Obama Agrees: Current Uncompromising, Angry Mood Of GOP Started With Sarah Palin …


August 31st 2015 I wrote a lengthy Article titled TRUMP’S RISECONTINUATION OF WHAT PALIN BROUGHT TO THE PROCESS
In that arti­cle I spoke at length of the fright­en­ing rhetoric which had all of a sud­den crept into the polit­i­cal dis­course with a degree of anger we had not heard before.

I went on to say it was dur­ing the elec­tion peri­od of 2008 and the intro­duc­tion of Sarah Palin onto the American polit­i­cal scene that the filthy racist under­bel­ly of America’s race prob­lem came to the fore. For the first time a cer­tain seg­ment of the American pop­u­la­tion believed that the citadel of white suprema­cy they built was about to be tak­en over by a black man with a fun­ny sound­ing name.

Whether McCain was pushed to select Palin a rabid divi­sive racist we may nev­er know. Whether McCain knew just how ran­cid and cor­ro­sive her rhetoric would be toward the African-American Democratic can­di­date we may nev­er know either. But note the time the Tea-Party rose to promi­nence and judge for yourself.
I believe those old enough to remem­ber the 2008 Elections doesn’t need a reminder of the Xenophobic, igno­rant, Racist cam­paign Sarah Palin waged on behalf of John McCain’s candidacy.

John McCain’s deci­sion to chose Sarah Palin unleashed a brand of racial­ly polar­ized pol­i­tics no one in my gen­er­a­tion or younger had ever seen before .
In a doc­u­ment titled Partisan Polarization and the Rise of the Tea Party Movement Professor Alan I. Abramowitz Department of Political Science Emory University wrote .
The Tea Party move­ment has attract­ed enor­mous atten­tion from jour­nal­ists, can­di­dates, and elect­ed offi­cials since it first appeared on the U.S. polit­i­cal scene in ear­ly 2009. However, there has been con­sid­er­able dis­agree­ment among polit­i­cal observers about the num­bers and moti­va­tions of those par­tic­i­pat­ing in Tea Party protests, the preva­lence of racist sen­ti­ments among Tea Party activists, the role played by wealthy indi­vid­u­als, con­ser­v­a­tive groups and media fig­ures in foment­ing these protests, and the poten­tial long-term impact of the move­ment (Judis 2010; Crabtree 2010; Parker 2010; Scarborough 2010).

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

In a rather reveal­ing Article pub­lished in the New York Daily news Monday October 3rd, President Barack Obama spoke to exact­ly this truth.
Said the President.

I see a straight line from the announce­ment of Sarah Palin as the vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee to what we see today in Donald Trump, the emer­gence of the Freedom Caucus, the tea par­ty and the shift in the cen­ter of grav­i­ty for the Republican Party,”.
“Whether that changes, I think, will depend in part on the out­come of this elec­tion, but it’s also going to depend on the degree of self-reflec­tion inside the Republican Party,” “There have been at least a cou­ple of oth­er times that I’ve said con­fi­dent­ly that the fever is going to have to break, but it just seems to get worse.”
“It might not have been rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Republicans across the coun­try, but it meant that John Boehner or Mitch McConnell had to wor­ry about that mood inside their par­ty that felt that, ‘No, we should­n’t coöper­ate with Obama, we should­n’t coöper­ate with Democrats.’ That it rep­re­sents com­pro­mise, weak­ness and that the broad­er char­ac­ter of America is at stake, regard­less of what­ev­er pol­i­cy argu­ments might be made,” 



The President is cor­rect, we believed this to be true from the moment Senator McCain chose Palin. It’s as if some­one had opened up a pan­do­ra box releas­ing an evil Genie emerg­ing with it, a swarm of destruc­tive Locusts none of which could be put back into the bottle.
The President has con­sis­tent­ly said he expect the fever to break soon­er or lat­er. Thus far the fever seem to be get­ting worse,even though Palin has demon­strat­ed that she was by far a total­ly unfit per­son to be a heart­beat from the presidency.
Even though Palin has proven her irrel­e­vance the dam­age has been done. Whether or not Trump becomes President the tox­i­c­i­ty Palin released into the polit­i­cal envi­ron­ment is here to stay.
Just goes to show that one fool can make many. Or prob­a­bly more appro­pri­ate­ly awak­en a lot more.