently said he expect the fever to break sooner or later. Thus far the fever seem to be getting worse,even though Palin has demonstrated that she was by far a totally unfit person to be a heartbeat from the presidency.
Even though Palin has proven her irrelevance the damage has been done. Whether or not Trump becomes President the toxicity Palin released into the political environment is here to stay.
Just goes to show that one fool can make many. Or probably more appropriately awaken a lot more.