NYPD: PBA Tells NY What To Do With It’s Outrage Over Eric Garners Killing


The PBA which rep­re­sents NYPD offi­cers held a press con­fer­ence August 5th 2014. The pur­pose of the Press Conference as they saw it, was to push back at what they see as slan­der of the NYPD by peo­ple who spoke out against them killing 43 year-old unarmed Asthmatic Eric Garner.

Of course, they were quick to name their reg­u­lar whip­ping boy Al Sharpton one of only a few black Americans with the balls to chal­lenge them when they abuse and kill blacks.

Patrick Lynch is well paid to make state­ments in defense of Cops., what he does­n’t real­ize is that he makes him­self less and less rel­e­vant each time he makes these state­ments in sup­port of his col­leagues. Lynch’s com­ments are rel­e­vant to his col­leagues and those who hero-wor­ship cops, no one else.

Police offi­cers are paid to pro­tect the pub­lic. The NYPD has devel­oped a cul­ture of arro­gance which have them believ­ing they are exempt from obey­ing the laws. Separate and apart from phys­i­cal assaults and ques­tion­able killings, they have a his­to­ry of fal­si­fy­ing reports to put peo­ple they do not like in prison.

Lynch insist that the deceased Eric Garner was warned about being in that area a week ear­li­er. That state­ment speaks vol­umes about the atti­tude of NYPD’s offi­cers, who clear­ly have a God com­plex. It is fair to deduce that Eric Garner need­n’t have com­mit­ted any breach of the law on the day he was killed, as some onlook­ers insist (he had­n’t). His mere pres­ence would have been enough for him to be bru­tal­ly assault­ed and sub­se­quent­ly killed in a choke hold by NYPD cops.

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Operating ful­ly as expect­ed they tar­get­ed the young man who video-taped them killing Eric Garner. Ramsey Orta was arrest­ed for Criminal pos­ses­sion of a firearm. Now grant­ed that mis­ter Orta may have a less than stel­lar record , what are the chances the NYPD arrest­ed him pass­ing a gun to a female com­pan­ion as they claimed ? Ramsey Orta’s wife com­plained that NYPD cops staked out their house,and shone lights into their home after he video­taped them killing Eric Garner.

Many peo­ple have long seen some cops includ­ing some in the NYPD as com­mon Gangsters,. If this is true, and there is no rea­son not to believe her, these cops are out of con­trol and are no dif­fer­ent from reg­u­lar mafioso.


On the death of Eric Garner.

That atti­tude is a direct result of the lack of respect for law enforce­ment result­ing from the slan­der­ous, insult­ing and unjust man­ner in which police offi­cers are being por­trayed by race baiters, politi­cians, pun­dits and even elect­ed offi­cials. We are here today to send a mes­sage to all crim­i­nals in every com­mu­ni­ty across our city that the charge of resist­ing arrest is a very seri­ous and dan­ger­ous crime.”

Clearly what Patrick Lynch, who is hired by the Taxpaying cit­i­zens of the City of New York, is telling res­i­dents is, “as long as we feel you are resist­ing we will kill you”. These are not the words of Public ser­vants Such unmit­i­gat­ed arro­gance usu­al­ly comes from Despots and Dictators.

Who works for who?

These thugs demon­stra­bly do not have any respect for the peo­ple who pay their salaries. Not to be out­done the SBA Sergeants Benovolent Assc. issued this state­ment from its President Edward Mullins.

The attacks on the NYPD have become com­plete­ly dis­grace­ful and tru­ly unwar­rant­ed. Police Officer Pantaleo didn’t go to work with the inten­tion of killing any­one. He sim­ply was try­ing to do his job. Would the cir­cum­stances be dif­fer­ent today if Eric Garner was not com­mit­ting a crime or had com­plied with a law­ful order? The men and women of the NYPD are being unfair­ly tar­get­ed by bot­tom feed­ers and politi­cians who have cho­sen to pla­cate a cast of char­ac­ters whose cred­i­bil­i­ty is less than moral. These attacks on the NYPD are wrong, need to stop and the hard work­ing peo­ple of this city need to stand and sup­port the NYPD.”

Anyone who believe that NYPD’S killing of unarmed African-American and Latino men will come to an end any­time soon is gross­ly mis­guid­ed. Nothing short of Federal super­vi­sion of this Department will bring any mean­ing­ful change in atti­tude.

The prob­lem with the NYPD is one of atti­tude.They do not believe they are account­able to the cit­i­zens of New York, and God for­bid cer­tain­ly not the Black and Brown cit­i­zens of the city.

On the arrest Ramsey Orta.

The arrest of Ramsey Orta for crim­i­nal pos­ses­sion of a firearm only under­scores the dan­gers that brought police offi­cers to respond to a chron­ic crime con­di­tion in that com­mu­ni­ty. It is crim­i­nals like Mr. Orta who car­ry ille­gal firearms who stand to ben­e­fit the most by demo­niz­ing the good work of police offi­cers. Sadly, in the effort to keep neigh­bor­hoods like Tompkinsville safe, a tragedy occurred. But that doesn’t change the fact that police offi­cers rou­tine­ly risk their lives for the ben­e­fit of the com­mu­ni­ty and that they have earned their sup­port and understanding.

I guess this is an improve­ment over pre­vi­ous instances when they tell res­i­dents shut the f*** up and call a crim­i­nal next time you need a cop. The fact is the cit­i­zens are less and less sure who is crim­i­nal from who is cop.

One thought on “NYPD: PBA Tells NY What To Do With It’s Outrage Over Eric Garners Killing

  1. Was there a gross dis­play of injus­tice? Yes. My grand­fa­ther was a JP in Jamaica, so I come from a fam­i­ly where the let­ter of the law mat­tered. But time and time again, we look to the law to pro­tect and serve, but whose inter­est does it serve? You see with each report, we ask if it is the rich or priv­i­leged. Here is where this case does­n’t make any sense what­so­ev­er. Was there a pur­pose for it, the vio­lence? Whose inter­est was being pro­tect­ed? The report stat­ed that he was “sell­ing untaxed cig­a­rettes.” But how deeply and quick­ly did they think about what rev­enue to be pro­tect­ed by the law.
    The Federal and State gov­ern­ments have been mak­ing mon­ey off of nico­tine since 1870. It actu­al­ly has reached his­tor­i­cal highs, in the area of $25 tril­lion. Of all the states in the union, New York col­lects the high­est tax­es from the cig­a­rette excise tax. Based on 2009 fig­ures, the Fed has col­lect­ed in excess of $8 tril­lion and of that the states net­ted $15+ bil­lion in tax rev­enue. About 64% of which was col­lect­ed from those con­ve­nient stores on the cor­ner. Now just so you under­stand the rack­et. It is also col­lect­ed world­wide. The top 5 coun­tries con­sum­ing tobac­co is:
    1. China
    2. Japan
    3. USA
    4. Indonesia
    5. and Russia

    Now just let that sink in.

    Does any­one out there actu­al­ly think the 4 to 5 beat and under­cov­er cops thought about how much mon­ey Garner was “steal­ing” from the gov­ern­ment cof­fers? I think that is why we have a prob­lem with the violence.
    Now how about the qual­i­fi­ca­tion to be a cop. Educational requirements:
    • Be a United States citizen
    • Be at least 21 years of age
    • Have a high school diplo­ma or equiv­a­lent education
    • Possess a valid dri­ver’s license
    • Have no pri­or convictions
    Starting salary is $45,000/year and they receive the most expen­sive train­ing in law enforce­ment. Infact, the top base salary for NYPD is $77,000. Now just think these are stats from 2010, so these are low in com­par­i­son to today’s rates.

    Additional Benefits
    • 10 Paid vaca­tion days dur­ing first & sec­ond year
    • 13 Paid vaca­tion days dur­ing third, fourth & fifth year
    • 27 Paid vaca­tion days after 5 years of service
    • Unlimited sick leave with full pay
    • A choice of paid med­ical programs
    • Prescription, den­tal, and eye­glass coverage
    • Annuity fund
    • Deferred Compensation Plan, 401K and I.R.A.
    • Optional retire­ment at one half salary after 22 years of service*
    • Annual $12,000 Variable Supplement Fund (upon retirement)
    • Annual bank­ing of $12,000 Variable Supplement Fund after 22 years of ser­vice (if not retiring)
    • Excellent pro­mo­tion­al opportunities
    • Educational opportunities
    • Additional ben­e­fits are avail­able to mil­i­tary personnel.

    So then the ques­tion on every­one’s mind should be, why? If the rea­son they choked a man, not talk­ing about him being a father, grand­fa­ther, provider, and hus­band, but a human being was because he was steal­ing from the gov­ern­ment mon­ey to be col­lect­ed and mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed any­way. Then we as a soci­ety, are going the way of Rome. Though we don’t have bar­bar­ian tribes at our bor­ders, as some right wingers would have us believe, the econ­o­my, over­ex­pan­sion and mil­i­tary over­spend­ing, gov­ern­ment cor­rup­tion and polit­i­cal insta­bil­i­ty, the loss of tra­di­tion­al val­ues, and the numb­ness regard­ing the mid­dle east and oth­er human rights injus­tices will be our down­fall as a society. 

    usato​day​.com/​m​o​n​e​y​/​p​e​r​f​i​/​t​a​x​e​s​/​2​009 – 03-311-cigarettetax_N.htm

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