images (4)Even as the United States takes it onto itself to dic­tate to oth­er Nations about Human Rights. Cops in city after American city con­tin­ue to kill unarmed black and his­pan­ic men with­out penalty.

Cops in the United States kill peo­ple with a fright­en­ing fre­quen­cy, yet inci­dent after inci­dent gets washedimages (5) away under the pre­text that the sys­tem is trust­wor­thy and these killings are prop­er­ly inves­ti­gat­ed and jus­tice is served.

Well guess what? Justice is not being served when Grand Juries are con­vened in pri­vate with no input from the pub­lic , and cops are exon­er­at­ed as a mat­ter of course.

Instances of Police Thuggery con­tin­ue unabat­ed, Black man killed by cops, bystanders take a few pic­tures, record a few min­utes of video, peo­ple are enraged, they wash away the blood, it’s back to busi­ness as usu­al. We are told that the mat­ter is being inves­ti­gat­ed, but what real­ly hap­pens is that the cops are giv­en a pat on the back for a job well done, sent home with full pay for a few weeks until those milling around are qui­et­ed down and the cycle continues.

images (6)A 400-pound asth­mat­ic Staten Island dad died Thursday after a cop put him in a choke-hold and oth­er offi­cers appeared to slam his head against the side­walk, video of the inci­dent shows. “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” Eric Garner, 43, repeat­ed­ly screamed after at least five NYPD offi­cers took him down in front of a Tompkinsville beau­ty sup­ply store when he balked at being hand­cuffed. Within moments Garner, images (7)a mar­ried father of six chil­dren with two grand­chil­dren, stopped strug­gling and appeared to be uncon­scious as police called para­medics to the scene. An angry crowd gath­ered, some record­ing with smart­phones. “When I kissed my hus­band this morn­ing, I nev­er thought it would be for the last time,” Garner’s wife, Esaw, told the Daily News. Article here: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/staten-island-man-dies-puts-choke-hold-article‑1.1871486

This was an inci­dent where cops need­ed to walk away. These cops seem to have a God Complex . This man was clear­ly doing noth­ing wrong, all they had to do is leave, they did not they chose to kill this man for no reason.

The rea­son they do these things is because there are no con­se­quences for their actions. The black com­mu­ni­ty will have to make a tac­ti­cal deci­sion whether it wants to con­tin­ue to be a com­mu­ni­ty of casu­al­ties or a com­mu­ni­ty which will send these mur­der­ing punks clear and unequiv­o­cal mes­sages that you will not kill our peo­ple and walk away . There were no short­age of super­vi­so­ry offi­cers on scene. The woman with arms akim­bo is a super­vi­sor . She could have stepped in and stopped the gang behav­ior, she did not. This is par for the course, these thugs have no regard for the black com­mu­ni­ty. Yet they will nev­er face up to a black man, man-to-man. This is not Police work these are crim­i­nals in uniform.