Now Joel Hamilton Apologizes For Crass Remarks But Appointment Still An Issue..

We have been on this sto­ry before Jamaican media got wind of it. We report­ed on it fac­tu­al­ly and we said that the com­ments attrib­uted to Joel Hamilton, (if the voice on the record­ing was in fact, his voice), demon­strat­ed (1) that he does not belong in the JCF, (2) that he has scant regard for the JCF as an institution,(3) he has even less regard for the men and women of the JCF whom he just got promoted/​appointed to join and lead.
We said that we would not ele­vate that dis­re­spect­ful out­burst on this site and we stand by that deci­sion.
Nevertheless, the fol­low­ing let­ter released by Hamilton today is a clear and unequiv­o­cal con­fir­ma­tion that the voice note in which Hamilton berat­ed the JCF and mem­bers of that Agency was repug­nant and utter­ly dis­re­spect­ful.
We believe that on that basis this man has no right to the rank and def­i­nite­ly should not be in the JCF.


Even worse, we lis­tened to the Commissioner of Police as he addressed mem­bers of the JCF on the issue and the take­away is that Anderson spoke a lot of words but essen­tial­ly said very lit­tle.
He argued that he was not sure what the uproar was about, a clear indi­ca­tion that they expect­ed this to sim­ply slip by with­out any noise from mem­bers of the JCF.
After all, why would he not expect this to pass muster, the Police are not exact­ly known for stand­ing up for them­selves.
The disin­gen­u­ous thing ulti­mate­ly, is that Anderson’s asser­tion that every­one thought he would have brought along a whole group of sol­diers to take over senior jobs from senior JCF com­man­ders has no bear­ing on the events of the day.
Here’s the thing, Anderson made those argu­ments to jus­ti­fy his rec­om­men­da­tion for an Assistant Superintendent, an untrained JDF sol­dier who is his dri­ver to be accept­ed by the JCFand to be a police offi­cer of zero train­ing.
The lie in all of this, is that Antony Anderson could only have brought over senior mem­bers of the JDF to replace senior mem­bers of the JCF on one con­di­tion.
That they fire the senior offi­cers whose jobs the sol­diers would have tak­en. How exact­ly would they have pulled that off with­out cre­at­ing a major stink in the coun­try?
The pyra­mid scale of the JCF allows only for so many Deputies, and Assistants to the Commissioner as well as oth­ers in the gazetted Ranks.
So the idea that he did not bring but two peo­ple with him, is an attempt to prove a neg­a­tive. A total­ly fraud­u­lent asser­tion.
There is absolute­ly no way they could have pulled it off so that argu­ment is meritless.

Is the com­mis­sion­er of Police enti­tled to an Assistant Superintendent of police to head his secu­ri­ty detail?
That is the ques­tion for the coun­try to con­tem­plate.
If the present com­mis­sion­er of police who came to the JCF with­out any polic­ing expe­ri­ence does not trust the mem­bers of the JCF with his per­son­al secu­ri­ty and on that basis, he wants his long­time body­guard, does that, there­fore, mean that his secu­ri­ty is more impor­tant that the nation’s chief exec­u­tive?
Throughout my life­time the JCF Protective Services Branch has done a stel­lar job of secur­ing, not just Prime min­is­ters and min­is­ters of Government but oth­er dig­ni­taries as well.
To date, there has been no inci­dent that I know of which has cast a neg­a­tive light on the Protective Services Branch of the JCF.
Not even the US Secret Service has that good a record as, they have been accused of all kinds of mis­be­hav­ior in the exe­cu­tion of their duties, includ­ing get­ting drunk on duty and acquir­ing the ser­vices of prostitutes.

This is a bad sto­ry for Anderson and the Administration. Unfortunately, peo­ple are seg­ment­ed and brain­washed into com­plete feal­ty to the two polit­i­cal par­ties that they are unable to under­stand the harm these cor­rupt prac­tices are hav­ing on the coun­try.
So this too will blow over and the grum­bling will stop among the cops because Anderson pat­ted them on the back and every­thing is fine now.
But his dis­re­spect­ful Assistant Superintendent body­guard will still be in place and mem­bers of the JCF from the Rank of Inspector down will salute and say yes sir.
Such a pathet­ic sad affair, the kind which we read of in back­wa­ter banana republics.
Oh, wait just one minute.…..Banana Republic?

2 thoughts on “Now Joel Hamilton Apologizes For Crass Remarks But Appointment Still An Issue..

  1. The PNP over the years has been strate­gi­cal­ly and sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly dis­man­tling the police force to cre­ate employ­ment for their friends and chil­dren by using par­lia­ment to take away agen­cies from the depart­ment under the dis­guise of mod­ern­iza­tion. Installing two usurpers into the Jamaican Constabulary Force is mod­ern­iza­tion and not corruption? 

    Unfortunately, the PNP gave us Colonel Trevor MacMillan a man who was inves­ti­gat­ed by DCP. Leslie Harper for siphon­ing funds from mem­bers of the Jamaica Defense Force when they were sent to Grenada after the assas­si­na­tion of Maurice Bishop and the Jamaican mil­i­tary went there to work with the Americans to restore order. In 1994 the late Michael Manley who was the prime min­is­ter of Jamaica appoint­ed this man to lead the Jamaican Constabulary Force as the Commissioner of Police because the out­go­ing Commissioner of Police Roy Thompson was so cor­rupt that the elit­ists protest­ed that they want some­one from out­side who is not tainted.

    The police force was so cor­rupt that they brought in a man who was being inves­ti­gat­ed by the same agency ( the Jamsican Constabulary Force) to lead it and give orders and instruc­tions to those below him. His (Colonel Trevor MacMillan) first order of busi­ness was to trans­fer Deputy Commissioner of Police Leslie Harper who was in charge of the inves­ti­ga­tion of inves­ti­gat­ing his role in the miss­ing funds. For the Jamaican sol­diers and he pub­licly called Colonel Trevor MacMillan a fraud­ster, a con man, and not an hon­est per­son because he has destroyed evi­dence dur­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion of steal­ing from the sol­diers who were deployed to Grenada. 

    The PNP in agree­ment with JLP gave Jamaica its first civil­ian who was a mem­ber of the Jamaican Defense Force and had no busi­ness lead­ing an insti­tu­tion as the Jamaican Constabulary Force who was under inves­ti­ga­tion for steal­ing from mem­bers of the JDF. So he was appoint­ed because he was from the elit­ist upper ech­e­lon: Right col­or and right zip code.

    Now, we are wit­ness­ing for­mer mem­bers of the Jamaican Defense Force with no law enforce­ment train­ing, and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is enlist­ed into the Jamaican Constabulary Force as a police offi­cer to a gazetted rank. 

    In no oth­er juris­dic­tion world­wide this could hap­pen! Not even a Banana Republic! Where is the out­rage from the elit­ists, edu­ca­tors, and politi­cians? Oh, he’s a part of the hier­ar­chy, and we want to make sure that we keep test­ing the waters until the offi­cer corp of the Jamaican Defense Force are installed into the JCF.

    If the cur­rent mem­bers don’t unite by not only protest­ing but by not show­ing up to work until this usurp­er is kicked out of the police force because he’s not a police offi­cer but an impos­tor. Enough is enough!

  2. The real­i­ty is that far too many peo­ple are either too timid or too intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged to see these truths.


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